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I hate IGN! How many times must I say it?!?!?!?!


3 images a DAY for those of you who do not want to pay for extra previews, etc.


AND NOW!!! Gamespot is turning to the darkside!!!


Stupid premieme service crap:mad: Don't they make enough from the billions of ads all over their site?:mad:

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What IGN doesn't seem to realize, is that most people, when faced with the choices of just three images or registering, they'll choose choice number three: Screw this site. Hello competition.


So they're only sealing their own doom, unless they can get REALLY good REALLY fast.

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Actually IGN had and still has all of the best media. they have more videos then GameSpot has and they are in QT (my favorite viewer)


Still IGN still has good reviewers. In fact the other day I had to resort to IGN because Gamers.com, Gamespot.com, and Koei.com(or whatever their site was called) didn't have anything on Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII, but I went over to IGN and saw they had not one preview...not 2...not 3...not 4...BUT 5! Gamespot didn't even have the game in it's directory!!!


You have to admit IGN is really good...it's just they suck.

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