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Crack-man's goin' to college a year early!

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Is this boarder line spam? yeah. do i care? not really.


But what is important is that i finally got official confermation that I will was accepted into Monroe COmmunity Colleges Early Addmittance Program. So, all the High School losers at Eastridge Sr. High can now KISS MY BIG, ASIAN ASS. W007!!!!!! :D

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Originally posted by Cmdr. Cracken

official confermation that [...] Early Addmittance Program [...] ASIAN ASS.








Are you sure you got accepted?

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The only reason I went to school my senior year was English 12 (whole year), Gym (half year), and Economics (half year, everyone had to take it).

That covered TWO periods out of eight. I had almost nothing to do all senior year. I had <i>three classes</i> I had to pass. I could have slept all day and still graduated.

If I had planned ahead, I could have taken care of all those in eleventh grade and graduated a year early. But I decided a year of slacking was more fun.

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My senior year I had 1 period of english, 2 periods of mechanical drafting, and 5 periods of art class.

And I only had to pass one of them to graduate.

I really could have taken another class and finished up the year before, but I decided I was in no rush for more schooling right away, and I had no real desire to go get a real job.

It was like a years vacation for me.

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For some reason i decided to load my schedual up with classes that are way to hard for me to deal with during my senior year. -A.P English, A.P. Gov. A.P. Statistics, Hnrs Comparitive Religions, Hnrs Zoology

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