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Female Jedi Trainer, Opinions Requested

Infinity Blade

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Mark, This is the THIRD time you've walked into a thread and flamed the original poster. I think you'd better check the guidelines of LucasForums before you do it again, it may just be against the rules. I personally am sick of it, and clearly, others are too. For third time, post some constructive criticism, not this garbage. You're only making a fool of yourself.


"My work speaks for itself" - I still haven't seen any skins from you that are all that speciel, so you don't seem to have any room to talk. Try to think before future posts.


Droidekas: Ego? I didn't see anything remotely resembling ego in Hap's post. He didn't post comments about himself, he only posted comments about the skin, Mark_Li, and skinning in general. Go look up the word 'ego' :p



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Good skin, I'd say make it a little more uniform, it has the mix n match Millennium Falcon look. Remember, almost all women have some sense of fashion and good taste in clothing . . . (Well almost all Jedi can move things with the Force) Hehe.


No actually, it's a great job you've done!


Don't let negatives bring you down. Mark Li is one of those puffer fish in the sea, they gotta blow themselves up in order to feel safe.

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i don't know why anyone should be giving infinity a hard time here- i love this model and i think it's a fantastic variation on the jedi trainer. ... just waiting patiently for the download link. ;)


and a side note: if you want to flame people's skins, go to massassi- that's what their file comments appear to be for.

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In the process of altering the breastplate and the strap for it...


Also adding more fine detail to her shirt, and a little better shading to her.. uhmm.. rounded surfaces.....


A few other things too are being changed as well. It'll be a couple of days yet before I think she'll be done, as I'm working on some other things in skinnng, as well as other projects I've had going for a while.

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yes very neat skin indeed, id like to see a SP npc of her


and to the comments about not looking "jedi-ish", do the jedi trainers look like traditional jedi? no they dont; this skin matches well with the themes in the game.


yeah cool take your time on it its looking good as is; but whenever, release it when you want to, its your skin - but some might be waiting :)

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I don't know if anybody has suggested this to you yet, and it just came to mind when I saw the picture of both Trainers, but I think it'd be really cool if you could make both the male and female trainers emotionally attached to eachother.


Personally, I think they'd make a very good looking team...

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Minor Update:


Haven't worked on it too much.. just experimenting with the part where the breastplate meets up with the strap, started changing the highlights on her breast area, but didn't finish it as of this pic.


Also altered teh face a slight bit, and changed slight texture details here and there.


Just letting you guys know I'm still working on it. Also doing alot of other things at the same time, so you have to be patient with me.




Will have more later.

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Originally posted by Mark_Li

I think you cut and pasted pieces of the male jeditrainer skin onto the jan model and changed nothing save for making them align properly. For this you deserve zero praise, zero critique, and zero credit.


Shows what you know. It's the Tavion model, not Jan. And it's not just cut and pasted, lots of it is new. Besides, what's wrong with reusing Raven's material? It's KICKASS material, so if you can reuse it tastefully, why not?


I'm so sick of these, "WTF that's crap you didn't make it all yourself pixel by pixel it's terrible cuz u used 2 peices from raven u deserve to die ass hole" flames that people are getting. What the HELL is going on inside your SCREWED UP little head, Mark_Li?

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Great work! I love it. :)


Although, if I could make just one suggestion, it'd be: Strip off just a little bit of cothing, like a patch on the leg, or across the stomach.. To make it a bit more feminine-Star-Warsy, and to keep a good difference between the male trainer, and female. :)


-Darth Caedes-

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Not every female model has to be Lara Croft. In fact, it would really make things rather boring. My own opinion is to ignore all requests to make her "sexier." She actually looks very good as she is, although the one suggestion I would have is to eliminate the bit of skin she's showing on her lower thigh. It seems almost out of place, although this cuold just be some personal thought. Then again, many are saying she does not look very Jedi-like [although whomever said that the Jedi Trainer does not either is quite correct, and so she fits well with him]. Even so, it does look slightly out of place as it is.


Oh, and Mark, allow me to add my voice to all of those who are telling you to find something useful to say or to stuff it. Yes, everyone's entitled to an opinion, but some opinions are best kept unvoiced.

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Just so nobody gets me confused, I will label each of my parts-


(Comment) Well, seeing as how it is, for the most part a cut and paste job, there is not much to talk about.


(Criticism) The face lacks any kind of structure or detail.

(Solution) Try using more than just two colors on that part.


(Criticism) Undergarmet mesh looks uber flat.

(Solution) Quit using noise filters with motion blur only. Add depth to it before you add any texture.


(Criticism) Not an original skin.

(Solution) Start from scratch. Really, is it so hard to do? If you are going to do a quick 30 minute cut hap and slash job, do us a favor and don't show anyone. If you write an essay and you use someone elses work, you don't expect an experienced teacher not to run it through a plagurize checking program. Learn how to use the program other than the select tool and make something original. You will learn far more, and become far better for it. Even if it looks like crap, you can post it up here. Expect to get some honest opinions, but if you are serious about it, you will find what is wrong and be able to fix them. And if it still doesn't look good, get rid of it and start on a new one. The more you make them, the better you will get. How do you think I got from this:


to this:


Didn't happen overnight, and it didn't happen because I cut and pasted my way to the top.

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Didn't happen overnight, and it didn't happen because I cut and pasted my way to the top.



The Man... The Myth... The Legend...



You see Droidekas, That's Ego.


And another thing, I am making original skins. Alot of original skins, some being for mods, others not. Don't assume to know so much about a person and their work by one or two posts ya read on something unfinished.


This skin is unfinished, and I don't have time to work on it as much as others. I guess I appreciate your "opinions and criticism", as far as they go on the little I have done with this...


As far as the whole "original skin" debate. If you wanna talk about that, take it to a new thread.

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Originally posted by infinity_blade


You see Droidekas, That's Ego.



If you are implying about the:


Didn't happen overnight, and it didn't happen because I cut and pasted my way to the top.


I was referring to the difference between my first skin, and one of my latest skins. Not that my latest is the best in the galaxy.


And if it was about my sigature, I didn't say that, my teachers have said that about me and some of my friends have. That, and I couldn't put my little signature picture in there because of the weak bandwidth on this message board.

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