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Female Jedi Trainer, Opinions Requested

Infinity Blade

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Blade. As you know, I'm kind of against free praises. Your skins looks good, some stuff I still don't like but I will mention more has you move more into it. A person I admire most once said "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." So keep going! Your talent is evident and I misjudged it from the first screenshots.


Kman, thanks for explaining your signature, it has been quite disturbing, it sounded kind of "professional wannabe". And It would have been just sad had it been self proclaimed. Just a critic, I would love to see a more serious tutorial on skinning. You can clearly manage more than sprites. But it's good to see that you take time to rummage trough the skinning forum and give some advices. A little harsh, but good nonetheless! (better even!):)

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personnally, i like it, whether or not its cut and paste or whatever.


if you havent noticed, this is THE only thread to have reached page two of the skinning forum. almost brought it back up from the depths.


and we really need some more female skins. (and stop using jan, no matter what you do she will always look like jan.)



BTW, i think if people used the skinning forum to show work on skins for new models, then that would be better for traffic. might even balance out the posts between the two, who knows...

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I think the main reason we haven't been seeing different looks in the Jan skin is because people haven't been trying hard enough,...


Here's a little something I've been kicking around, just to see what I could come up with.


Jan Face Experiment 1


But of course anything I do will probably be destroyed by JKII's wacky-crap lighting anyway,...

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ireally wish icould do what our fellow friend is doing, would please me loads and get me more into skinning for games, ilike to model (well try atleast) but id love toreskin/edit/orstart over but it looks impossible for me, idont get it, ireally need help on it, how to create textures just baffles me.


on a good term, ifeel the skin is great, the male and female jedi pic wen they are together looks cool, as if there bro n sis or somthing, ilove, hope to see more great work :)

keep skinning as well till you reach the top :D same with all the other great and new skinniners out here. craig"opul/sevled"delves xx

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I think the skin looks good. It's a shame that there are only 3 types of female skins in JKO. I keep trying to find skins for my fiance so that she'll want to play more and I think this one is pretty good. My suggestion would be to make it mostly one piece and addd those textures over it. I'm not big on showing too much skin (I don't think it looks overly star warsish) (opinion based on the movies). Anyway...


Also, the reason that Jan doesn't get more skins made from her is that STUPID HAND! Obviously the modeler for her didn't have us in mind when he/she created it.

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i think the skin is WONDERFUL! brings out the life of a Star Wars Lady Commando (very sexy) excelent work im going to start skinning myself soon


and marky, if your going to make a comment make it helpful not:

What a piece of #@@#$ and why is her @#$ so #%$#%, lazy people!. Instead say what should be changed. if you cant do that kick the wall.

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Boy, ask for an opinion...

Anyway, I like the skin (considering tavion and jeditrainer are my least favorite, that's saying something), especially the face, there needs to be more female faces (jan's nasty, and don't get me started on tavion the court jester). I think people don't understand what you were going for (uh, a female jedi trainer) and as such it NEEDS to look like male jedi trainer. Some people though. I can't speak for anyone else, but being a total freakin noob, modifying existing skins is about the only way to get into skinning (i know you're not a noob infinity), so people should lighten up. If someone has modified an existing skin, they know it, so just tell them how you like the changes. Most people I know make skins ( or models, or whatever ) cause they like them and think maybe someone else will too, not to get praise. Of course, I don't post anything (afraid of the death threats).


p.s. check the avatar for my modified jedi skin. HEAR? IT'S MODIFIED! HA HA HA HA! I'd do it again!

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Well, I haven't been able to skin teh past couple days due to real life events.. Work, Family... Hundred degrees in my computer room.... :)


There's also some talk between me and some others about starting a possible mod group... maybe releasing some skin pack(s) of a fairly decent size. I was thinking maybe releasing this skin in such a pack...


But at this point, that's just a mere possibility. I'll get back to skinning as soon as I get my air conditioner installed....




I'm Melllllllllllllllllttttttiinnnnnnnnnnnng!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Originally posted by Guardian Omega

Very, very well done. One problem though, it doesn't look like it represents the Jedi, more like the Dark Side. The Jedi are a peaceful race, while this skin is more like a badass one, perfectly like the Dark Side.


been thru that.... does the in-game trainer look like a "jedi"? not really. this one matches the game theme very nicely; and the jedi are not a race, they are an order, and the new jedi order, well, isnt so set up to be as wise and peaceful as the knights of the old republic

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Sorry, I've been away for so long... between some things in real life and... well.. a few other games I was wanting to try out.... :)


Let's just say I got pretty sidetracked.


I should be back into skinning soon. I think I'm gonna start doing some modelling as well, but I'll likely finish the current skins and send them out before I start any new projects....


I'm not exactly sure how long till she'll be out. I've got a couple of things I want to try for the look, and I've still got some other projects I "Should" be working on first. ;)


Anyway, I'll do my best to keep you guys updated, and thanks for sticking around the thread. Should have more for you soon.

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i think it looks great and its a fantastic idea. Yes the face and shoulder/chest area still needs more detail, but you said its incomplete so i'm trusting you will do that. I think on the face, the eyes look a little to dark and droopy if you can help that, and she looks kind of like a druggie or something :p.

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Originally posted by infinity_blade

Sorry, I've been away for so long... between some things in real life and... well.. a few other games I was wanting to try out.... :)


Let's just say I got pretty sidetracked.


I should be back into skinning soon. I think I'm gonna start doing some modelling as well, but I'll likely finish the current skins and send them out before I start any new projects....


I'm not exactly sure how long till she'll be out. I've got a couple of things I want to try for the look, and I've still got some other projects I "Should" be working on first. ;)


Anyway, I'll do my best to keep you guys updated, and thanks for sticking around the thread. Should have more for you soon.


well, personally, i think it could be released as-is, although i havent played with it, so i maybe there are problems that can only be seen in-game


but basically, it sounds like you are busy, and i think, it may be better for you to get this one done and over with; before it gets placed on the back-burner (again)


cuz, we really need good-looking female skins that arent jan clones and/or are gratuitously nude

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