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The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy


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You all know the rules, new players welcome, yadda yadda.


Last time on "The Cantina": "Deac! NOOOO! Muhahaha! I'm Cracken Reborn and you all will die!" "Deac Starkiller! I need your help!"



*A cowled figure sits in the cantina, sipping a Terkiom Electrode, a drink that would normally give humans horrible electric shocks. He notices the gargoyle enter.*


Scanning Memory: Subject-Termand Rwos-my...my friend.


The Deac Starkiller you will remember is gone....


*The figure removes his cowl. A scarred, cybernetics covered section is shown, but the rest of the face has been reconstructed with synthflesh. It is unmistakably-


Deac Starkiller* [bet you saw this coming, huh?]


Rwos...I'm sorry you thought I was dead. But I was recovered by scavengers after the battle, and taken to a cybernetic reconstruction lab. Then I came here. I heard the news, but it's not all bad.

I can still use the force.

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*Deac notices that Rwos' face is set, not responding to him. Then he notices that the rest of the people in Cantina do not notice Rwos either. Then Rwos looks directly at him....and shakes his head. He moves his lips, but Deac can't hear the words; Now I'm hallucinating.


Rwos turns and walks directly through several of the other bar's patrons to a corner of the cantina. He raises his hand and telekinetically picks up a device he had attached to the wall of the Cantina long ago. With a wave, he moves the device towards himself. It flashes blue and becomes intangible as it approaches Rwos' body, as if passing through a field. Rwos catches the device and attaches it to his belt, next to his teleporter. He mouths more words. That's the last of the markers...and the last time I visit this place for all time. Now I have only one thing left to do before I leave this dimension...vengeance.


Rwos walks out of the Cantina, still oblivious to Deac's voice. He passes through several more oblivious people on his way out. He does not look back.


Someone else grabs Deac's arm.*


Deac Starkiller! I've been waiting for you! Wait...are you Deac Starkiller?


*Rwos is now long gone*







((OOS: I want Rwos to go after Cracken for the time being...and my new character, Starr Hailfire, needs your help, Deac and other Cantina-ers! Don't worry, all shall come together in the end ;)


EDIT: You can see Rwos because you're a cyborg I presume. He's phased out with his teleporter like in the ending of the Cantina 4


Re-Edit: Can I invite some people from other forums to join the Cantina? I think it might make things more interesting. :)




The rules are:


You pick a character, state your name, race, occupation, and what you are carrying. (Up to 10 items) Old players don't need to post character data (unless asked for, I guess?). Remember to state who you're replying to. Try to keep in character.

No killing other players in just one post. If you have a dispute with a player here, take it somewhere else!


Note: These are the original Cantina rules, modified due to thread evolution. :D


/end OOS))

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*Flax' etheral vissage apears.*


Flax: Deac I hope you still have my saber!


*Flax extends a hand, a bolt of white lightening shoots out of Deac's chest*


*The bolt enters Flax, and he promtly dissapears.*


(OOS: Can you gues whats coming next?)

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Starr Hailfire, reformed mercernary, Force adept. Human. Carrying a blaster rifle, ammo, customized datapad and comlink, crimson lightsaber, miniature Hailfire missile launcher, and a few other tools of the merc trade. Has come to seek out the great Deac Starkiller, genetically engineered Jedi, for guidance, training, and help on an as yet undisclosed mission...


((OOS: Umm, Battledog? Did you intend to delete one of those posts? *puzzled*))

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(A snippet of conversation raises it's volume level loud enough to be heard by the patrons sitting at the table. Two old drunks are sitting around talking about someone new...)


Drunk 1: So, who's the new guy? He looks like hot stuff. But who knows with kids these ::hiccup:: days? At least his ship is nice.


Drunk 2: Yeppers. I hear his name is somethin' like Watani... no, Lakadi... no... uh... umm...


#1: Oh wait! (He has to pause, as he rebalances himself on the bar stool) I've heard of this kid. His name is Chass, he said, misprounouncing the first syllable of his last name to sound like "Chase" instead of the correct "Case." Katani Chass.


#2: No. That can't be it. (Sits at the bar puzzling to himself over what the name of this enigmatic person could be, oblivious that the correct one had already been given.)


#1: (Now standing, walking over to Chass. As he does, he starts talking to the rest of the customers at the bar, telling the story he'd heard about this youngster.) Katani Chass comes from Kuat. But, dissatisfied with the life of men on Kuat, he left. Since then he's been on the run from Kuati officials for the alleged robbery of over 90 million credits in hard currency and jewels from a distinguished Kuati family. Obviously this must be why he wears such an obvious disguise! (With this he reaches Chass and pulls off the wig of long blonde hair Katani wears, revealing the short cropped black that is natural to the young man.) Now, said the drunk, rumor has it that this man is very dangerous. He has hopped from system to system, looking for a way to exact venegance on the Kuati nobles and everyone in the galaxy who has ever told bad jokes. Unfortunately for Katani, he doesn't have the power of the Force to guide him, or any fancy muscles or anything else, although rumor has it he'll give you hell in a starfighter. All he carries is the body armor he wears and a rather unique weapon: the CoRonal Electroincendiary Device, or CRED for short. Perhaps you'd care to give us a demonstration of this great weapon Mr. Chass?


Katani: Sure. (With that he reaches under his coat, pulling out a weapon of similar shape and size to that of a blaster rifle, though far more concealable. He quickly snaps gun up to aim at the ceiling, then slowly lowers it to point straight at the drunk's chest. The drunk must have been more drunk than Katani thought, he never even moved. Slowly, almost melodramatically, he pulls the trigger. When it reaches the firing point, flash emits from the muzzle, and the drunk is thrown back about ten feet into a table. What is more shocking though, is the transformation that the drunk undergoes as he flies that short distance. In the half second it took him to get from one point to another, all of his skin melted, all small pieces of flesh (eyes, nose, fingers, ears) burned to a crisp and his internal organs exploded, leaving blood to pour from his bodily orifices, which quickly turned to a red steam upon leaving the body. All in all, a rather grisly death.) So, Katani continues, like the man said, I'm looking for revenge. And the only person I can think of who can take on the Kuati nobles, outside of Darth Vader, and I'm pretty sure he's already dead, is Deac Starkiller...

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*Ignites his silver saber across Starr's throught.*


Flax: Easy there friend. Lesson one, Jedi don't kill neadlessly.


*Flax brings his saber down across Katani's weopon. He slices the first third of the muzzle off, rendeering the weopon useless.*

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Rwos is leaving...damn...my friend...gone...but I know it's not because of me. It's all that damned Cracken's fault.


Hey man...we don't kill needlessly here. *Clicks head, removing synthflesh shroud* [Deac is not fully borged, just some machinery in place of destroyed tissue and a few chips. The synthflesh covers almost all of the machinery on his exterior]


Why did you do that? I'm not in the mood for this right now, my friend just went after a real nasty guy and I intend to follow him. Anyone who wants to fry Warlord Cracken is welcome to follow!

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*Deep in the heart of space, somewhere beyond the Outer Rim, a massive group of star ships could be seen. Upon closer, inspection, it's a grand Imperial Fleet... the entire Remnant fleet and then some. Some being a Super Star Destroyer, the Titan, and her escorts, it was much like the old days of grand Imperial might.


The time was now.

Tojo walked up to the command chair on the Titan , Cracken sitting in it*

Tojo: My lord, the fleet is assembled, our destination?

Cracken: Mon Calimari.

Tojo: yes, my lord.


*The fleet entred hyperspace. hours later, it appeared over Mon Calimari, destroying all resistance. the first Imperial strong hold. The Battle for Mon Calimari was short, the Calimari people and thier ship yards were no match for the fury of the TIE Defenders and the new TIE Vultures. Over the course of a few days, the Calimari ship yards were converted to produce Star Destroyers, and a new Super Star Destroyer was started, the Vengence.


Cracken smiled. he would retake every inch of this Galaxy, or destroy it...

Leaving a sizeable defense force behind, he began what his father requested. His grand tour of the galaxy, spreading his grand fleet to subjugate and control. His armies landed, taking cities and planets in thier wake. Kessel, Nal Hutta, All across the Outer Rim, planets one by one fell to the Imperial Armed Forces. The last planet to fall was Tatooine. Imperial troops landing, Closing on teh Cantina in Mos Eisly.

Cracken, in orbit over the planet, waved to Tojo. he noded, and gave the helm instructions. Head Core Ward.

The fleet again, entered hyperspace. The Shadow of the Empire once again fell over the Galaxy. AT Corellia, CorSec scrambled what defenses they had, but it wasn't enough. The Imperial Fleet was too large. Corellia surrendured, two cities bombed, and thier Security force all but gone.*

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((OOS: This is sort of a prologue…what happened between the two Cantina threads))


Cracken's brutal and lightning offense took the Republic off guard. Within days, Mon Calamari was taken. Swiftly afterwards, Nal Hutta and Kessel were struck while the New Republic's fleet was still mobilizing. Now, just as the fleet is finally ready to take on Cracken, he has boldy appeared right in their presence and brought the entire force of the newfound Imperial might down on unsuspecting Corellia. That planet has fallen as well, the Republic's fleet is barely ready, …and the Empire is back under a Dark Lord of the Sith.


Termand Rwos, believing Deac Starkiller to be dead, killed by his own friends thanks to the Sith Lord Cracken, has bitterly done nothing but watch as the New Republic falls. He has collected all things he has left in this dimension as a way of severing his ties. As his last action before leaving forever, he wants only one thing; to kill Grand Admiral Cracken.


While all this has been going on, Deac Starkiller has been being reconstructed into a cyborg on Tatooine. Even as these events are taking place, Corellia has just fallen.




*Rwos enters hyperspace outside Tatooine. Destination: Corellia.*


Time to pay, Cracken.

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Around the cantina, as Katani's CRED was sliced apart and rendered uselsess, cloaked heads begin to look up. The commotion is more than enough to draw the attention of everyone in the bar, yet this group of beings all look extremely similar. Their steely grey skin, their protruding jaws. Hailfire gets it first.


Starr Hailfire: Those are Noghri...


Chass: Well, I see I can't get anything by you, now can I? Yes, that's right. You see, that little introduction that was just given was for the sole purpose of distracting everyone so that these friends of mine could get into place.


It becomes obvious now, as the Noghri shake off their cloaks, that there are more than the group in the middle can deal with. Twelve of them are arranged in a loose circle, and from the number of guns poking through aiming holes, there were at least five more behind closed doors.


Katani: You must understand, Deac Starkiller, that you are a wanted man. Your exploits are famous throughout the galaxy, and into places beyond, and many people want you dead. Including the ruling nobles of Kuat. This "person" that I just fried was really a droid...well mostly. He did have some living parts to him, so I guess you'd call him a cyborg. But he'll never be missed. He was hardly even sentient, just made to look so. So, unless your friends believe they alone can take on the significant number of Noghri here, as well as the fleet in orbit, I 'd suggest you surrender. You, I must bring back alive, but your friends won't be so fortunate should they resist.


The question hung silent in the air for a moment, as everyone awaited Deac's answer.

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Look, you scum sucking filth, I want to help the Republic, and I'm not going to get some OTHER power hungry noble get in my way. Besides you don't want a clan war with


*Shows crest* House Starkiller of Atredis, formally House Talon.


Now, everybody, we're leaving. I've heard the Republic needs help.


*The noghri attempt to block Deac's escape by throwing a dagger in his back. Deac withdraws it and sighs*


Your butcher blades do nothing to cold adamantium , so I advise you to leave if you don't want to help.

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*In a breifing room aboard the Titan, which was now stiull in orbit over Corellia, Cracken's Admiral Tojo was briefing him on the current military action and successes.*

Tojo: Most of the old sectors have been re-established, with the refugee Imperial Govoners back into power. The Moff system is re-established as well, as old Imperial Alliances are coming back into our fold, with our recent sucess.


Cracken: and the Outer Rim?


Tojo: just a few outlier star systems are still not under Imperial control...*Tojo dimmed the lights, and a map of teh galaxy appeared* Sernpidal, Almania, Endor, and Helska are still under Republic flags, however, battle groups are en route to restore the Empire there. Inner Rim, Bilbringi has sworn alligence to our side. they have started producing fighters, as well as our Star Destroyer Class warships. My lord, the Empire is fully entrenched in the Galaxy. The Repub...


Cracken: what word from Kuat?


Tojo: they... um.. haven't responded, my lord.


Cracken: then that is our destination. Make ready your fleet, Admiral.


Tojo: yes, my lord.

*Tojo walks out to make preparations. Cracken stayed inside the briefing room, stareing at the galactic map. His fathers Holocron said that any action taken against the Republic would result in Kuat's uptmost support in the cause. Troubling. but no longer a problem. Kuat would join his cause. Or be eliminated.*

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*Starr waves his unfolded missile launcher threateningly at the stunned noghri on his way out, then turns his attention back to Deac*


So you are the great Deac Starkiller! I bet you see things like this every day, don't you? I know you can help me now...and I certainly need help. You know the guy leading the Imperials right now? His name is Cracken, and he's a Sith lord...the Sith lord who brutally murdered my family... *Starr pauses with emotion* My parents had the gifts of the Jedi...the same gifts I inherited. They tried to stop Cracken, when I was just a baby. They fought, and Cracken won... When I grew up, I came back to my homeworld, to find my parents...still unburied...and holos left showing their deaths...*Starr appears to be fighting tears, then his expression turns to anger* I swore that I would destroy him. I learned as much as I could of the Jedi arts from my father's journal. I even built my own lightsaber. But I'm not powerful enough to confront Cracken. And lately, I've been getting visions of the Sith himself...taunting me...

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[To Wuher] You can charge House Starkiller for this...


*Deac uses the force in a way never done before. He raises the floor around the Kuati to create a barred cell. The noghri rush to help their master, but it will take time to break him out.*


Let's be off party. Docking bay 82.

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My motive isn't vengeance! I just want to be left alone! Who are you, anyway? *to Flax*






*Across the galaxy, Termand Rwos' fighter comes out of hyperspace in Corellian space. The Imperial fleet is dead ahead, moving to make the jump to beyond lightspeed.*

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After breaking out of his makeshift cell, Katani broods at the bar. He realizes that Starkiller is far gone by now. When one of the Noghri questions whether he should follow Deac's party, Chass simply replies to the negative. Though the Noghri could catch them, he doubted they'd be able to take the whole lot of them. He'd underestimated someone's ablilities again. But now he swore that this would be the last time.


Chass: Team one; we're going to the ship. He takes out a comlink Rakkhran, prep for take off. He says, obviously talking to the ship


Somewhere in deep space, the entire protective fleet of Kuat, along with over three-quarters of it's civilians, all safe in their military transports, wait for the return of their leader, Katani Chass. They have abandoned Kuat not out of fear or cowardice, but because they simply didn't want to be there when the shooting started. You see, they had an ace up their sleeves.


Cracken's military fleet entered the Kuat system in a standard formation; a few lighter capital ships out front, with the main bulk safely behind. They are surprised though, when they find the planet to be all but deserted. In fact, the only thing giving life-form readings was a small, cyndrillical ship in the center of the ship yards, pointing in their direction.


The Last Chance was crewed by a few brave volunteers off of Kuat, no one had been forced to stay. Even though every Kuati from top of the ladder to bottom of the hierarchy thought this would work, the technology was still experimental. The fleet had arrived though, and systems were primed. There was no turning back now.


It started out small. What seemed to be a spark, even under distance magnification of the highest magnitude grew into a full-fleged cone of blazing white fire in a few seconds.


The Carrack-class Cruiser Spearhead was the first ship into a system when it accompanied the main Imperial task force. Though a dangerous position, the crew took pride in their position, and as a result had become a crack scout unit, able to pinpoint gaps and weakpoints in enemy defenses in seconds. This time had been no different. Well, except for the fact that the enemy seemed to have no defenses, save for that single ship left in the middle of the ship yards. The crew looked on curiously as the cone of fire grew toward them, and finally began to engulf their ship.


A wave of fire, looking for the world like some star gone nova in only one direction washed over the Spearhead, washing over all it's surfaces, covering every nook and cranny. Then, it was passed. And nothing seemed to have happened. The ship didn't even have any burn marks on it. It appeared the Last Chance had failed.


(Aboard the Last Chance )


The captain looks fervently around, checking his status monitors, even though he knows the radiation from the blast won't make anything remotely reliable for another fifteen seconds or so. Just then, a lieutenant called him over, to look a screen he'd just hacked to display images from the security cameras of the Spearhead. The Captain couldn't believe his eyes. Each camera switched views every ten or so seconds, which was good because that's all one could stand to look at any one of these images. Inside every room of the Spearhead, pasted to every floor, was at least one body. Their skin had been charred, their eyes, ears and hair burnt to a crisp, and on each, some part of their skin had split, to let spill out the roasting organs inside.


Katani Chass exited hyperspace about ten kilometers from the Kuati fleet moving at a signifcant fraction of the speed of light. He immediately recieved a hailing from the command ship Spirit of Kuat.


"Sir, this is Major Lee Taurin. We've just recieved word from the Last Chance. They say 'Mission accomplished.'

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Starr: *shakes Flax's hand* Starr Hailfire, Jedi adept. Former mercernary. You name it, I can blow it up. Unless it's got people...I don't like to kill. I'm looking for someone to train me in the ways of the Jedi...all I know has come from my father's old books.


*to Deac* Hey, I knew your friend Termand Rwos once...whatever happened to him?

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*Cracken watches as his fleet is being dismantled by the Kuat Defense Corps new weapon. His anger boiled*


Cracken: TOJO, Enter Hyperspace IMMEDIATLY to Coruscant.


Tojo: My lord, it's too early, we cannot retri...


Cracken: The Force will aid us. My Fathers project will be operational, and in our hands, the KUAT will pay DEARLY for thier treason!




*Tojo, now fearing for his life, nodded at the helm. The Mighty Imperial fleet now move to exit vector, and left the system.


Coruscant. Space lanes were crowded today, as the Republic was providing security check points. The latest Imperial Surgence gave alot of people reason to conduct anti-republic terrorist activities on the Capital world. However, they were not ready for this.

Near the third moon of Coruscant, the Imperial fleet exited hyperspace, in a defensive array. The massive starships went into a sphere formation around the moon, as if something dear was on it.*

*Cracken tapped a panel on his command chair aboard the Titan, and spoke*

Cracken: Engage protocal 9714, confirmation, Crimson Star.

*The Massive Super Star Destroyer engaged it's engines, it's helm paniked. they didn't touch the controls! They look at thier lord, only to be shocked as they saw him smile.

A collision course had been set for the moon.... just when it looked as it was going to crash, the moon surface... moved. Like a giant docking bay. It opended up, and swallowed teh Super Star Destroyer, then closed.


An un manned station aboard the bridge suddenly sprung to life, and a team of scientist suddenly were on the bridge, and rushed to it. They looked at Cracken*


Hojo: My Lord, teh Crimson Star is in perfect condition. Engage the Magnetic fields, and the anti-matter generator?


*Cracken nodded, and Hojo pressed the control panel.

Suddenly, teh entire ship shook for a second, as the power magnetic generators kicked in. the lights flickered, then resumed. Outside, lights begain to flciker on, and a massive Generator could be seen. The Crimson Star's Anti-matter generator, it's magnetic field generator, and the power core. The combined mass filled the empty armored shell. the crew was amazed.


From teh outside, the Entire moon surface changed. it's largest crater recesed, and moved revealing a large cannon device. the anti matter launcher. More craters moved, revealing turbolaster, laser, and missle launchers. Three craters moved, revealing mobile tracking Superlasers. Suddenly, the moon began to turn! It rotated on it's axis, and came to bear on the Second Moon of Coruscant. It's Anti-Matter cannon flickered, then fired a deadly missile, no larger than a pen, at the moon.


Silence, the entire planet held thier breath.


A flash of light, so bright the entire planet was enguled in white. when the white cleared, the moon was gone. Across the moon side face of the planet, a massive shockwave could bee seen heading toward the planet. People panicked, running for thier homes, hoping for protection in thier feeble city. The shcok wave hit the upper shields, resounding a large boom, which destroyed several windows. it broke through, hitting the Lower shield, only to be dissapated. Coruscant's shields were out.

The Army scrambled for an invasion, but it never came. The Crimson Star, it's fleet, entered hyperspace.*


*Kuat. The kuati's were reveling in thier victory, when suddenly, a massive contact was seen on thier scopes. They saw teh Crimson Star for the first time. Panic set in, as they saw that a superlaser was pointed in thier direction.

A green laser eminated from the moon, destroying the Last Chance.

It tured it's Anti-matter cannon on the largest Moon colony of Kuat, and fired. Just like Coruscant, the moon dentonated in a briliant white flash, and the resulting shockwave actually struck the planet, cutting through several cities, leveling them. clouds of smoke and dirt could be seen from where the shockwave hit. the death toll was catastrophic. The cannon again, fired, this time directly at the planet, heading straight for Kuat's capital city. it hit. only the planet destroying blast was not created. a smaller detonation, destroying teh Kuati capital building, along with 7 blocks of city.


Kuat surrendured. The Empire had thier shipyards back.*

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((OOS: Some of you will have to repost, some of the posts were lost in the merge))



*Deac seems to be lost in thought. Starr pokes him*


Starr: Where is Termand Rwos at the moment? I was so hoping to see him again...




*Termand Rwos' fighter exited hyperspace in Kuat space, cloaking field activated, as the superweapon Crimson Star fired on the Last Chance. The blinding green beam of light annihilated the ship almost casually. Then the...moon's largest cannon rotated to bear on the colony moon behind the burning rubble of the Last Chance. Rwos' sensors registered a minitaure projectile loaded with only two grams of antimatter fired from the cannon and smash into the moon. The moon detonated in a blinding flash of light, and Rwos sensors showed the shockwave hit Kuat's surface. It actually forced the atmosphere out of the way in it's path, and screams erupted in Rwos' open comlink as the shockwave must have hit the ground. In horror, Rwos snapped his comlink off, even as the Crimson Star rotated it's cannon and snapped off a much smaller dose of antimatter at Kuat itself.*


Only enough to take out a few blocks...Sithspit. I don't believe it. The superweapon is real...and ultimate power is in the hands of a Dark Lord of the Sith. The same scum who killed Deac Starkiller...


*Rwos reactivated his fighter's drive system, and flew invisibly towards the flying moon overshadowing the Imperial fleet.*

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