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The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy


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Dusting himself off, Odin mumbles: you never got me my ale. Kicks Starr in the stomach and walks off.


"40 seconds remaining" and the Aesirian fleet enters the system. The most noteable of the ships are Two large ships. They appear to be Dragons, with a blueish grey color, and about the size of an SSD. There are also about 75 other ships of various size, all the designs have never been seen by the rest of the galaxy.


The ships come in system on the other side of the planet, which happens to be the flight path of Crackens escape shuttle. Upon entering the system a sudden comm transmission is made from the planet directed at the ships. It is heavily coded, and in a different language.


Vidar: Ensign lock on to that shuttle leaving the system, hold it in a a tractor lock, and do not release him until Odin is on board. Then activate a force bubble, and do not follow any other orders until the first one is accomplished. (Vidar's thoughts: If spies on Corscant are correct that has to be Cracken's shuttle)




The Shuttle is jarred to a stop as ten extermly powerful tractor beams are placed on it.


Vidar: Open a comm channel to the shuttle. I assume I'm Dressing Cracken. If you do not release Odin, and the Einherjar wrongfully capture aboard your vessel you will be killed. If you release him and the Einherjar, we will allow you to leave, and go where you want. The Aesir care nothing about your petty squables over a few planets.


If you do not believe that we will destroy you, I will give you this small warning. nodes to an officer, and suddenly two shots are fired at the shuttle. The first strips the shuttles shields, the second destroys the hyperdrive. You are now without shields, and without a hyperdrive.


Deliver us Lord Odin now or perish.


Vidar now awaits a reply from crackin

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*Cracken sits, brooding. He takes his controller for the magnetic shields........ he pushed the button.


On the Star, klaxxons sound and lights flash.*


Good afternoon, the Magnetic shields are down. Anti-matter reaction in 5 minutes. Please make your way to the nearest hyperspace capable ship. Thank you

*All across the Star, control panels flash fry themselves. In the bridge, the shield controls explode, and the generators themself explode in a briliant light.*


GO ahead, kill me, you're all dead anyway. 4 minutes, 40 seconds

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As the Sanity's Requiem dropped out of hyperspace, things had gone to hell around Coruscant. The Crimson Star was about to explode, perhaps billions could die on Coruscant... and Katani had done none of it. And that thought angered him most. When he saw the fleet that had entered the system in contrast to Lord Cracken, he became enraged. When he saw that his Star Destroyer had left him, he became livid. Someone had to die.


Almost instantly Nuclear shells were flying toward the unkown fleet, but they seemed much more resilient than they looked. Only one ship was completely obliterated, though another dozen were taken out of the battle, crippled. And then, all of a sudden, Cracken's control over his mind ceased. It was as if a light switch had been snapped off, and he'd finally seen the truth for how dark it was. And then, he rememberd his mission:


Kill Deac Starkiller...


And, from the looks of it, Deac Starkiller was aboard the Crimson Star.


So, thought Katani, shall the prophecy be fulfilled. It seems I must destroy the Star and Deac shall be mine. All shall be mine. None shall stand in my way. Death comes to you, for I am the hearalder of Doom, and Sorrow is my footman.

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Time freezes.


Katani Chass, cannon raised at the Crimson Star, floats in the middle of space unmoving. The awe-inspiring Aesirian fleet looms above Cracken's shuttle and Katani's Conqueror in midmotion but never gets closer.


Inside the Crimson Star, a brilliant golden glowing ball of light appears above the frozen bodies of Starr Hailfire, Termand Rwos, Flax Talkin, Odin the Aesir, and Deac Starkiller. Then a red light appears, then a blue. The gold one speaks first.


Gold: Once again Starkiller is about to meet death. This time, he is about to go out with the heart of the universe.


Red: Once again we must step in. We cannot allow these mortals to die yet. We have waited far too long and taken far too many risks.


Blue: Have more faith in these mortals. They will find a way.


Gold: No. I have seen it. They will either save themselves, or sacrifice themselves to save countless others. There is no way out for them if they save this planet.


Red: If they choose the latter choice...which they may indeed...they will die. We cannot allow this. We need the Starkiller alive to---


Blue: We have already interfered too many times.


Gold: It was for a noble purpose. The clash of the Avatars has been ended until Ragnarok.


Blue: There may be others available to accomplish the mission---


Red: You know there are none we can use and still remain within our laws.


Blue: If you are concerned about our laws, why did you not consult the Council before this action?


Red: The other Aeges? They would not make up their minds for another millenium. As you can see, there are only three human minutes remaining before our discussion becomes insignificant.


Gold: We can only justify our actions if we wait until there is no way out for them. If they choose to save themselves instead of this planet, then we may forcibly take control of them. If they choose to save the planet, then we will interfere here at the last possible second...and present them with an offer they cannot refuse. Do you agree?


Blue: Them? The Starkiller, the Jedi, the Alien, and the Aesir? What of the Sith Starr Hailfire? By our laws, we must make him the offer as well, as he is tied to the party.


Red: A small price indeed to pay for---


Blue: And the Sith Lord Cracken. The Aesirians assuredly will kill him when they cannot find their master Odin, but Hailfire will need him to function. You have seen he is dependent on his Master.


Red: Then we will make Lord Cracken the offer as well just before the Aesirians kill him.


Blue: And what of the imprisoned Erinhajer? They are as well tied to Odin---


Red: *angrily* Then let Odin take care of Odin's own! Hear me! We shall allow the mortals to try and save themselves! If they fail, then we shall save them from their deaths, and offer them their mission.


Gold: This course of action seems wisest. Now we must leave, and watch.


The balls of light vanish. Time unfreezes. Inside the Crimson Star, Rwos rushes to a control panel.


Rwos: The bridge controls are fried! I can't bring any systems up except---*tap tap* The hyperdrives! Deac! Flax! Odin! I need coordinates to some empty space to hyper this thing to, now!


Suddenly, guards enter the room and fire. A bolt hits Deac square on. His armor absorbs most of it, but it still creates an ionization effect and stuns him. Deac falls to the ground, unconscious.


Three minutes.



((OOS: Deac will be away till the 12th of July and won't be able to post; he PMed me to make his characters inactive somehow. As for the Aeges (the lights) if you're bored enough to find out what they are see the RP threads at RSRP))

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*Hands Rwos a carbine.*


Flax: Start shooting!


*Flax uses the force to input cowardinates at lightnign speed*




Flax: There are escape pods just down the corridor, this thing jumps in two minutes!*


*Flax picks up Deac and charges down the corridor, twerling his saber as he goes*


*Flax pops Deac in a pod and sets the timer.*




Flax: We need to find Odin's men!

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*Rwos is already at a control panel* I think Odin's gone to find them. *taps keys* They're in...Max Security Cell block 06. Holy---the cell blocks are in a vacuum. Sealed...*tap tap* One sec...there. Atmosphere restored. Opening cell blocks...****! I need a passcode!


*Two minutes ten seconds till detonation. 1:35 till hyperspace*


((OOS: Just so you guys know...the escape pods won't get our characters anywhere. They're inside the Super Star Destroyer---the escape pods will eject into the hollow core of the Crimson Star. But I seriously doubt any of our characters are thinking straight enough to realize that))

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8Cracken sits in his shuttle, awaiting either to be blown away by the mysterious fleet, or to be blown away by the exploding Crimson Star. He looks over to his pilot, who is stone faced. A single tear can be seen running down his face*


You have family.


Pilot: yessir.


A child?


Pilot: yessir. he turns 3 next month.


...I'm sorry. if we get out of this alive, you will never have to worry about money again.


Pilot: Thank you sir. If......


If... i'm sure Deac and his crew will try some fool hardy heroics. They'll probably sacrafise themselves rather than see Coruscant be destroyed. *Cracken looks over to his pilot* and the Empire will be restored anyway.


*Cracken sat back. 2 minutes left. the clock was ticking.*

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Odin reaching the cell block, works controls releasing his imprisoned soldiers.


On the fleet. Vidar looks with pity at the world. Mutters to self, and in flames the Aesir shall perish, and with them so does the rest of the galaxy. Addressing Cracken:


Would you like to go free? To bad, you had the chance, the fact that we will die in 1:30 seconds doesn't bother us. We will die Honorable with our Lord. You will like a fish caught in a net.


Ragnorak has come, the end is near. Flames will consume us all.


(To the crew)Launch the resonate torpedes. First target the stars of the populated planets in the Imperial Remant. After that target the stars of the most populated planet, including our home system.


Thousands upon thousands of torpedos are seen leaving the Aesirian fleet. In a flash the torpedoes enter hyperspace heading respectively to their target stars


I will explain to you what we just launched. These torpedoes cause a star to go nova, within moments. They have hyperdrives so they will reach their destination in a matter of days, or hours. At the moment they are not armed, and nothing will happen. These torpedoes are programed to send a signal upon arriving asking for further instruction. If no instructions are sent then they will carry out their primary mission and detonate in the star. Obviously when we are destroyed no instructions can be sent. The galaxy will be destroyed, because of you.


Your Empire will never rise again, life as we know it will no longer exist. Everything will be cleansed in a holy fire.

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*30 seconds till hyperspace*


Rwos: Of course! *grabs his teleporter from his belt* Why didn't I think of tha---oh...SITHSPIT. I am...the biggest fool in this universe.


*Rwos takes his teleporter's beacon's from his pocket* I expected to kill Cracken and be done with this dimension. My teleporter can't take us anywhere else in this dimension, and it won't teleport me home for another six hours...gah! *Rwos stumbles as the whole ship trembles. Five seconds---time had run out.*


*The Crimson Star jolts again as its massive hyperdrives kick in. Outside, the Aeserian fleet sees the moon turn into a blur and vanish into hyperspace. Forty seconds remain till detonation. The Aeges invisibly watch everything...*



((OOS: Did one of you try to PM me? Because if so, I didn't get it...I got the alert, then the forums went down and when they came back nothing new showed))

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((Thank you. That is correct, the basic idea is if Odin is going to die then the Aesir plan on taking out the rest of the galaxy with him. Also Vidar has no idea about the Aeges so he doesn't know of any type of interfernce that could happen. Like I said before the Aesir almost cherish death, to die for Odin would be a great honor to them, since they are not affliated with any other dominate power they do not care about the rest of the galaxy. However as Redwind pointed out the planets are not necessaryily doomed. As a safeguard the torpedoes can stay in a dorminate state, after being fired if the proper commands are sent.


Redwing, I also recieved that pm alert, but nothing happened....))

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Flax: We can get to the fighter bay, which only ten decks down, and steal some fighters, then, when the 'Star reverts we launch.


*The party begin to head for the hanger, luckily they find some fast V-38s, they board the fighters launch, as the ship reverts they leave the hanger, headed for the outer crust.*



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((OOS: error, error :D


A) We didn't find Odin and his Erinhajer.


B) V-38s have no atmosphere, like all TIEs.


C) Rwos can't fit into a TIE flightsuit. He's got a beak, wings, a tail, and is almost seven feet tall :D))


*Flax takes off in the V-38 he'd found. Rwos carries Deac to his fighter and loads him in as fast as he could move. Odin had ten seconds to show up...


No. Ten seconds left...there was no way they'd make it. They could perhaps get out of the Crimson Star before it blew, if they could make it to an exit chute. But they'd just be annihilated in the following antimatter explosion.


It was too late.


At least they'd managed to save Coruscant...one consoling last thought.












Then, mysteriously, zero didn't come.


Rwos stared at the timer for a full minute, trying to comprehend it. Then he looked up.


Stormtroopers and other Imperials filled the hallways ahead, running...except not moving. Nothing moved except Rwos, and Deac, who still breathed, unconscious.


In the hallways above, Odin and the Erinhajer also found themselves the only creatures left in motion.


Flax noticed that the TIE droid fighters around him were frozen in midflight. Only his V-38 still moved.


In the Crimson Star's command chamnber, Starr Hailfire wakes up with a frozen medic above him, face stuck in a panicked expression.



((OOS: Admiral, up to you whether to keep Vidar or your fleet unfroze. Cracken, same for your characters. Time should be frozen for everything and everyone else, though.


Note: the 'irl' reason for this is because Deac won't be back till the 12th, and he made the mistake of telling me to be creative ;)))

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*Cracken looked at the counter on the console in the shuttle. Odd, he mused, and he looked to the pilot.*


Pilot, run a diagnostic... pilot.. pi...


*He noticed a tremor in the Force. He looked out the view port. The traffic above Coruscant was frozen. He looked around, got up, and walked to the back. He pressed another console, and it didn't respond. The tremor was getting larger. He sat down, dizzy. It was.... painful. he tried tomove back to the cockpit, but he couldn't make it. he fell, and passed out.*


((OOS-- This allows the whomever to make contact with Cracken.... and i got nothin' better.))

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((Vidar, is Odin's son, so since he is so closely connected to Odin, He should remain unfrozen, however the rest of the fleet will be frozen. Redwing can the Aeges transport a person? I would like Vidar to meet up with Odin if possible))


As Vidar waits patiently for the end of all things, he notices something strange. All the Aesir have stopped moving. Puzzled by this he walks acrosss the bridge, wishing to be by Odin's side.



Freeing the Einherjar, Odin notices the discrepancy of motion and freezing. Deciding to find Rwos and Deac, he heads towards the hanger.

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((OOS: Yes, they can---in fact that was the reason they were invented, to correct earlier continuity errors caused by RPGing the same continuity in two different forums (this and RSRP) with multiple threads. ;)))



*Starr Hailfire feels his master's pain and it reflects on him. He stumbles and falls to the floor*


Starr: Master!


*as if on cue, Cracken's Lambda shuttle materializes silently inside the chamber, filling fully half of the room.


At the very same moment, Vidar materializes inside the Crimson Star as well...right at Odin's side.*

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*Cracken raises himself from the floor. the pain subsided, he glanced at the clock. still one second. he sighed in vexation, and looked out the viewport. he was inside the Crimson Star. how in the Sith did he get here.....? he felt Starr reach out to him. he took out his lightsaber, and cautiosly started to cut through the steel plates in the floor of teh shuttle. after realizing he wasn't hallucinating, he finished his hole, and jumped down through. Starr bowed before him, and Cracken looked around cautiosly.*


rise. do you have any idea what is going on?

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Rwos: *over comm* We're trying to figure that out, over.


*Deac stirs*




*Starr rises. His master couldn't be right here in front of him...it was impossible...but this was no illusion. And Starr was a master of illusion.*


Master. ...I have failed you. Somehow half the ysalamiri died, and one of the Jedi managed to escape. He freed the others using an illusion, and the gargoyle defeated me while I was helpless in the ysalamiri field. I was knocked unconscious, and I awoke to see...this...


*Starr gestures around the room and into the hallways, with all the people in midmotion but unmoving*


And I wished to be in your presence...and your ship appeared...


*Starr looks incredibly confused*

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