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what do u like better the saber or the guns???  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. what do u like better the saber or the guns???

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Sabers for me, as well. There's all kinds of FPS's out there with guns and stuff. Guns can be fun, but it's the sabers that set this game apart. No other FPS game has ever included swordplay of any type in with combos and various moves. Most just have a handheld melee weapon of some sort like a knife or a crowbar that has a single hacking hit.

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but since i usually play ffa, and never actually thought that it was cheap using guns and force so much until recently, i usually play as if i'm some shadowtrooper (if that's what they do cuz i haven't completed the game). i use force a lot for jumping and when able, lightning and grip/throw. then i see guns to blast them. i only use saber to deflect or in some fights. but those fights usually attract a lot of people to have a mass saber fight there then then i cna't play properly cause my saber isn't good to actually plan my moves with so many people. i end up either using force or switching to a gun to blast them away.:D

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Gunz! They rule, i know that saberist can be extremal good at deflecting, but not if they dont know where you are. I like hiding in the bushes on the Massassi Temple level and using the Disrupter to blast them. I only use saber when i am sneeking up on someone to backstab them, Literly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Elegy

Sabers for me, as well. There's all kinds of FPS's out there with guns and stuff. Guns can be fun, but it's the sabers that set this game apart. No other FPS game has ever included swordplay of any type in with combos and various moves. Most just have a handheld melee weapon of some sort like a knife or a crowbar that has a single hacking hit.



Try Rune. Great game.

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I have a stupid way of picking which weapon I choose. REAL stupid. I decide by what skin I use. For instance the Vader model looks pretty dumb toting a Bryar. So I use a saber. Boba Fett looks pretty dumb with a light saber. See where I'm going with this? But choosing which skin to use is a completly random process I couldn't possibly explain.

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I'd say guns, if the sniper rifle wasn't so poor. It's depressingly bad. Someone care to tell me how a gun that fires light can have such bad recoil??? There no satifaction in using it.


And the fact you can't block it annoys me more than words can say. Ok, make it hard to block, but not impossible. Grrrr.

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