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A tiny bit off topic BUT I think it should be noted here...


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Why here? because this and the DEV forum get a lot of flames, and Antiflames...


All I really want to say is, sure, there is some wierd flaming against Jedi mostly and some Bounty hunter wananbe's... I find it irritating, blood curdling and annoying...


However I am far from really complaining... what do I mean? Read on and find out.


Before I really took an interest in this SWG thing, I've pretty much been playing JKII:JO, and using the forum for that game...


Simply put, I come here to relax and debate, and Go to the JKII forum to argue and rant and fight with people and basically raise my blood pressure...


i agree with Koffin in a past I saw from him a few threads back about the attitude of some people on this forum. especialy the attitude towards the people who would like to be Jedi...


People screaming this isn't a movie, it's all chance... give it up... blah blah blah... Rather than argue any of these points (we have a thread for that), I would rather say, that a LOT of people find this to be getting abusive...


now I'm not gonna whine about it... Personally I know how to use my pc well enough to know how to go somewhere else when what I find doesn't please me (similar to changing a channel on the TV for example when Wesly crusher has a major part in an episode of STNG).


I would like to make two points beyond all of what I have said already though...


So far this forum has yet to degrade into the kind of filth the JKII forum has turned into (with a few exceptions). I don't care why it has become the way it has, just take my word for it... it is a den of crud... a place I go to often though cuz I find it amusing...


thus if you find this forum is giving you a headache, and making you ashamed of your fellow man, go read a few threads on the JKII board... It will make you want to cry...


My second point is... I don't want to see this forum turn into one like the JKII one... This is unavoidable once the game launches (brings in the lammas that until then had no idea this place existed). but until then I am glad this place is reletively calm, but I hope people take steps to keep it Civil...


Wraith 8 made a noble effort to apologize just in case he was pissing people off... On one hand I feel it's his job to be more civil than the rest of us, isn't he an admin? however at that same time I appreciated the effort, and though I never really felt insulted by anyone here yet... things like that do mend wounds on others...


Trust me I may be talking like one, but I am not a tree hugging hippy asking us all to join hands and sing koombaya or some nonsense... but even enemeis can be civil to one another when thier not fragging eachother, can't they?


anyway Some might feel this thread is pointless... some might not...


But to those who think it is pointless... go to the JKII forums... look at the bashing and flaming that happens there... you will see my point well enough then... and understand what I meant by what I said... or at least you should... I hope...


Demangel, signing off...

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(similar to changing a channel on the TV for example when Wesly crusher has a major part in an episode of STNG).


First up, LOL me too I so wanted wesley to be assimilated/run through with a Bat'leth/spaced out of an airlock whatever!


Next on the subject of forums, yes the JK2 board has degenerated into pro-patch vs anti-patch, rants about anyone using an effective technique etc. and this occured after the release of the game, so I fully expect the same to happen to this forum when SWG comes out, but that won't be for ages yet :( and :)


so let's enjoy the civility while it lasts shall we?


Don't flame (or mildy toast even) someone who wants to be a Jedi, just direct them to the thread where the Jedi debate happens. I know it's irritating when the first post by lots of people is the same subject 'I'm gonna be a rock 'ard Jedi/Sith w00t' but the posters don't know that almost everyone does the same thing, be a little tolerant and slowly work them round to your point of view... that way we'll keep the peace, quiet and intelligent debate for as long as possible.


(Apologies for the rambling nature of this post, I'm just trying to put off writing my essay)



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I agree with you Demangel, most forums I have seen are full of flamers. Especially, the Battle.net starcraft forums, I sometimes felt like the only non flamer there :). Overall, this forum is great, every1 (almost) is polite, and kind against eachother, gotta love it.


It's also true that the ''it will be hard to become a jedi''- thingy has gone a bit over the top. Just point them to the right thread, like you suggested.


Maybe a more agressive stance towards flamers should be looked into (IP-blocking) after the game comes out. To keep up the quality.

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This is a weird yet true fact about flamers, if people ask a stupid question that has been asked over and over again, DONT REPEAT IT. Stubborn people hate being asked the same question (like at the JKII forums. If I had a dollar "American" for every thread relating to patch, I'd be a millionaire!)


So, most people bring flames upon themselves. However, if someone asks a simple question that HAS NOT been asked before and someone flames them because "they had a bad day." That I CAN NOT stand. Tough, in life you will have to do stuff you don't want to!

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And well, if someone wrote about it two weeks ago doesn't mean that much, either. It could be way back on the list of threads, even unseen. It's better to assume that the poster is not a "total retard" until he/she has gotten the chance to stay for a few discussions. If he/she still is a total retard, it might become an issue. But don't make it an issue before it is necessary.


No, I don't blame people for being daunted the 147th time someone ask if you can start the game as a jedi. It sucks. But since few to none reads all FAQs and dev chats before posting their first thread, it's something we have to learn to live with.


(And that's why I never ever make new threads. Unless life hangs in the balance)

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Hi Demangel.


I dont believe i have seen you here before :)

welcome anyway :)


First let me say something about flames and all.


I joined september last year on the Rogue Squadron.net forums.

I arrived in the middle of a huge Flame fest between these members:

Grand_admiral_ice, TK-421 and Helix.

They flamed Eachother like hell. The members of the ARESEN forums tried to stop them. me too. Helix got banned first. for life.

then TK-421 and GAI went on and they both got banned for a weekend. GAI got back and started over again and was banned fo life aswell. Tk stayed around and changed. no GAI came back after all forums were merged into the lucasforums. he was no longer banned. he came back and was a different guy. less flaming and ranting. he learned his lesson. Helox also came back.. but much later. he eventualy started again. he was not banned. he left us because the entire forum turned against him :D

This was my first experience with flaming. I never evr flamed someone on the ARESEN forums.


in October i joined the X-wing alliance forums .. this was just after the flaming war of TK, helix and GAI. they flamed me... they yelled at me... they didnt like me.... because TK, helix and GAI went over to the XWA forums (the forums werent merged back then) and went on with their flame war... so the XWA-ers didnt like RSN-ers.... in their eyes.... they all were flamers.

i left the forum.. only to return VERY OFTEN to look around.


Now i also joined the Galactic Battlegrounds forum, but they welcomed me like a king.. so i go there when i can :D


now when the forums merged in the Lucasforums.. all flamers got free of their ban.... and everybody could go to what forums they liked.... a lot of forums were not prepared for this and started to flame everybody they saw. including me.. it happended to me on the Sam and Max foums. and i told my Rogue friends what happened..... and the cool thing wasthey all rushed to the sam and max board and helped me out.... :D that was cool :D and they saw their mistake they made and apologized.



Now as you can read i have seen a lot of flames.. i even sometimes look at the JKII forums.. and see the flamers... i shake my had and sigh.... it is realy pathetic to see it....


Now when i joined this forum ( i believe it was in january) there were only like 4 or 5 people here... including me :D.. it was nice... cosy :D... but as the months go by.. more members come.. and more questions keep repeating.... so with some support of other members i made a thread about the Jedi... i still believ i told the whole truth in there.... but like you said.. some people feel they are being insulted so i stopped replying as a Jedi negative.. i posted the beer thread.


Still... i have no chalengers who take my bet.... somehow.. they do believe me.... us.... what we say about the jedi.... but they wont say it anywhere...... sorry.. but i think it must be said :)



(man i got to stop talking)


Anyway. im not an admin...... or a mod....... (yet)


i just go to a lot of forums and post a lot. that is why im the number 10 on the top 10 posters on the forums :D


But i must say that these couple of days.... a week now.. have been pretty cool... no flames ... no angry faces.... i think it is going good now... i try to welcome the new comers as good as i can....



this is what i have to say


-Wraith 8-

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hey, i just wanna say, a few people may have gone "i wanna be teh l33t jedi w00t w00t w00t" but that dosnt mean all of us are like that




i think this is a nice forum :), it has minimal flamming even the jedi thing was hardly flamming it was more like friendly people pointing out that you might not be come a jedi so dont get your hopes to high and come back and say the game sucks


all and all this is the best forum i've been on



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Wow, Wraithy's an admin!


Oh wait...


you're not :D


But seriously, if anyone should become an admin...out of us...it should be Wraith 8...I can vouch for him...heck, alot of people can...I've said this before, too :D:p He had mod powers once by mistake yet never abused them, so he's definitely capable :D


If you're wondering who I am, let me give you a hint: the aforementioned TK-421 is my brother :D


And now that I've gone waaaay off topic...*ahem* I'll be skipping off now :D

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Originally posted by Redwing

Wow, Wraithy's an admin!


Oh wait...


you're not :D


But seriously, if anyone should become an admin...out of us...it should be Wraith 8...I can vouch for him...heck, alot of people can...I've said this before, too :D:p He had mod powers once by mistake yet never abused them, so he's definitely capable :D


If you're wondering who I am, let me give you a hint: the aforementioned TK-421 is my brother :D


And now that I've gone waaaay off topic...*ahem* I'll be skipping off now :D

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But seriously, if anyone should become an admin...out of us...it should be Wraith 8...I can vouch for him...heck, alot of people can...I've said this before, too He had mod powers once by mistake yet never abused them, so he's definitely capable

I second that. :)


When I came here in January(?), Wraith and Com Raven was the heavy posters here at the time (Mike and Juztyn and a couple of others also posted some but not nearly as much as those two. They went on and on and on and ..... :D j/k). I was welcomed and felt right at home from the very first post I made. ;)


Thru the months I've figured out that Wraith is a really nice and good guy, who only means well. That's how I see it, and nothing has changed that thru all these Jedi debates. :)


SO if anyone here are capable to be a mod, I'd say Wraith has a very good position to get that status. :D

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