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Episode I games (the sad truth)

D@rth M@ul

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Well, as most of you know, Star Wars Episode I got very little apraisal,

every where I look almost everytime that movie is mentioned it

gets bashed and made fun of. Well I sat and watched it recently

and I also watched all the special features that the DVD contained

and to tell you the truth, it is a truly great movie.

Even Jar Jar Binks wasn't that bad. Sure he's annoying but is it

so bad that the movie sucks because of him. Anyway my point

is I really liked the movie and its villian (Darth Maul) and sadly

its only recieved one action/fighting game in its name.


Obi-wan (for x-box). Sadly the only fighting game made about

this movie had to be a pc to x-box port which the lucasarts team

slacked on and the game righteously sucked.


I, with great sadness, have to admitt that I will never get to play

on the grassy hills where the droids battled the gungans, or watch

Darth Maul pwn qui-con in 3-d.


So all we have now is the creative models and skins from various

artist to help feed those of us with a Star Wars : TPM hunger.

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Maybe your right, but this was the main message board at the top

of the list, and when I looked at all the topics, it seemed that just

about everything was posted here from where to find a certain skin

to clan querries.


Still I am new to these boards so It may be true, I would move if

necessary but I'm not a moderator.


Anyone have a link to this game??

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i'll accept your apology for mentioning obi wan for xbox. his saber can be parried by some brute with a club. by the way that would be really cool if you could go back and play the trade federation ship on coop with jedi outcast tightness. even going into the hangar and taking on an army of battledroids, well that is if you didn't mind your computer lagging into last tuesday.

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I'm also looking forward to Knights of the Old Republic. I hope it will be better than this game. I love JK2, but I have some disapointments. First, the game's difficulty is way high and the saber combat is too complicated. I still think Heretic II is easier as a 3rd person sword fighting game. Also, I like the idea of an RPG because there will be a more in depth and interactive story.

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If you want to play big battles from the movies like the battle of hoth, battle of the grassy plains, etc. You might want to try Galactic Empires.

It's a strategy game, based on the Age of Empires engine but it's a lot of fun.

The missions are really great. The graphics aren't that good though. And it's not 3D.


I liked episode I just because it was starwars, and because it was okay for setting up the story Lucas wanted to tell in the prologue series. But Darth Maul bothered me... he wasn't much of a villian.

I mean, some badass... all he does is say "Yes master" though the whole movie... and the only time he kills anyone is with a sissy little poke to Qui-Gon's chest.

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there is a galactic battlegrounds game...i think it's the expansion, or just some smaller title under the main 'galactic empire' words on the box.

also the saber combat here may be complicated and hard to use if you are using the basic moves and especially so if you are using any stance other than the heavy one. it moves so fast you probably can't have exact full control over the second swing unless you're just running in a fixed direction or using only 2 complimentary keys (the strafes or the front/back). even for the heavy swing, i dunno about the pros but i usually stand around and wait for a ripe time then make my swing before moving a distance away again. If i get caught near him, i'll just be making more or less randomised swings, just thinking where he'll be so i can hit but not thinking whether it should be a upward or downward swing. but all these don't really matter cause you're only gonna need the special moves nowadays and there are like only 5. backstab, backswing, crounch lunge, dfa, and the heavy downward hack.

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my problem with episode I was that in a fairly parallel comparison with episode 4, you have the jedi master (qui-gonn in ep1, obi-wan in ep4), the apprentice (obi-wan in ep1, luke in ep4), the female protagonist that gets rescued (leia and amidala/padme), the evil jedis (palpatine/vader, sidious/maul), the droids, the escape from the clutches of the enemy to the good-guy's base etc. but when you consider han-solo, the "guide" who helps the jedi's rescue the woman, you see that he's been replaced with jar jar!? han solo was the best character in the originals easily. what episode 1 & 2 lack are maveriks, gun-slinging, trash-talking, money-focused, hard-on-the-outside, soft-on-the-inside, all-round-anti-hero kinda guys, like han solo and lando. and what do we get? jar jar f(*&ing binks? pffft

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