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Longest DUEL???


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Haha, i wanted to know how long (or short if you want) everyone's longest duels have been :)


As it's become apparent to myself and many a friend of mine, one of the safest, and often the best ways to win is to wait for your opponent to make the first move... Haha, once spent three full minutes not moving, waiting for the other person... And if you count strafing, rolling, switching stances for the sake of it, and other useless stuff, been 10 minutes (doesn't sound like much, but hey, it's forever!)... Yes, it DOES Wear at my patience!!!


Well, how long can you go (have you been)???

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My duels never last very long, maybe 10 minutes has been the longest!! I always take a break after a good long stint by walking with saber off and chat etc to the other player to give my fingers a rest and gather myself. I hate watching the really long ones especially when they keep asking hp? :bored:


Lexx :leia:

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if someone asks me my hp. i'll tell em, then ask them how many they have. as they start typing i'll dfa em. its cheap, but it sh*ts me that they just can't play the game :(


and i play on duel servers with time limits, so longest duel i ever had was exactly 3 minutes.

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4 days and counting, had to stop again because my opponent needed to go to sleep..


I'm watching him now and i'm tempted to just end it but nahh



Ohh and if any of you actually believe me your retarded!!


After 4 days of course i'm winning the duel when he is sleeping :D


Whole post is just kidding around...


My longest duel has probly been around 8-10 minutes

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My longest duel was about 8 minutes. Very intense, very enjoyable. It was refreshing to duel an opponent who did not always try to use the CS-esque strategy of running in and blasting the opponent. We used combinations, parries, and had a very interesting match. No Force was used. :D



What annoys me in a duel server, is when you get two adversaries who do nothing but run and dodge, hitting each other with long range attacks like lightning and drain, and NEVER touch sabers. ARGH!:mad:

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