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switching sides


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some people just can't take losing. I was playing a game of team FFA today and I was sniping as I do. it was a small game of only 3 or 4 people to a team and there was one padawan who would always stop right in my sights and of course I would shoot him. so after I killed him about 15 times he switches to my team. now everyone in the game is calling him a traitor and a loser. I forgot where I was going with this:(... oh yeah. my team was winning so he joined my team so he wouldn't be on the losing team. can't people just play for the fun of it?



another thing: people joining the other team and self killing to make the score go down. are we in a freak land here?:ewok:

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I was playing CTF the other day, and my team (red team) was down 3-0 when the five minute warning came up. I watched as a player (will call him "so and so") on my team kill himself, and join the other team. Well, our team came back to take the lead 5-3, and in the last minute, I saw the message ""so and so" has killed himself" and then "So and so" has joined the red team. My god. The next game...when he switched to the other team again, I exclusively hunted him down and killed him. He got pissed and typed "leave me alone" and switched on to my team. I then switched teams and made him my sole prey, again. He eventually left the server, calling me a "fa**ot. Just one more person who probably goes to bed at night crying if he doesn't win all of the time. Hope he learned something. What a joke!

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yes, and what makes it annoying is that as soon as somebody switches the teams become even MORE unbalanced



i once played a team ffa that was 4 vs 1...i still beat them though;) they crowded me...i pushed s...i clicked my mouse...3 gone, one left...double tap my spacebar and he's gone too:)


i was playing a CTF though and it was 4 vs 1...not fun

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Originally posted by Djinn Altis{S}

Your telling me. Another thing that bothers me is when the people complain about you using a certain move, like for instance i get yelled at if I use the backstab/sweep at all, but then they will turn around and @$$ fight themselves to death. Pretty funny, huh?




i kick people who spam backstab/sweet or assfight and only give them ONE warning


if they use it every once in a while i don't kick them...otherwise i'd be kicking myself too:eek:

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I can quite honestly say hand on heart I have never ever switched sides. If anyone reading this has, you sad sad person. It's not all about the winning, it's the taking part, it's the having fun otherwise what's the point. If I do see someone switch sides, I always make a point of typing their NAME and TRAITOR in BIG RED LETTERING It's like the fair weather football fans I know - strange people! :nut:

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom




i kick people who spam backstab/sweet or assfight and only give them ONE warning


if they use it every once in a while i don't kick them...otherwise i'd be kicking myself too:eek:


Those backstabs really ruined the game for most of us it seems. Maybe we should ask Raven/Lucas to give us a patch that will make the saber fighting mosre like in the 1.02, I know I would love that. Then you could backstab all you want, because the good fighter will always beat you senseless face to face or just kick your lilly @$$ from behind. And when I say "you", I do not mean a pesron in particular, but rather those backward walking 12 years old kids that think they rule JK2.

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom




i kick people who spam backstab/sweet or assfight and only give them ONE warning


if they use it every once in a while i don't kick them...otherwise i'd be kicking myself too:eek:


yeah, we all use backstab and backsweep once in a while... don't we? it only gets annoying when it's all someone does. I for one use backsweep on bots all the time (bots are annoying and I just want to get them out of my way) and I will use backsweep on persons who spam it. I was playing yesterday and there was one person who was doing nothing but pulling people down and using medium backsweep. anyone who tried to fight her died. so I started spamming backsweep on her and kicked her butt, so she left. if I'm playing on a Team FFA server (which I mostly do) and I get cornered by a bunch of guys I'll use medium backsweep and medium DFA(which takes out a lot of guys in one hit:D ). I was talking with my brother the other day and we decided that no move is cheesy, just the people that use it all the time(by all the time I mean 'nothing but') there are more than one move for a reason.


sorry for the long post :p



not an :ewok:

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I don't exactly have multi-player access because of my dial-up connetion. I do play BOTs which I think is pretty fun. I don't overuse the backsweep or backstab moves. If they happen it's all by accident because I don't exactly know how to pull them off they just happen. I do however love using Medium or Fast and running to use the saber. I love the whole jump and fight upside-down moves. I use mainly Medium and fast and hard when occansion calls for it.

Good luck to all of you and your battles..


-Darth Sadao :emperor:

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Since I only play duel servers I get a chance to observe the lamers with their scriptet/binded backstab/sweep or just kicklaming before I fight them. Then when it's my turn. I just press my fav bind "I don't honor lamers by bowing bla bla bla, DIE scum!", go over and kill them so the decent players can get whuped by a fair player (me) :)


Doesn't always work that fast, or at all sometimes, but at least I can take them by surprise the first time =-)

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