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Minor Classes. Are you gonna do it?

Gaelin Masek

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Alright, this game is supposed to rely on players much more than NPCs.




Miners. Mine the raw materials and transport it to:


Weapon/Item Makers. They turn it into stuff to sell to:


Fighters. Who go save the galaxy.


Which would you rather be? I have a feeling that the majority of us are going to be the fighters, surely if there is not a decent balance then the game world cannot function. I've seen how many people want to be Jedi and Bounty Hunters... man we're gonna have so many Mandalorian warriors...


Are there still plenty of you out their who want to fill the....less exciting roll? Am I worrying unessicarly? Does my ass look fat? Who knows....

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well i want to be a transporter (for lack of a better word). i want to travel to towns and deliver stuff, goods. pick up some new goods and ahip them again. and for our PA, The Associates, i hope to get all our mined goods , ore to the factories, and or players who make stuff, goods out of it :D..


im no fighter... im a talker :D


and i dont know if i said hello to you :D



just in case i didnt say hello :D


C ya Around


-Wraith 8-

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Well, my impression from the devs this far is that there will be few, almost no NPC stores. This means that while the 90% of the players are running around killing things, the 10% who plays marketing chars will have little competition, and will be able to gain lots of money. Which they can use to buy what they want. This naturally means that people will start to notice who gets the easy cash, and so more chars will be made of these professions. Sure, there will never be as many linguists as there are fighters. Thats because SWG, for many, is mostly a game of action and adventure. After all, most people wants to be heroes, they want to try things not possible in everyday life. Be lucky that the "minor" professions are available at all.


So, from the marketing classes point of view, the fewer who play their class, the richer they will become. Basically, this will be something in the line of a capitalism with close to no laws or rules. Free marketing. In reality, this is an abomination, but in an MMORPG, it is one of the smoothest way to make a working economy. After all, you propably won't have to worry about such things as your childrens education, the maintainance of the sewage system and hospitals.

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I intend to talk at least as much as I kill, but that's just standard Imperial procedure (along with revealing your carefully laid plan to the rebel before trying to kill him/her...)


The old 'where is your honour?' post has what my character is going to sound like...


(I'm so gonna be killed by rebels after 5 minutes :( ) There seems to be a distressing lack of imperials around...

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I will be just a simple man (or woman), trying to make my way in the universe. :D


Seriously though, I'll be whatever personality I choose to roleplay as. I hope that you can be multiple people---does anyone know if this is possible or is it unusual in MMORPGs? I REALLY hope so...


Oh, and I have another question...how will weapons be designed?

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Originally posted by Redwing

Seriously though, I'll be whatever personality I choose to roleplay as. I hope that you can be multiple people---does anyone know if this is possible or is it unusual in MMORPGs? I REALLY hope so...


In as good as all games, firstly, you can have different chars on every server ,or cluster or 'galaxy' as they call it here(actually, you will have to have different chars if you play on more than one galaxy). Then, most games also let you have 3-6 chars on each server. The devs have yet not spoken about how many they will allow, but they have said that it will be more of a storage issue (how much space each char will take on the servers) than a gameplay issue. From those words, I'd guess hopefully at least 2-5 chars per server. Again, that depends on how much space the chars take. And not even the devs seem to know that yet! :D

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You choose your character with a set of skills, not a profession as in barbarian/ paladin/ amzon in D2. All the skills are potentially available to any character.


So for example, you can choose a couple of ''mining' skills and a couple of combat skills to become a miner that can stand its ground in combat. I will become a smuggler/ explorer by choosing from different skilltrees.


I hope that kind of answers your question...if not..well Im not a 100% becuz of beer. :D

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Originally posted by Zendjir

You choose your character with a set of skills, not a profession as in barbarian/ paladin/ amzon in D2. All the skills are potentially available to any character.


Actually, at E3, we got to know that there will be three ways to start your char;


For beginners: you just make one choise, what kind of character you want to play. A fighter, a diplomat, a spy? All your skills and equipment are chosen for you. You just choose, customize your looks, and POOF! you play.


For advanced players: you can choose a profession to start with. A little more specialized than the first version of character creation, but your skills and equipment will still be decided for you.


For exoerts: you can choose all your skills, attríbutes and equipment, and therefor starts with exactly the character you want.


This is good, since it helps beginners while still making it fun for the more advanced players.

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I'm so gonna be killed by rebels after 5 minutes ) There seems to be a distressing lack of imperials around...


Are you kidding!? Go to the official Dev. boards, all I ever see is Imperials. Its worrying man.


The galaxy ain't gonna be a safe place I can tell you that...


I guess you have awnsered my question, I hope that the system balances out.

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It all comes down to this; who has the most badass soundtrack? That whiny Luke theme, or the Imperial March?


Oh yeah, I loved that song in the X-Wing series, just as you take out a frigate and fighters etc. you here the opening bars...


Man what atmosphere! One of the many reasons I wear the :guard: !


Are you kidding!? Go to the official Dev. boards, all I ever see is Imperials. Its worrying man.


well I wish they'd bloody join an Imperial PA!

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@ setusko: That kicks ASS! I'm a total newbie, so the first option would be a godsend, while I can be happy in the knowledge that future characters can be fully customized on my own once get the hang of the game :D



Best SW themes: The Imperial March, the Duel of the Fates, and Into the Trap. :D

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Whiny Luke theme!?


The Imperial March is great, very true.




I have to say my favourite scene in all 5 of those films was at the very begginning of Episode IV, where Luke Skywalker is staring up the twin suns on Tatooine.


The music, the lights, its just awesome.


Anyway... What were we talking about

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