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Episode 3 Story Line?


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I believe Episode 3 will be called "The Rise of the Empire". Correct me if I'm wrong.


Here's a short version of how I think the storyline will go:


I think the council will find out about the wedding and ban Anakin from seeing Padme and hide her away somewhere. This leads to his eventual cross over to the dark side because he loves Padme so much, he can't bear to be without her. He blames the Jedi Order and vows to get his revenge. Palpatine see's what's happening and converts Anakin to the Dark side. Padme gives birth to twins (leia and luke) and Obi Wan helps Padme hide them from Anakin because he has already turned bad. Anakin and Palpatine kill off all the Jedi apart from Obi Wan and Yoda who are smart enough to hide from them.


What do you think?

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Originally posted by lexx

I believe Episode 3 will be called "The Rise of the Empire". Correct me if I'm wrong.


Here's a short version of how I think the storyline will go:


I think the council will find out about the wedding and ban Anakin from seeing Padme and hide her away somewhere. This leads to his eventual cross over to the dark side because he loves Padme so much, he can't bear to be without her. He blames the Jedi Order and vows to get his revenge. Palpatine see's what's happening and converts Anakin to the Dark side. Padme gives birth to twins (leia and luke) and Obi Wan helps Padme hide them from Anakin because he has already turned bad. Anakin and Palpatine kill off all the Jedi apart from Obi Wan and Yoda who are smart enough to hide from them.


What do you think?


That is definitely a good assumption and I think you took the words right out of my mouth. That's exactly what I think will happen...:D

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hmmm, I wonder if you actually get to see darth's suit in ep.3


And, there has to be something about the death star too(because at one point in Ep2, you see this red hologram thing with the designs of it). And in ep.4 its there all of the sudden

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Count Dooku's Confederacy is going strong, but so are the Clonetroopers. There seems no end to the conflict.


Early on in the film, Mace Windu dies protecting Yoda from Count Dooku (yes, a duel between Mace and Dooku) and a squad of Destroyer Droids. Yoda is forced to escape because of the sheer number of Droids. The tiny Jedi Master flees to Dagobah after a space chase between him (in his own custom Jedi Starfighter) and Count Dooku.


While Anakin is on a mission with Obi-Wan (Anakin now being a Jedi Knight), Padme gives birth to twins. Anakin never finds out because Darth Sidious kills Padme shortly after birth and makes it look like a Republic blunder. Anakin shows hatred for the Republic when he finds out by lashing out at the closest thing: Jar-Jar Binks.


Anakin seeks out Count Dooku and asks to join the Sith. Dooku can sense the Dark Side, and realises that Anakin is more powerful than he. Dooku says "no", but Anakin won't hear it. He attacks and kills Dooku after a furious duel. Darth Sidious shows up and takes Anakin under his wing.


Meanwhile, Obi-Wan does some investigating and finds out that Palpatine is Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord Dooku was talking about in Episode II. When Palpatine is confronted by the Jedi, he tries to shoot Obi-Wan, but is killed. Obi-Wan discovers the truth: Palpatine is a clone of the Sith Master Sidious, and that is why the Jedi could not sense the danger. Suddenly, Obi-Wan gets the news about Anakin, and he goes to rescue his old friend.


Obi-Wan finds the two Sith departing Courscant on a Sith Starfighter (new ship) and gives chase in his Jedi Starfighter. There is a furious space chase, and Anakin ends up crashing into the Naboo hanger after fleeing in hyperspace (here we get the full effects of firing weapons while in hyperspace). Obi-wan lands next to Anakin's ruined ship, and the pair duel into the pit from Episode I. The pit is active now, and is filled to the brim with molten metals. Anakin is pushed into this pit during the duel, and Obi-Wan leaves him for dead.


Leaving, Obi-Wan finds Sidious/Palpatine, and the pair duel (we see the most lightsaber duels in this film ever). Obi-Wan is defeated, but escapes to Courscant, where he packs fast for a far away planet. The Jedi stumbles across two abandonned babies being tended by a droid, and finds out that they are Anakin's. He takes one to Alderaan and the other to Tatooine, where he stays nearby to Anakin's only relatives: Owen and Beru (Cliegg dies between episodes).


Meanwhile, Sidious/Palpatine finds a broken and burned Anakin, and helps him to Courscant, where Anakin is given his new Sith title: Darth Vader. Sidious/Palpatine realises that Anakin will never be able to leave his life-support machine, so builds him a portable one: the classic black suit. The last shot of the prequels is a certain pair of Sith putting their plans into action: reforming the clone army and destroying the now-useless battle droids...


Long live :holosid: !

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Exellent prediction, but I don't think that Palpatine converts Anakin to the Dark side, he might help him get further to the dark side.


If they want to show the making of Darth's suit, it must be somewhere in the middle of the movie, when Anakin must befall a very teribble accident when he becomes evil, and then the Darth suit is probably made from a special metal, which can even resist Jedi powers.


Maybe whatever puts Anakin in the Darth suit makes hi Evil, they certainly going to kill Padme, and Anakin can't help her, just like his mother.

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Darth suit is probably made from a special metal, which can even resist Jedi powers.


Such a thing does not exist, that would just be foolish.....and of COURSE palpatine and sideous are the same person, if he was a clone, the council could sense that almost as easily as they could sense a sith lord, you know the problem.....i'm pretty sure that they addressed it, the jedi's ability to use the force has diminished so they can't sense it. And just being powerful in the force doesn't necissarily mean that it is easy to sense. Leia was powerful in the force, and vader dealt with her a lot, but he never sensed it. When palpatine is around the jedi, he probably conceals his presence. Add to that the fact that "Difficult to see, the dark side is" And we know why they don't realize that palpatine is a sith.


And here's the thing, If we have padme give birth to the twins in this movie, either she cannot die in this movie, or this movie will span around 5 years. Because in RotJ, Luke asks leia if she remembers her mother, and she says "A little, she died when i was very young." And she can give a vague description of her "She was very beautiful, but sad" So she had to be around 4 or 5 years old when she died so that she'd remember that.

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Force resistant metal excist, the one that created Robot Reborn Jedis, which is a black metal, and contains the force inside it.


As Anakin's body is badly destroyed, this can help him conatin his Force Powers.


Also the movie could start during the time future Luke and Leia are 5 years old.

In movies the people always say I remember my mother, and they were like 1 year or 6 months old.

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Originally posted by mez1109

Force resistant metal excist, the one that created Robot Reborn Jedis, which is a black metal, and contains the force inside it.




As Anakin's body is badly destroyed, this can help him conatin his Force Powers.

Force powers aren't like water.....they don't just leak all over the place because you have holes in your body....:rolleyes:

Also the movie could start during the time future Luke and Leia are 5 years old.


I said it would eithe rhave to start when they were 5, or we don't get to see Padme die.................i also have never seen a movie where somebody gave an actual description of their mother who died before they were 1 year old...........

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Here's my theory:


There is really no need for further stress to send Anakin to the darkside, just a tiny little thing would do it. We saw that just tiny little things already were able to set him off in episode 2. So somebody killing/taking Padme away from him isn't necessary.

Also, Padme can't die, because I heard somewhere that she will be appearing in yet another special edition of the original trilogy for a small part.


Well, anyways, Count Dooku is somehow killed (most likely by Yoda), so Palpatine (who IS Sidious. If he wasn't, how would he have any ties to the force. The reason nobody knows this is because the darkside is very hard to sense) is in need of a new apprentice.

Anakin was always like a son to him (as was suggested in episode 2), and he can see that dark side within him. So, he somehow gets him over to the dark side, and the start to sceme.


Clones are now out of the picture and stormtroopers are the big thing (because it got too expensive to pay for clones, so they just trained and recruited regular humans).


Somehow, Palpatine and Anakin manage to make it appear as the Jedi Knights are no longer needed, and therefore expendable. They may also make it look like they are the cause of some big disaster, since nobody seems to like the old Jedi much by the time of episode 4.


So, thus begins the killing spree.


Obi-Wan fights a pretty cool battle against Anakin, and severly damages his lungs (hence the big suit).


Padme, now pregnant, can see that Anakin is going crazy, and she gets Obi-Wan to help her go into hiding, and after Luke and Leia are born, separate them. One to Alderaan, one to Tatooine. Luke was taken second, so Obi-Wan just decides to stay on the planet and hide.


Yoda, also sensing the danger, and realising nothing can be done, flees into hiding (and goes to Dagobaah).


That's all I gots so far.

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Maybe he is lead to beleive he is betrayed by the Jedi by Palpatine. If Palpatine loses Dooku. He will need to get another aprentice. Remember in ROTJ Palpatince is encouraging luke to kill vader and take his place at his side.

Sith are always 2.

It doesnt necesseraly have to do with Padame's death.

But if in fact Padame dies, that could also do it;)

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Very good point Eklin.


Normally Anakin goes beserk when someone else is in danger, basically because of feeling or attachment.

He is not evil, he just doesn't think and decide the right wasy, he is a AWOL Jedi or Sith, you never know what he might do next.

the Obi and Anakin battle, that probably has to happen, as Anakin already is starting to argue with Obi at the beggining of the movie, so friction excists in their relationship.

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Ok how about this for an idea.


Cause I like the bit about the Jedi Council finding out about Anakins marriage.


The Jedi Council prohibit Anakin from seeing the pregnant Padme. The council are unaware of the state of Padme and her pregnancy. Yoda, Mace and Obiwan inform Padme about the state of Anakin and convince her to go into hiding. There she gives birth to twins. Realising the importance of these children they split them, leaving Padme on Alderaan with Leia and taking luke to Tatooine.


This bit could actually be told as the yellow scrolling story at the begining. All we need to know is that while in hiding Padme gives birth to twins and they are split.


Anakin is not informed about Padme's birth and although hates the council for not allowing him to see Padme, he does accept there ruling but not without pouring his heart out to Palpatine, his friend.


Four/five years later and after and extensive search Palpatine finds out where Padme is hiding and informs the Trade Federation - who still have that bounty on Padme's head -. In a callous attack, the Trade fedaration assinate Padme.


The council have no option but to inform Anakin, who goes up the wall. It was the council who stopped him from seeing Padme and his hate and anger is directed at them and Obiwan.


Then Palpatine recruits a happy to be a Sith Anakin who starts to do to the council what he did to the Tusken raiders. Only he comes face to face against Obiwan who defeats him, and leaves his battered body almost dead.


Que Darth Vader and so on......



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Lucas has already stated that the climatic ending of the clone wars is at the begining so that probably means the whole time between Ep II & Ep III the Jedi have been fighting. So Anakin wouldn't have seen Padme since the honeymoon, because if he did he would wonder why his bitch got fat. So Anakin would be counting the days to go and see her. Since Padme's pregnant she has left the senate and gone home to Naboo.


Jar Jar being the fool that he is slips out and tells Mace and Yoda of this. Mace then sends an old friend of his to go and protect her and the children. This Old friend is someone we don't know who is later reveled to be Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas.


Sifo-Dyas's back story is... (This happens before Episode I) He was once Mace Windu's appentice and a member of the jedi council he was reserching if jedis could be clonend with Qui-Gon Jinn (since Jedi numbers were falling). At this time Dooku & Qui-Gon were working together planning the sepertise movement. Sifo-Dyas found out about this and had a duel with Qui-gon. Qui-Gon was believe dead so to hide this the council replace Qui-Gon with a Clone (episode I) and Sifo-Dyas left the order not because of the inncedent but because (to mirror anakin) he fell in love and went into hiding.


Dooku & Qui-Gon ( who i think is that guy in the silver robot suit sitting at the seperist table (look on the offical site there the same height and if could be a early vader suit model)) used Sifo-Dyas's name to start controlversy and bring him out of hiding. But before this Sifo-Dyas's love had been murded, he didn't go back to the council because of this suffering (we know what this leads to) and lived in the middle of the dessert on tatoonie.

So then...


In order of pushing Anakin to the Dark side Sideous sends the Silver suit guy to kill padme he revelves to be Gui-Gon, Sifo-Dyas is revelved they have another fight. Qui-Gon tells Sifo-Dyas he was the onewho murdered his love and escapes with padme. Sifo-Dyas takes the kids to Alderran before he goes back to the council.


Anakin learns of padme's kidnapping and rushing off with Sifo-Dyas to get her, as they run in Dooku kills Padme's right in front of Anakin. Anakin loses it and duels with Dooku while Sifo-Dyas Duels with Qui-Gon. Both Dooku and Qui-Gon die while Sifo-Dyas controls his feelings Anakin tosses the jedi teaches out the window. Sifo-Dyas tells Anakin to control his feelings but gets a lightsaber instead. Palpatine then comes from the shadowes and convices Anakin to join him and push him to belive that the jedi were respondable.


After they leave Obi-Wan finds a dying Sifo-Dyas tells him of Anakin,the Children and his hiding place on Tatoonie. Sifo-Dyas then became one with the force.


Anakin then proceeds in hunting the remaining jedi with the final being a duel with Mace Windu, before he dies he tells Anakin where Obi-Wan is waiting for him.


We then watch the most amasing lightsaber duel ever and the birth of Darth Vader


Obi Wan then goes to Alderran where Yoda is waiting for him they leave Leia with Bail, take Luke to Tatoonie but on the way drop off Yoda.


The final shot will be of Luke being handed to Owen and Vader's Helmet put on then walking to stand next to the Emperor with the Imperial March Blasing


I know there are some holes but forgive me it's late, sorry about some spelling too

Just my 2 cents

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Lucas has said that:


-Anakin will be shown becoming Darth Vader, ruining the effect of Vader's revelation in ESB

-We would witness "armageddon"

-Several people would each wear pieces of the Vader armor. Anakin kills them all, keeping each piece as a trophy and then assembling them into the look of the armor.


(Even now, Count Dooku's uniform looks a lot like Vader's; the only differences are that his cape is brown, not black, and he has no technology on it.)

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-Several people would each wear pieces of the Vader armor. Anakin kills them all, keeping each piece as a trophy and then assembling them into the look of the armor.


Did Lucas actually say that? Where did you hear this?

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