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Thoughts on backstabbing


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Just if anyone's really bothered I get the impression that there's a general hate for backstabbing now. I've been on the odd server once or twice where a kill naturaly happens like that and been given **** for it. If someones trying to attack you from behind then I think backstab should be the natural response; its basicaly an either you or them scenario. But I agree with everyone where people use back stabbing as there only means of killing. Random idea but in the next patch why dont they back stabbing blockable or just scale down the damage it does...

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Backstabbing isn't the problem, it's the people running around backwards trying to fart on you. If backstab/sweep was reduced to 50% damage, it might reduce the a$$runners and pull/sweep spammers.


I think the fact that there is a 1 hit kill in this game spoils it alot. There is nothing more annoying than breaking someone down slowly only for them to catch you with a backstab by shear luck!

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I agree. if it took tow backstabs to kill a person would everyone be doing it? I don't think so. you'd backstab a person and they wouldn't die and oops they're hacking up your back with heavy style. also backstab and backsweep wouldn't be such a problem if it wasn't all that people use.

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Right now it's so powerful, that you have to use it or get abused by it. I was in a game the other night where everyone kinda agreed it was lame, but it was VERY hard to beat a backsweeper without backsweeping them. I got two lunges, one red swing, a kick, and a yellow arial on the guy. He was still alive. Then I didn't dodge his 10th backsweep attempt and BOOM I'm dead. All that effort undone.


I'd like it if there was one move that was effective against it. I mean go THROUGH it. Right now once that animation starts your saber is converted into touch=instant kill. You can't DFA it, you can't lunge through it, nothing. The only thing is to back up and toss your saber, which does 1/10th the damage of the actual backsweep.


Sure you can avoid backsweep if you are constantly looking out for it, but when you need to land 5+ moves for his 1, you give up and start backsweeping. I'm pretty good without it, but I admit I use it constantly, just cause everyone else does. I love a good duel with a agreement not to use it, then you have a real fight.

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Aye, I agree with you guys...


The fact of the matter is, the backstab was never intended to be so powerful - the developers forgot to make changes to it when they made the patch. And it's downright silly that it's doing so much damage, compared to the other special moves. It doesn't look like it could do more damage IRL compared to the lunge fx.


Right now, I refuse to use backstab in a no force duel. With force (pull and push) it's a more "get 'em, before they get you" mentality, but I rarely play FF anyway. NF with kix are the funniest for me, because you can use kick to counter the headless chickens and lungists...

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Well then, even if it's the only thing they address in a new patch, they ought to fix it, because it's going to kill the longevity of the game. I for one am playing it much less online because every server is just a huge spam party.

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