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Tie Guy, you troublemaker, you..


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Originally posted by Redwing

Obviously you didn't read the thread!


Would I have posted this here if I didn't want you to read it?






(PS: I'm still trying to figure out what Tie Guy actually DID...:D)


Tie Guy is always doing things


btw this smiley rules with a capital R ;P;P;P;P;P

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Well, if you really look at it we all spammed a ton back then. Basically the entire rs.net board was a gigantic chat room, and all anyone ever did was chat, so i guess you could say i spammed alot. I don't know, i wouldn't really call it spam though, we sorta tried mostly to stay on topic. ;) I certainly didn't think i was being an "idiot" though....well, no more than any of the other regulars on the boards :D



oh wait, he must be talking about the other tie guy though. See, if you look at it "Tie guy" is spelled with a lowercase "g" and i spell it with an uppercase "g." Problem solved! ;)

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Originally posted by darthfergie

For some reason...I remember you had a name change way back because everybody didn't want to spend time remembering your name the correct way...it was...at one time...Tie guy:p


Nope, never was. I never got a name change. I wouldn't get one just because some people couldn't remember it. That would be there problem, not mine.


I have always been, and always will be Tie Guy....i'm pretty sure.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Ah! Thats what is was! You complaining about wanting to change to "Tie guy" my mistake. I just remember you wanting a name change...


Didn't i just say that i never wanted a name change? I wouldn't change my whole name just to appease some people ferg. I never wanted it changed, maybe somebody else did though.

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You did...way back. You didn't apply for it I guess. I remember you at least thinking about it when you posted it in one thread way back. Don't worry I'm not wrong about it. You posted it once at least. You may have been joking at the time, but oh well. You posted it. Don't ask me why I remember though because I have no clue why.

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

Did you have... to post that?


(YOU say something to get it back on topic... geeeeez) ;)


So, Tie, errrmm... how many posts did you have on RSN when you left? When did you register?


[/weak attempt to steer topic back on track]


I'm not exactly sure but it was over 1000, which was nothing compared to Redwing, Rogue 15, or The Master.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

No Nat, We arn't. I was proving that Tie Guy really was Tie guy, who in turn was the trouble maker Wraith 8 posted about in the selected thread. Although Tie Guy says I'm wrong so I'll just say that wraith 8 is dutch and can't spell;)

riiiiight :D..... you know.. ill be back here profing to you the threads where this so called Tie Guy is in.. and ill prove im right :)


anrd neo ill kantd spoll enghlis




-Wraith 8-

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