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Clan [JK2N]


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Can i ask a question to the http://www.jediknightii.net staff. You told us these tryouts would of been along time ago and ive been watching and watching for news. I was wondering if this is ever going to happen because JK2N really is a good idea and im totally in. Thats if i make it [Hopefully]


so... plz tell us when these things are gonna happen :D:P

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Is this gonna be a CTF clan, dueling clan, etc. or will it have people who specialize in one or the other for certain things (i.e. duelists, CTFers...wait, never mind...i've made myself look like more of an idiot). The reason I ask, is this: if it's saber only dueling type stuff, I have a chance. If JK2N will use guns, then I'm screwed...the mind wobbles.

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hmmm.. This sounds like fun!!!


I KNOW that I suck to much at this now.. But if I train very very very hard, I might be able to try out for the official JKII clan. And I think it would be fun.. Because all the best players will be there!!




:)And I would really like to have an official Jediknightii.net t-shirt :)

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Like the post said, they have to finalize a method for tryout, not to mention get a server (or two) running on which to hold tryouts. I'd imagine that the reason they didn't reply to you is that they probably have gotten so many of those that they just stopped reading them.

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