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Help Needed; RE: Yoda


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Originally posted by NickR

We've been working on those aspects of the mod for nearly 2 months now, we never had to use your code to do them. But I'm assuming that I'm about to be flamed for being a liar and steeling code. Am I right?

nah it just means he got it done in a smaller amount of time. ;)

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Originally posted by NickR

Am I to assume that if other mods have scaling model abilities or rgb saber colours, that they obviously have taken your code? Because you do know that most of the stuff in your mod isn't that advanced.


The mod I'm working on already has those things. We've been working on those aspects of the mod for nearly 2 months now, we never had to use your code to do them. But I'm assuming that I'm about to be flamed for being a liar and steeling code. Am I right?


Release this "so called Mod" then and prove it !!!


nearly 2 months you say ? surely the source code hasn`t been out that long ??????

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I think what he's simply saying is that, there are alot of coders out there, and definately not to belittle Tchouky work( which is highly praiseable...great job), but no one else who has been working on the same kinds of things wants to later be labled a "thief" or "ripoff". That would be for anyone doing any kind of work, coding art or otherwise...Im sure youwill all agree. And since Tchouky did make the comment that since he was releasing his code as open source, that anyone else could rip him off...that might be inferred as that kind of statement. I just think that we should all be aware that just because someone does something FIRST, doesnt make them the only one with the idea or ability to do it. All of these mods we have seen , the people making them were inspired to do so by something...in this case by the movies themselves or comix ( scaling in order to have yoda...lightstaff to be like maul....longer saber option like corran horn...dual sabers like anakin (eventually) etc...etc...and the people inspired by these things all happen to have the talent and ability to figure out how to make that happen. In this case...Tchouky has done many things that the community has wanted to see...and will hopefully continue to bring us many more...but lets not let fall into the thinking that jsut because he did it first..that no one else had the idea and the talent to also do it..( even if it takes them longer). And trust me, there are people working on mods that have not even been spoken of yet....doesnt mean they don't exist...just means that maybe its been kept quiet.....and maybe there are features that have already been done, that we all aren't aware of.....not everyone speaks aloud there achievements.....doesnt make it any less an achievement. I'm sure that most of you will agree.

Just praise Tchouky for allowing you to see it first....but dont discredit anyone for bringing it to you in another form later....isnt that the point of "community"...to provide encouragement...?

If a coder ( for example) were coding something that the community wanted..and someone beat him to it...and he quit at it..then the community has lost something..because maybe what that coder would have brought to the same idea may have been and improvement to what was given....but now the coder has given up doing anything, out of fear that the community will claim he didnt do it on his own. Now that talent has gone elsewhere.....its just an example...but a valid one I believe.


again, great work Tchouky...look forward to seeing you tackle the next challenge....:D

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i agree my tck mod is not advanced at all !

Most (if not all :) ) the changes are basics and not very hard to implement.


Contrary to what most poeple think i'm not that good !

(many poeple said things like Tchouky has become one with the code ! etc...)

i'm begining and still learning.

Much to learn i still have !


btw I don't really care if someone does the same thing and have a mod with more features than mine !


I release the source code to help , i don't care if someone just rip what i did and release his *new super cool* mod .

good for him !


NickR : did you work on the model scaling too ?

I started to work on it one week ago lol when Sith lord posted this thread. We should have worked together !

I'm looking forward to see your mod :)

What did you put in it ? (or maybe it's top secret :p)

And no i don't consider you a liar or something :D .


I really worked on the model displaying and ghoul2 stuff because i wanted to release a mod that allowed you to choose the saber hilt . but i had many problems (almost sucesfull i ll try again when i ll come back from vacations...) and i stoped the developent to allow scaling (which isn't that difficult :) ).


btw i fixed the saber colision problems.

and the resizing of the dead bodies , the limbs....


I removed the blade scaling cause it added many problems !

(i'll put it back when i'll have time )

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My post wasn't intended to be spiteful just firm.


About the saber hilts... I tried to code it so you could choose it like you can with models (with default skins and what not) but in the end the way the saber code was done it wasn't possible for me yet. So I've just thought about creating extra sabers with a different hilt for each one. Nothing special.

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i have been able to create a cvar "hilt xxx"

with xxx being the name of the hilt.

with the hilts in the pk3 with this path




and it worked but the problem is that the ghoul2 server messes with the ghoul2 model of the entities so i had a the saber working great except when it was thrown because it becomes a diferent entity and the server changes it s model.


and the saber had a very wierd movement lol

it was vertical and didn't spin !

and just teleported itself like small hyperjump jumps .

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The model for the thrown saber is in WP_SaberPositionUpdate it looks like. It calls

saberent->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex("models/weapons2/saber/saber_w.glm");

so you should just be able to store the desired saber model in a variable and have it load that.

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yeah but in my mod only the player create an array with all the saber hilts present on the machine.

the server just pass trought the name of the hilt.


If i did what you say the player could just have the models which aare present on the server ....


(the problem should more be with the ghoul2 instance i think but not sure thought..)

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"kyle" 1.0 1.0

"desann" 1.35 0

"vader" 1.12 0

"wookiee" 1.26 0

"exarkun_sithii" 1.05 0

"leia" 0.83 0

"boushh" 0.83 0

"stormtrooper" 1.1 0

"swamptrooper" 1.1 0

"reborn" 0.94 0

"maul" 0.97 0

"monmothma" 0.83 0

"darkyoda" 0.6 0

"yoda" 0.6 0

"reelo" 1.0 0

"big" 2.0 0

"mrbig" 10.0 0

"darth_vader" 1.12 0

"DarthMaul" 0.97 0

"padme" 0.80 0

"cheshire_vader" 1.12 0

"motskyle" 1.0 1.0

"chewie" 1.26 0

"sith_tyrion" 0.90

"jedi_tyrion/unrobed" 0.90

"kronardark" 0.90

"jarjar" 1.06

"ep2dooku" 1.10

"ep2windu" 1.05

"ep2obiwan" 1.04

"ep2anakin" 1.08

"sith_tyrion/uncaped" 0.90

"jedi_tyrion" 0.90

"the_emperor" 0.89

"kronarlight" 0.88

"gungan" 1.06

"dark_priest" 0.97

"Anakin" 1.08

"Dooku" 1.10

"ben" 1.04

"palpatine" 0.89

"ep2obiwan_model" 1.04

"windu" 1.05

"ep1_obi-wan" 1.02

"QuiGonVM" 1.06

"ewok" 0.55

"jawa" 0.65

"ObiVM" 1.02

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