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Dessan too easy? *possible spoiler*


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ya I noticed that too. I find that theres to ways to fight Desann


1: where you try not to kill him to much and have a really long saber fight but end up getting your butt kicked :eek:


2: You go psycho and just kick the living sh!te out of him in three or four seconds :D


For some reason he's harder in The Ladder map if you reach him though :confused:

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Blah! I beat him after 2 tries because i knew what to do...

Force pull him when he is out of force... Then he lands on his belly and you can whack him in the head. Then i force speeded around him and swooshed his back one or two times.

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i thoguht he was easy too i just jumpdown with speed and slashed him 3 good times and he fell dead i was so disapionted tavion was harder in a sense because you didn't have all your force powers or stances



Whakapapa..i noticed your signature...usual suspects right

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Try fighting him on Jedi Master, he's a real bitch.


Desann's health is rated at 500, Galak Mech's at 1,000.


I definatly agree, Galak was just too hard. I didn't really like the way you had to beat him, either. I've always thought those huge, lurking enemies like him should be out smarted, not out gunned. I thought you should have had to collapse the shield generator on him or something.

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For me, Galak and Desann have about the same difficulty...


Galak has a huge armor and a shield, but he can't use the force; nor can he run fast


Desann only require you to hit him a couple straight shots, then he's dead. No armor, but he's Force is really annoying...


I think I pushed Tavion off the cliff once... :)

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Anyone who cant beat Desann in 5 tries on Jedi sucks. I got him on my 3rd try. I just switched to heavy, speedbursted, and whacked away. He threw his saber, i deflected it, so he was utterly defenseless as I cut him up. When speed ran out he lighting-spammed me so I just bacta-ed, then bursted agian and got him with one more hit. It took all of 30 seconds. Easy. Galak, on the other hand, was a huge pain in the ass.

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Desann really was too easy. I dont want to sound like a show off or something, but on Jedi difficulty i beat him first try. He was pretty tough at first, I had to use force heal once, then I pushed him over, stabbed him, fought for another few seconds, and then finished him with a backsweep. I'll admit that's kind of a lame way to fight (I dont use this method in MP) but the thing is it never worked on Tavion. It took me a zillion tries to kill her, she managed to stop all the force I threw at her. But Desann was frickin easy as pie I dont get it. Then my friend told me about the pillar, so i used saber throw, cut it down and bam he dies in the first minute. Any boss that you can beat in 1 shot by cutting down a pillar like that is too damn easy...

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padawan - easy first try

jedi - not too bad (no speed) 3rd try. probably luck as well haha

jedi knight - pushing it. 10th or something. i got lucky

jedi master - i hvaen't beaten desann yet on this. more than 50 tries.


only times i beat him on master was with saberreasliticcombat set on 3. so like 2 swipes with the saber he's done.


its completely unfair how he throws you around like a rag doll, and lightning spams you.

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