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an idea


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here's an idea to get people to stop spamming backstab and back sweep: make every hit with the lightsaber a kill. think about it, no more as*fighting, people could actualy look at each other when dueling. the lightsaber would be the most dangerous weapon of all and blocking their hits would be essential. then all the moves would be employed and the game would be twice as interesting.

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Originally posted by MediocreSlacker

P.S. OMG! I LOVE your new avatar, greedo!!!




then there would be no point to heavy stance or medium, or the unique moves


everybody would iuse light stance


true, but if medium and heavy would be harder to block and light would be harder to score a hit with...

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Like the new avatar Greedo! ;)


I do think if every move were a one hit kill it would take forever and a day for someone to make the first move as the person countering is obviously at an advantage. It would make the game very boring and unrealistic. I think the reduce special move damage to 50% would work alot better.

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Originally posted by greedo626






true, but if medium and heavy would be harder to block and light would be harder to score a hit with...


i don't know about you, but i'd still use light stance because medium and heavy leave you so open you'd just run in, hit em once and they'd be dead



i'm gunn have to stick with lexx on this one

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It's a freaking lightsaber, of course it should work that way. Personally, I'm tired of the "wiffle-ball bat" lasersword in this game. It WOULD, too, cut down on the spamming. More concentration would go into developing a strategy to avoid being hit, more defensive reacting and looking for that HOLE to open up and slash into. You'd also have to be wary of someone sneaking up behind you for an easy kill.


This is the way the game should have been designed from the start. I remember ads "boasting" on how realistic the saber combat was going to be....how much more freedom you would have with it. Would have been nice if it lived up to my expectations.:D


I also think that the stances should be based on skill level. Scratch the whole light, medium, heavy stance thing. No one is going to pick up a lightsaber for the first time and be a PRO at all of these stances. I think it would have been interesting if there was just one "stance" and with more experience and kills...a new move or combo would open up to you, or defnse would become better. That way you'd have to earn the more deadly moves. This may sound rather unrealistic for a game idea, but I see it in my head very clearly, I just don't know how to put it in word to describe it.:) If I had the knowledge or talent to do up a MOD like this, I would. I'm afraid it will have to stay "fantasy", though.

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