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My communication with Raven about 1.04

Homosexual Ewok

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I have been in constant contact with Raven about a major game play issue that has utterly destroyed the community.


The other day I was playing on a full Force guns enabled FFA server and this guy with a Storm Trooper rifle and a full ammo clip of 200 spammed nearly the full clip at my drawn saber and, check this out, he managed to get 3, YES 3, shots past my defense!


Can you believe this? I mean if I want to run at someone with my mouse 1 taped down swinging my saber blindly, there is no reason why I should not be able to defend myself!


Due to this major flaw I wrote Raven vice president Buck Thunderhschlong 73 e-mails and demanded a patch on behalf of the Honorable Order of AOL Jedi.


This was his response:




Thank you for buying Jedi Outcast, if you enjoyed that you should try our new exciting game Soldier of Fortune 2. In stores now!



Buck Thunderschlong



I think it looks good for us guys; I'll keep you all posted on our communication.

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You sir, are a true moron. I don't think you realize that it's NOT RAVEN'S CHOICE TO MAKE A PATCH. LucasArts makes ALL calls on game development, patches, source codes, etc. Raven can't do JACK about patches.


Also, if you weren't able to defend yourself from three repeter rounds, it's not because of the game, it's because your a horrible player.

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Originally posted by Emon

You sir, are a true moron. I don't think you realize that it's NOT RAVEN'S CHOICE TO MAKE A PATCH. LucasArts makes ALL calls on game development, patches, source codes, etc. Raven can't do JACK about patches.


Also, if you weren't able to defend yourself from three repeter rounds, it's not because of the game, it's because your a horrible player.


Dear God, I hope that was an attempt at sarcasm.


You did grasp by the blatantly obvious sarcasm in that post, that it was a joke? If not, I hope for the sake of the human race you are unable to produce offspring.


I mean Raven Vice President "Buck Thunderschlong"?

You really didn't buy that did you?


But then again millions subscribe to AOL...


I somehow think you only read the first two lines though. ;)

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Originally posted by Emon

You sir, are a true moron. I don't think you realize that it's NOT RAVEN'S CHOICE TO MAKE A PATCH. LucasArts makes ALL calls on game development, patches, source codes, etc. Raven can't do JACK about patches.



Would somebody please provide some proof for this statement?

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok

Hey admins, can we get a "little plane flying right over the head of a smiley face" icon?


I wasnt responding to your post Homosexual Ewok. It was for the others. Once again, another flame from someone who misunderstood. /sigh

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok



Thank you for buying Jedi Outcast, if you enjoyed that you should try our new exciting game Soldier of Fortune 2. In stores now!



Buck Thunderschlong



Sounds like "We don't care! You got the game and paid us money! No patch is the catch! Buy something else from us!"


But then again Raven can't do anything about the patch....DAMN LEC!!! JUST LET RAVEN DO THEIR PATCH FOR GOD SAKES!

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Originally posted by jarek


I wasnt responding to your post Homosexual Ewok. It was for the others. Once again, another flame from someone who misunderstood. /sigh

Relax dude, I am not jumping you.

Hell, the only reason I pick on QuiteSith so much is he's a little too uptight.

It is just good-natured, old fashioned ball-busting.

I don't take this stuff too seriously, granted it may seem like I jump on people at times, but I can take it just as good as I dish it out so no harm done.


Besides, there are bigger things to worry about in the world than getting mad at someone over a silly (yet so damn fun) game. ;)

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poor homo =\ Its unfortunate that your audiance consists of Prepubesant homophobes who couldnt catch a joke.. a witty comment or im sure for that matter a person of the oppsit sexes attention..hence the vilolence on the forum.aand if you people are none of what i claimed..then i should reward you for being such a good actor/actress..oh and blamer its the guy who cant make his mind up over such a simple matter

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We could get bogged down in all the connotations and semantics of the term homophobe, and, after a long, drawn out and most likely boring discussion, come to a conclusion that we could all agree on and benefit from, but since we don't have time for that, we'll just call you a homophobe.



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