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Absorb....what a wuss force


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If one guy is using Chain Lightning, and the other isn't, that other guy better be doing something to either (1) keep himself alive, or (2) make the other guy dead.


How one pursues either of those paths, I don't really care, short of actual cheating. But to complain about someone using a legitimate tactic is just poor sportsmanship, and really quite ridiculous.


Whether I'm a Dark or Lightsider, if someone Chains me, I know how to respond. If you don't, then that's something you should focus on, rather than complaining about people who beat you fair and square.

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its funny, i sense that this guy who stared this thread never played the first Jedi Knight. In Jedi Knight, there weas absorb and it did the exact same thing. now when JK2 first came out you saw absorb so you knew the person ahd it on and could hear it. In 1.03 they made it so its invisible but you can still hear it. So waht i have to say is, PLEASE PEOPLE, stop trying to make it where you can kill with so much ease. Personaly i love having a challenge and stuff. Absorb helps stop all those Lighting spammers and griping people who like to throw people off ledges. Personally, i love being a light jedi in MP. It just helps when i face someone who just loves to lighting people to death. WELL THIS IS JUST MY OPINION.



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dudez u got it all rong....the cheapest force power of them all is friggin saber defense i mean COME ON i shoot at them with my stormtrooper rifle, and these friggin newbs stand still and I die. WTF! saber defense is such a wuss power omg it sux, forget absorb, i mean yah it 2 is bad i mean i drain all my force lightning on that lil n00b bitch and he just absorbs it, so i go at him with my uber blue stance and guess what yup u guess it HE BLOCKS MY SABER THEN 2! i was just like....OMG STFU UR GAY NEWB OMG BS and the d00d laffed at me and was like har har har i used saber defense and u didnt and i was like d00d saber defense is so friggin cheap only n00bs use it, and then he cut me down using his gay red style


u all feel teh same way i do?

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Lightning NEVER EVER was a problem for me even if I never use absorb. When being at Dark Side the best counter to lightning is Drain. He damages you and you heal so he just loses more Energy than you. In light side it is push, throw, healing and even weapons if they are allowed. When someone is doing lightning you have no defense and can't defend projectiles or saber. So push him rape him, cut him in 2 with your saber and while he is getting away to get his energy up heal yourself.


By the time there are healing forces (which suck in my opinion and these destroy the game) lightning will never be annoying. Because the reason we don't see a lot of LightSaber combat in Force ON duel server is because of the Drain/Healing. Damages bellow 50 are useless because they are replenished easily. So everyone focuses in one hit kills (Backstabs, DFAs, Air Flips) because it is the only way to end the game.

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Originally posted by icefox98

dudez u got it all rong....the cheapest force power of them all is friggin saber defense i mean COME ON i shoot at them with my stormtrooper............is so friggin cheap only n00bs use it, and then he cut me down using his gay red style

u all feel teh same way i do?


LMAO!! Ur teh man! icefox! :D

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I hav'nt read through this whole thread but has'nt anybody noticed that alot of people are using some sort of Auto-Absorb script of some sort? It really pisses me off when people use this. Its the same thing as an auto-aim script, you let the computer do the work for you. People that use absorb doesnt really bother me. Its when people use the auto-absorb script that ticks me. Its like almost everytime I try to grip/push/pull someone(dark side person myself), it doesnt do anything to them because the absorb turns on the milisecond I try to use force on them. It really pisses me off. I consider that a cheat really.

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well i use absorb and i'm proud of it.


It PISSES off all of you Push/Pull hoes on Bespin and NS Streets, oh... So sad you can't push the guy off? that means you have to use your *gasp* LIGHTSABER!


All you grip droppers cant do jack to us.... no more hoeing that i guess :p


And the lightning guys... you shooot it and chase them... If your that cheap and gay then it servs you right to not be able to kill them.


And last but not least


You cant pull me down and have your hoe ways with me *na na na*

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All you grip droppers cant do jack to us.... no more hoeing that i guess


Thats exactly why I started using absorb. I got so annoyed at people who would do nothing but run around and grip people off ledges. I got a kick out of letting them run up to me, grip me, I turn on absorb, and they keep pivoting towards the pit. Then, when their back is turned, I boot them off with a kick. Wheeeee!!!



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Originally posted by JCronic

I hav'nt read through this whole thread but has'nt anybody noticed that alot of people are using some sort of Auto-Absorb script of some sort? It really pisses me off when people use this. Its the same thing as an auto-aim script, you let the computer do the work for you. People that use absorb doesnt really bother me. Its when people use the auto-absorb script that ticks me. Its like almost everytime I try to grip/push/pull someone(dark side person myself), it doesnt do anything to them because the absorb turns on the milisecond I try to use force on them. It really pisses me off. I consider that a cheat really.



You loser!!!


Obviously you don't the updates that the patch made. These people aren't turning absord on "the millisecond" you use a power. It's already on, youy just don't see the blue glow anymore unless it's actually absorbing. The whole time though it does make noise and does take up force power.


BTW, I'm a lightsider and rely on absorb because you darksiders tend to spam the lightning. It's a perfectly fair power to use, in fact darksiders still have an advantage of sorts because they can wait us out and lightning us then as somebody already mentioned.

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Why do I have the feeling that many of the people bitching about absorb were the same people who ran around draining everyone in 1.02? Oh but then again, that was OK since they liked dark side, and drain was the uber power.


Here's hoping there's another patch to balance everything a little further, but until then, deal with it, it's just a game lamers.

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It continually amuses me when I see some of the responses that people who play the lightside come up with when people complain about absorb. The power causes a huge imbalance which favors the lightside of the force. Yes I exclusively pay the darkside. However I really dont care that abosrb stops the darkside offensive powers, as that is the primary purpose.


The main problem is that absorb gives the lightside the offensive force power advantage. The lightside player can push and pull, saber throw and kick a darkside player at will while the darkside player can only rely on saber throw (which will most likely not hit if the opponent is using a saber), and kicks (good luck getting closing enough if the lightside opponent has a good weapon).


As I said before I dont have a problem with absorb coutering the darkside powers, but the fact that it also counters neutral powers give the lightside the offensive force advantage over the darkside. Considering that the whole point of playing the darkside is to have the offensive force advantage it is clear what problems abosrb causes.


All these claims that abosrb makes saber battles about the sabers themselves are made by lightside players in denial. While I'm sure there are some players who may not use pull or push while abosrb is on, the majority do. In the end its still about force powers and not the saber so saying that absorb makes a duel about sabers is an invalid argument.


Things only get worse when you involve guns. Can't pull a gun away from a lightside player, but the darkside players are cannon fodder for pulling and pushing. FFA its not too bad, but in any game mode that invovles teamplay, good luck trying to hold onto a weapon if your not using, or dont have absorb.


Due to the above, there are several ways to restore some balance. Abosrb could be altered so that push and pull will still affect a player. This makes the sides even when absorb is on. No side has an offensive force advantage. The other thing that would make absorb balanced would be to give absorb the reverse ysmalri effect, ie, when abosrb is on a player could use no other force powers. This would give the darkside player an offensive force advantage, but not much of one because the only powers that could be directly against a player with absorb would be saber throw (once agian can be blocked or dodged), and kicking (which can be dodged). Both of the aforementioned solutions are much more balanced than what is currently in place. Making drain stronger only caters to the drain whores who used drain not to heal as was intended, but for the sole purpose of reducing an opponents force.

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ShockV1.89: Yeah. Getting thrown off ledges sucks. It's good to have defense against that. :D


I'm just getting amused by this whole Absorb rant. It sounds as if they think it lasts forever. Sometimes, it does. Sometimes, Darksiders fight without strategy and just spam lightning. They will die. The reason:


RTFM - Using the Force against someone who's Absorbing will replenish their Force Pool!


Absorb can last roughly 10-20 seconds without being fed. What astounds me, is that there are people out there who'll rant and whine and demand that a Lightsider should not be able to do anything while Absorbing, when paying attention and strategy (a real obvious strategy at that) will suffice.


"Skill? Honour? Courage? Who needs these when you can have everything nerfed?"


Some people just don't understand that Absorb's there to turn the tides against Dark Powers. I guess some hunters don't like becoming the hunted.


:gben:Trust your feelings.

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