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Absolute PROOF that storm troopers would be just as well off naked...


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Originally posted by MasterD-LeyAmas

Yeah, I think we all would've liked to see some stormtroopers get their arms ripped outta their sockets and beat to death with them.



(really, which is scarier?)


LOL! That's the funniest thing I've heard all week! I'd be laughing too much if that happened! :lol:


Look how much damage Chewbaca caused. He nearly took out half the batallion. :D

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Wookies would have been cool, but you have to admit, ewoks are pretty cool in their uncanny resemblance to angry (and furry) midgets.


oh yeah..


@Nigel_pk, tell you what, put a bucket over your head and get one of your friends to throw a stone at the bucket and you will know how that stormtrooper felt.


dude, it hit him square on the shoulderpad... Calexus, tell you what, put on some hockey shoulderpads, and get one of your friends to throw a stone right at the pad. You'll know what that stormtrooper felt, or rather, didn't feel.

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@Kyth'emos: I quite think you're wrong...no one else has ever seen that, and it's been 17 years since its release.


Actually, stormtrooper armor is supposed to protect against high impact. Blasters can still fry them, which is why we see them dying so much.


Canonically, the arrows that killed the stormtroopers were supposed to have hit them in the black sections. Calexus is correct.

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well, you see, the scout armor must be really light and thin and their sharp arrows could peirce through them.. maybe they were some kind of VERY sharp never dulling material? ..


and about that stormtrooper. well... his 'padding' is all metallic armor right? ... or plastic in this case ;)


well, maybe the impact reverberated through the pad and right into his shoulder..... ..... them little teddy bears are strong, they musta ran all the wookies out of their with those rocket launchers for arms

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Nah, really? :rolleyes:


Due to their lack of sufficient armor, the scout troopers are a lot easier to take down than regular stormies. Their armor has to be lightweight because of their mission profile. They're not meant for heavy combat like the stormies are.


With regards to arrows, a lot of force is put behind them. I know, I've done this myself. Using a longbow, I shot a graphite arrow straight through a thick wooden door. Scoutie armor is probably a lot thinner than that door, so it's no wonder that the Ewoks had a merry time shooting them down.

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Yeah, but you're forgetting that most of the stormtroopers that the Ewoks killed were stormie regulars. They weren't speederbike stormies. They had full armor on, and in one scene, you see the arrow go strait through the regular stormtrooper armor (the white armored part). And the armor isn't supposed to be weaker than a wooden door, no matter how thick the door is. It's supposed to be combat armor.


Yes, it was a bit far stretched, but Lucas' orginal idea was to use Wookies... which would've made much more sense... but I guess everyone will just have to live with the fact that they were Ewoks.

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Originally posted by MasterD-LeyAmas

Yeah, but you're forgetting that most of the stormtroopers that the Ewoks killed were stormie regulars. They weren't speederbike stormies. They had full armor on, and in one scene, you see the arrow go strait through the regular stormtrooper armor (the white armored part). And the armor isn't supposed to be weaker than a wooden door, no matter how thick the door is. It's supposed to be combat armor.


Yes, it was a bit far stretched, but Lucas' orginal idea was to use Wookies... which would've made much more sense... but I guess everyone will just have to live with the fact that they were Ewoks.


I don't rember regular stormies getting shot with arrows... only scout troopers. But the stormies got hit by a rock and fell down so they obviously weren't much better off. Also the fact that Lucas originally intended to use wookies makes things seem more reasonable, as I didn't know that before now.

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Like Absorb, Ewoks are dumb. Here are the Imperial Stormtroopers, the elite shock troops of the Galactic Empire, the soldiers that were able to bring the Rebels to their knees - rebels with far more skill and firepower than the rocks and sticks wielded by the furry inhabitants of Endor, and we're supposed to believe that these cream-of-the-crop Imperial warriors were defeated with lesser-trained, lesser-equipped, primitive natives? Please!!!


As has been pointed out, Stormtrooper armor is not ornamental. It stops projectile weapons cold. If you didn't catch that previous sentence, here's an encore: Stormtrooper armor stops projectile weapons cold. A soldier cocooned inside of Stormtrooper armor is not only safe from words, but sticks and stones as well. The only thing that can penetrate the white encasement is a super-heated blaster bolt. To argue that the kinetic energy imparted by a thrown, fist-sized stone is somehow comparable to a super-sonic bullet, which would still be ineffective against ST armor, is ridiculous.


The whole idea is simply and utterly absurd. Yes, people will argue that the whole point of the story is about how a weaker, unsuspecting foe can topple an empire, and blah blah blah. And I'm fine with that premise, so long as the means is at least somewhat plausible. In the case of the Ewoks, the events as shown on screen were beyond incomprehensible.


Just think about it. One on one, who do you think would kill you faster? A stormtrooper with a blaster rifle, or an Ewok with a stone? Apply some common sense, and the answer should be clear.


In any event, the Ewok scene was, up until the introduction of Jar Jar, George Lucas' darkest hour :rolleyes:

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Im not saying the ewoks taking down STers is plausable or anything, but stopping a projectile shaped like a bullet is qiute different from stopping a very sharp, pointed object like a knife, or arrow in this case. Chianmail (even today) is the best for stopping an arrow or knife, becuase it has small links that move slightly to slow the progectile, then stop at a certian point after the links can move no more (due to thier shape), preventing the knife or arrow from penetrating. When you look at ancient plate armor, arrows could quite easily penetrate, because they were sharp enough and the armor didnt have any give for the projectile's momentum to slow. Its like taking a kitchen knife to an aluminum can; no constest. Im not saying whatever polycarbonate would be used for STer amor is equivalent to plate armor, but the principal still applies. Either way, Ewoks suck, and STers should have massacered them.

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MasterD-LeyAmas, just for clarification on the Absorb thing, I just think it's dumb because it's so easy to counter :cool: But back on topic, it appears that you, Lime-Light, and myself are in agreement that the Ewoks should have been rendered into fur tufts, smoldering on the forrest floor.


I do agree that a battle between the Empire and the Wookies would have been much more believable and quite an awesome spectable.

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Much better plot I imagine too. It would go like this: The wookies are the work slaves of the Imperials for the moon and Deah Star, which gives them a reason to attack the imperials (the Ewoks were just there and decided to throw rocks at people, how weak). And then I could see wookies kicking StormTrooper ass, arrows or no! They wouldnt have to be all primitive either, they could be an underground movement trying to save thier slaving comrades. That would eliminate the whole 3P0 being some god too, which would be nice...

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Originaly posted by Vagabond:

To argue that the kinetic energy imparted by a thrown, fist-sized stone is somehow comparable to a super-sonic bullet, which would still be ineffective against ST armor, is ridiculous.


they aren't equal, they are however different, the bullet is so small that it would hardly cause any vibration, but the rock has a much greater mass so that it sends vibrations through the armor which could possibly disorient the stormtrooper long enough for five little fuzballs to jumb on him and stab him with spears.

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Oh, yeah, sorry Vagabond, just thought you were another lightning spammer complaining about absorb. :D


But, yes, the Ewoks would have been blasted into oblivion, with maybe a *couple* stormtrooper casualties. They'd have been no better than cannon fodder.




ST1: "Hey, there's one!"

ST2: "Ohh, I'm scared."




Ewok: "nyum nyum... ugg..."


ST2: "Heehee, they're fun to shoot!"




Ewok: "..................." :ewok:

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Kyth'emos, of course they're not equal. A rock would simply bounce off of the helmet. Dude, last night I got hit in the back of the head with a speeding softball as the second-baseman tried to throw me out as I ran from first to second. The ball hit me hard, square on the back of the head, and it hurt like hell, and I didn't even have a helmet on. But you know what? It didn't disorient me - the ball rolled out into the outfield and I ran on to third-base. So, to say that somehow a stone hitting a fully armored head would disorient an elite soldier is fanciful speculation at best, and just plain wrong at worst.


I mean, think about it - a ST helmet isn't just a hard piece of metal/ceramic/whatever, sitting right on top of the guy's head. There's a lot of padding in there too. That's the whole point of having a helmet in the first place :rolleyes: If it doesn't cushion kinetic blows, then the helmet offers no real benefit to the soldier - they don't just wear them to look scary, you know?


If you're interested in thinking about this rationally, then just take a deep breath, and use some common sense. But if you're just wanting to justify how a Hollywood script, written by some flannel-shirted guy, is realistic in how it portrayed a battle where guys with armor and ray guns, were beaten by little furry guys with sticks and stones, then there's nothing more to discuss.

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Maybey the trooper who got hit on the shoulder had a really bad zit and when the inpact popped it, he bled to death.


Actually... I think the stormtroopers must have been bribed to loose to Ewoks. That's why it was so easy. There's a big conspiracy going on here...

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