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Community idea's for a possible SW:GB 2

Darth Windu

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I was also thinking that bounty hunters should be excluded from the game, except as the hutt unique unit assuming the Hutt's get into the game as a civ, although that's a 'take it or leave it' sorta thing.


Not sure if i mentioned this before as well but i want to see the rest of the Jedi Council in the editor (Adi Gallia, dude with long neck, short dude with pointy ears and scar over one eye etc).


Finally, get rid of the Jedi Starfighter's delay before firing. I don't mind the delay between shots (though being a little shorter would be nice) but the delay before starting is a killer.

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How about they make the jedi starfighter fire faster but increase the cost or you could have a dear upgrade like rapidfire where there are no gaps between shoots.and were talking about starwars time the logs wouldnt evenj damage the aat as the armour would be made to absorb shocks.

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Hey people

My personal 'wish list' for SWGB 2 is:

(some of this is realistically achievable, some not)

1) Air Dogfights! Air stuff was the reason i bought GB (well, not really, it was just the thing i was just looking forward to the most)

and what do we get?

Ships sitting around shooting at each other.

Maybe there's some weird waypoint triggery thing that happens when an aircraft attacks; it swoops, dives, twists, etc. It would make space stuff way more fun. And before I get critisism about unbalancing ("they'll be able to dodge AA!") AA stuff is sorta homing........... maybe they won't do the tricky stuff against ground troops.

2) On the same note of 'interactive combat,' not just sitting and shooting, maybe some special units (eg. bounty hunters, heroes) could dodge, roll, etc. while on the ground? Maybe this is completely unachievable. But you asked.

3) A little bit of StarCraft- as in some completely different stuff between the civs. eg. consider the SC basic warriors- zerglings were quick, cheap and could burrow (with upgrade), marines were cheap ranged cannon fodder, Zealots were expensive hand-to-hand people. GB basic warriors- all guys with guns.

I guess what i'm suggesting is sorta an engine change. I wouldn't mind that. AoK engine is old-ish, and really can't portray the SW universe accurately. (eg. the whole dogfight thingy.)

4) New races; well, I'd like some EU stuff- i.e. after the movies, during some books. Maybe the Imperial Remnant, New Republic, Yuzhan Vong- they'd be hard to do though, a bit unbalancing-and another nonhuman civ, perhaps...... Mon Cal, like everybody is going for?

5) I'd like to consider the issue of races. The game seems to portray that there isn't a single nonhuman in the rebels, republic, naboo- and there isn't a single human in the wookies. APART from Jedi, and I SERIOUSLY HATE the fact that all jedi are human. And all sabers are blue/red.

Couldn't the rebels have sullustans flying their fighters? Mon Cals in the Air Cruisers? Even- this may seem crazy- adopting the Wookies into the Rebels and becoming their Laser Trooper? (i'm going to get hammered on that one....)

The Republic- definitely a multicultural society. Look at coruscant! every single race in the damn galaxy is there! But what does the republic have? Clones. And some jedi and bounty hunters.

Can it be reasonable not to have clones for EVERYTHING??? They get really really really really boring. And surely, at least Republic Jedi would be the most mixed bunch of all.

Empire I can understand- the NhM (NonhuMan) policy shows its effects quite obviously in the game.

Naboo- if it's based on showing them After EP 1, maybe have some gungan influence on their sea? Just to show the two cultures mixing?

Gungans- Naboo influence on them, maybe.

Wookies- possibly absorbed into Rebels, they weren't shown in the movies at all, even EU doesn't show them having anything military.


......... whoa...... big post........ anyway that's all for now.

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Me? Reasonable? How do you figure that????? :D

i sorta expected everybody to say i was crazy. Nice to know somebody who doesn't think so.

Gungans-Naboo; Yeah, two different cultures, sure. But is there no intermixing at all?

At the end of TPM, you see them holding the big shiny ball thingy. All peaceful and happy. During the movie, at the Gungan Sacred Place, both races acknowledged that they couldn't survive without each other.

And if they're so close together, how can they be so utterly different in their civs?

I'm not suggesting naboo have better ships, or gungans have better jedi- though perhaps realistic, this would completely unbalance the game. No, what I'm saying is just a different look of some of the stuff. To show that the two cultures intermix and bits rub off on each other.

No real game effect at all. Just looks good.

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Well i dont think changing the wookie's is a good idea, but i think merging the gungans/naboo is a good idea (new peace treaty = friendly relations, same planet)


With the non-human thing you have to remember a few points-

1. Humans were flying the rebel fighters

2. The clones were from a human

3. The jedi i have a big issue with. There should be lots of different 'art' things for jedi that are chosen at random (ie species and blue or green lightsabre)

4. I would like to see the Hutt's. The mon cal are a small part of the rebel's.

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Ok, Windu, thanks for the creative critiszms.

As i said to crazy dog- i'm not merging the naboo/gungans. They're rather different and are nice civs by themselves.

Non human stuff-

Ok, maybe at Yavin, cos the rebellion was rather small. Also i don't think Lucasfilm could be bothered making alien suits.

Seriously, they didn't do aliens cos they COULDN'T do aliens. In some cases anyway.

But consider Endor!

Copilot of the Millenium Falcon? Nien Nunb, a Sullustan. Sullustans are renowned for their flying skill. They also excel at making fighters and freighters. I think. (SoroSuub is sullustan, and they make lots, not just fighters.)

Consider Bothans! Other than the damn spynet, which ANY civ can get, and Utric Sandov (who has a very weird voice, Fey'lya would be laughable with that voice), they aren't there. A bothan-albeit a stupid bothan, but hey- led the rogues to Blackmoon. Bothans have their own government and their own cool planet, which is shown in EU.

Just look at the Rogues! Twi'leks, shistaven, a bothan, sullustan, Verpine... ah! Yes! Verpines! Rebel techs! But they're not in GB at all!

Mon Cal- part of rebels, correct, but very large part. Admiral Ackbar anyone!!!! (an ALIEN who commanded the entire fleet)And if you consider EU- which I think we must- most of the Rebel fleet is either captured star destroyers or Mon Cal Star Cruisers, or whatever they're called.

IF somebody could incorporate Mon Cal into rebels- eg. Air Cruisers, to say the least- I'd be happy. But a whole civ would be just great. You could include Quarren too, and make them good at air and sea.

Ok, clones, sure. But must there be clones in the fighters? Clones in the mechs? Clones in the ships (sea ships)?

At least give me the Jedi. I would hope that everybody sees the stupidity in having ALL jedi human. Give me a straight-out explanation for that.


Oh..... and, by the way....... is that a Nemoidian in the Trade Fed transport??? If so, how about more nemoidians? And even some Commerce Guild, Banking Clan, Techno union... seeing as they DIDN'T put that stuff in the Confed....

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I see many of your point's, about the whole alien thing and all. I think having a mon cal star cruiser as the rebel air cruiser would be nice. Also with the clones, the answer to your question is yes. You have to remember that the clones ARE the republic military, so of course there is no one else who could or would operate their equipment.

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Awwwwwwwwwwww. :( :( :(

I think clones are boring. And unrealistic. Don't sound the least bit like Jango Fett.

But that's just my private thingy, in game terms you're completely right. I surrender to your expertise.

Do you agree with me on all the other stuff though????:D


Edit: I just looked above and for your scouty thing, I've seen this done before; i think it was Empire Earth, you click 'scout' and the unit randomly moves around the map. That what you're looking for?


But on another point, lots of stuff here is just wishing. Very hard to achieve. Are we looking at wishing, or serious thoughts?

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Most points i do, they really should make each civ multi-species, except for the republic and wookies. The jedi should also be changed. With the Naboo/Gungan thing, to me, i think it should be a 'all or nothing' approach in that lucasarts should either merge the civs, or leave them as they are, but thats just my opinion.

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So... what exactly is wrong with merging rebels and wookies?

Republic should be multi species, in the form of Jedi.

Empire shouldn't. I think i made that clear. The Emperor's NhM policy clearly forbids it.

All or nothing..... well I wouldn't like all. Nothing I could deal with. I just don't think nothing is realistic.

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I like Wookies as a seperate civ....Chewbacca is the only Rebel Wookie shown in the movies.


I'd also like to see civs that were more movie influenced instead of heavily EU-based or, in the case of the wookies, have their culture just made up by Lucas Arts. I think it lends more of a SW feel to the game if every civ has at least a goodly number of its units taken from the films.

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I'd also prefer to keep EU out of it as much as possible. As for limiting the races in units, consider the movies. Yes the Mon Calimari were quite prevelant in the space battle around the second Death Star, but we didn't seem them down on the Endor Moon with the rest of the strike force... or on Hoth... or on the Yavin Moon. We only saw humans (and chewbacca). Granted that a fair bit of this is probably because making all the costumes would have been too time consuming (if the original trilogy were filmed using todays CGI, then perhaps it would be different). Similarly, we see the Calimaris in the command ships, but not in the various fighters.


For the republic we ONLY see clones as troopers, gunship pilots, etc., which I think is fine. Afterall, they were commissioned to represent the Rep's military... Personally I'd love to see random jedi races being pumped out of the jedi temple, but I doubt LucasArts wanted to deal with having to making 20-100 more animations to represent different jedi, and have to deal with setting up a random generator. Might be a nice addition if someone can code it though. :)



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I think the AoK engine already has a random generator because you would get male or female villagers randomly in AoK. However, I guess there is a difference between 2 different possibilities and 2 weapon types, 20 race types, etc.

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Of course, if we really wanted to go overboard with Jedis then we could set it up so that you chose "form" jedis each time. That way you could have jedis specialized against fighting jedis, against fighting troopers (give them the shot deflection ability), etc. :)



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Jcb-- Chewbacca is the only Wookie shown in the movie, period. The civ was practically made up by LA, as somebody just mentioned. Not that I dislike the Wookies, i just think that if we consider the whole 'race' issue i discussed a little while ago, the civs need to be shown with more than just one race, and having wookies as some form of Rebel troop would fit the bill entirely.


Kryllith-- My problem with the whole clone thing was what did the Republic have before clones? I'm sure they had an army, navy, air force, everything. They only just found out about the clones and started using them. I know they must have had something before that and as such, that "something" must still exist.

I suppose you're right about the clones, but does anybody know what that "something" is??

If you think about it, GB is EU. Not in the movies. Most of the campaign stuff aren't, most of the characters aren't, most of the technologies, warriors, even an entire civ isn't. EU has amazing potential and if we utilize the information within it, we'd end up with a great game.

And I seriously do think that costumes is an issue.

Ok, we're not going that overboard with the jedi. That'd screw up game balance and i don't know if the AoK engine would handle it.

But if we move to a new engine, we could have multi species jedi, multi form jedi, whatever.


Crazy dog-- I don't know what you mean, having never played Rebellion. What's it all about?

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To be honest, I don't think the Republic had a military. If they did, then Palpatine would not have had to make building an army his first act. I'm willing to bet there might have been a token force made for the defense of Coruscant, and that for the most part, the various systems took care of defending themselves. But as for an official republic army... Course is does make you wonder where they got all the vehicles that the clones used. Guess they must have had someone building those as well too (probably says in the novel...)



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