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Community idea's for a possible SW:GB 2

Darth Windu

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So there wasn't a single battle during the entire history of the republic?

Maybe not a full-scale war, as that Naboo politician guy (Sio Bibble?) said, but surely they'd have sector fleets, peacekeeping fleets, and in those fleets are mechs, armies, fighters.........

So what did those systems defend themselves with?

If I had no help from the Republic in terms of military defense, I'd seriously consider not joining.

But that's just me. :D

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Corran - think of it this way-

Republic = United Nations

Coruscant = New York

Galactic Senate = General Assembly/Security Council

Jedi = UN peacekeepers


Of course as we saw in ep1, the Republic has unarmed transports etc, but it has no military, just like the UN. Also, the members nations (planets = countires) have the responsibility to defend themselves.


I still dont like the wookie/rebel idea, as it was said, chew was the only wookie seen in the rebels. But if you want to get picky the wookies should be part of the republic (see them in the senate in ep1)

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Ah. I see.

By the same token, though, Wookies would definitely not be part of the Republic military.

Chewie was the only wookie seen, period.

Maybe you could keep the wooks as a civ, just make the rebel laser trooper a wookie with rebel gear.... maybe.....

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Wookies are quite clearly seen in Episode I in the senate scenes....watch the widescreen version on a nice large tv and you will see and hear them.


For all we know from the films, Chewbacca was the only wookie ever to join the Rebels. But there could also have been a hundred thousand of him ruinnin garound, we don't know, so both arguements are valid. I for one think that the wookies were an odd civ to include, but have grown to like them a bit and would prefer they stay as they are. I like the Rebel troops basically as they are, although a few changes like Sullustan pilots might be cool.


And yes, the Republic had no army before Ep II and the clones. They relied on each planets own peacekeeping forces and the Jedi. This is the whole point of the army-raising controversy. It would be like the UN suddenly deciding to raise an army and attack someone. Countires join the UN for trade purposes, political advantages, and the promise of aid to one another in times of crisis, among other reasons. Planets join the Republic for similar reasons. It is shown in Ep I that the Republic causes controversy through taxation....this can be taken to mean that the planets feel the republic may be overstepping its bounds. So you see, an army is not avaialble to the republic before the clone wars....otherwise they could simpy have used it to end the Naboo crisis quickly. As for where the At-Tes, gunships, etc came from, I'm sure the novel explains. I think that it is likely they wer all contracted in a method similar to the secret clone army. Perhaps the Kamininoans built the clones, the Whatevers built the gunships, and the Whozamawhatsits built the At-Tes....as an example. The Republic did have some weapons of course....the Jedi starfighters, the transport ship form ep I, etc....but these were not major weapons of war...they were for peacekeeping missions that might need that extra punch of defense.


Or maybe the warships seen in ep II were pulled from planetary defense forces. Perhaps some planet somewhere in the galaxy uses gunships in its own army, or something. Point is the army was raised at the time of ep II and consists solely of clones, support droids, and jedi. There was no other Repbulic army before that.

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I saw the Wook senators. I meant the only wookies seen with military power.

The senators didn't seem that much of a fighting force to me. :D

I understand the 'no army before clones' thing rather well now, thankyou to about three people for repeatedly clarifying.

At least you agree on the Sullustan thing. :cool:

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Actually, according to the starwars databank, the Jedi Starfighter was flown only a few weeks before the battle of geonosis, and the kandimonias had a partnership with a neighbouring system, and they developed the republic army's weapons (ie gunship, AT-TE)

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hello ppl.


this might be OT and seem wierd but maybe we can get away from the whole tech lvl thing. use a techtree system like RTS games from Westwood or Blizzard. I know it's un AoK and AoM like but it might work better.


as for the engine. if u want 3D I'll go for the Empire Earth one or C & C Generals. both allow air to air combat and the bombers actually fly over their target to drop bombs rather then "hovering system". I think the air units in AoM only hit ground units?


I'll comment more later



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"ppl"? i means people.... shortented


I'd rather like the "follow" command in RA 2. maybe they can add that in plus the up close zooming allowed in EE. I know you prob won't be playing around with the camera angle and stuff while u're having a battle but heh



maybe an upgrade for the scout? like the scouts in AoK where they eventually became hussars (sp?). now that I've played CC I think it's not needed. comments?



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I played the EE demo, it has such horrible graphics... the walls looked like they had a carpet runner on the top, the battlements were screwed up, and the buildings all looked terrible. I think if GB2 doesn't use its own engine, then it should use the RoN engine, which will have some creative ideas for managing air combat and will also have great graphics.

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That depends what GB2 is going to represent. If it is going to represent 2 (or more) armies making temporary bases and battling it out on a planet, then the concept of cities would likely need to be thrown out entirely. However, if it was to represent the entire factions at war (which admittedly does not fit well on a single planet) then cities and borders would work fine.

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yeah i just had a look at it looks GREAT! It would be good to base SW:GB 2 on RoN as it incorporates many features already in SW:GB such as mechs and heavies (tanks, artillery) as well as combat aircraft. It also looks better in the borders, enhanced villager AI, excellent graphics, expansion instead of just conquer etc.

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mmm some of the EE graphics does look crap but I'm only suggesting using the game engine


RoN... looks good from the SS (screenshot) I've seen...


wasn't the b-wing a fighter and bomber?



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no, pretty sure the B-wing is the Y-wing replacement. Also, after reading reviews and seeing screenshots, i now think that RoN would be an excellent base for SW:GB 2 because RoN includes

-moving borders

-infantry and armour (mechs/heavies)


-rolling hills, realistic terrain

-ships that sink instead of just blowing up

-a more 'empire' feel to it

-larger scale

-fantastic graphics

-less micro-management

-more tactical gameplay (eg using elevation, flanking, ambushing, assasinations etc)

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No...you're both wrong. B-Wings were designed to assault capital ships. They are not bombers (although they can be armed with bombs) and are not ideal dogfighters (although they do have lasers and weapons for this purpose if need be). They are armed with ion cannons and very powerful lasers and are meant to be escorted into battle by swifter, more agile dogfighters that can occupy fighters while the B-Wings take out the big ships.


I think that B-Wings could be extrapolated upon to make various types of fighters and bombers for a posible Mon Cal civ....perhaps a lightweight B-Wing could act as a dogfighter, a heavy B-Wing could act a s a bomber, and an ordinary B-Wing could be some sort of unique unit to kill aircruisers with.

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JCB - in the context of the game, the small ships are either fighters or bombers. The B-wing would seem to fit the bomber category. I was thinking the RoN engine would also be good because it uses missiles for strike aircraft instead of bombs in GB. This of course means that the attacking aircraft can stay out of range of possible AA defences (depending on their depth) and still hit the target.

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Windu....why couldn't a B-Wing fall into a new category? It could be a special anti-air cruiser, anti-transport weapon or something.


Like I said though, for a Mon Cal civ maybe various types of fighters and bombers could be designed based on the general feel of the B-Wing and other Mon Cal stylings.

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If RoN has space dogfights i'd say yes.

Screenshots look nice.

Borders... cities........ not SWGB style though. Would it be legitimate for a strike team to land on some planet to infiltrate the enemy city- but find out that it's actually a country composed of heaps of cities!

RoN is big-scale. GB seems more focussed on smaller battles.


The toybox b-wing should in no way be compared to any proposed b-wing. B-Wing is anti-cap ship, so maybe in SWGB2 there could be more cap ships (air cruiser variations) and b-wings are good against them.

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