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The RichDiesel University Tutorial Questions Thread.


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hey, I jut got to the point in the domed ceiling tut where after you pull the top three vertices of the bevil over to make it curve, you say to pull up the second row of vertices to make it rounder. I have no clue which vertices you're talking about. I've moved up every lower vertice on the bevil and nothing makes it look right. I swear I will never freely use a domed ceiling in any map I may ever make!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

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in your tut about doors,you say"Next, there's nothing worse than a silent door, is there? To look up the soundsets you can use for doors, open up the sound/sound.txt file and do a text search for... well, the word "door." Add the key soundset and the value for the soundset you want. I will be using large_door for mine." WHERE THE HECK IS THAT SOUND TXT THING?!?!?!is it a texture or shader or what?i know this is kinda noobish question but i MUST know!those silent doors and platforms are driving me INSANE!!!AHHHHHHHHHH!!!


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Hello again Rich!


Just a quick question that I could PROBOBLY answer myself if I took the time to find out, BUT...


When I texture two sides of a brush that is lying horizontally with the glass texture, you are able to see through it. However, when you do a vertical brush the same way, you cant. Is this an editor oddity, or do I need to do something slightly different for the vertical windows?

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That's...odd. I've never encountered a problem with that before. What does it do wrong exactly? Doesn't appear? HOM?


Rich: I must have done something wrong because there are only 2 rows of vertices. It all looks fine until I have to round it.

Strange... you might have already put up/down the middle row into one of the other rows accidentally... not sure. You don't see three rows high in 2D or 3D?


Also, you are sure you're using the vertex tool and not the edge tool?

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Does anyone know what is the name of the sky shader that is used in the multiplayer map, "Battleground Jedi 2.0"? It's the sky with the orange clouds and the desert in the distance...If you know what the specific name of the shader is please post a reply! I know it's there somewhere but I've tried every shader in GTK Rad and I still can't find it! Thanks!



P.S. On average how long should a "Full" BSP compling process take?

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

Copy the shader script to your custom shader script file. Copy all of the textures into the correct directories that it references. Load the textureset that your shader references in Radiant. Apply to brush surfaces.


Where is the custom shader script file???

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I should have typed what I meant. What I _should_ have said was "I want to do them, but I'm not sure how." Long story short, I can't do it like I did in Q3 (nodraw two ends of a brush, and sfx/beam the other 4 sides of the brush) b/c the beam effect in JO isn't the same. Is it something as simple as just using the wrong effect?



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forget my last question i worked it out


ok newbie question here?


i have created a HUGE hollow box, it has a texture on the bottom and the other 5 faces have a skybox. It has one light and a player start entity. However it takes AGES to do a full compile. Which compile options should i use to speed it up but also see what the map is like?

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." Long story short, I can't do it like I did in Q3 (nodraw two ends of a brush, and sfx/beam the other 4 sides of the brush) b/c the beam effect in JO isn't the same.

Actually, it's not becaues the beam effect isn't the same... it's because there isn't one. You'll need to import/create your own beam shader (you can pull the one from Q3A if you want) to get the same effect.


Where is the custom shader script file???

Since it's custom... you make it. :) If you map is called ffa_supermap for example, you would make the text file shaders/ffa_supermap.shader (etc)


i have created a HUGE hollow box, it has a texture on the bottom and the other 5 faces have a skybox. It has one light and a player start entity. However it takes AGES to do a full compile. Which compile options should i use to speed it up but also see what the map is like?

First, you shouldn't do that unless you REALLY need that texture on the bottom for whatever reason. If you really do, the compile simply will take a long long time. The best fast compile will be FastVis (1/2), but that's as fast as you're gonna get it without majorly sacrificing VIS and LIGHT.

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its me again.i was wondering if it was possible to have a func train move to only two spots back and forth in stead of 4 like in your tutorial.i put 2 path_corners and connected them together.the train is also connected to the first path_corner that i want it to start from.however,ingame the train isnt even there.is it because it need to use func_plat or what?

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

First, you shouldn't do that unless you REALLY need that texture on the bottom for whatever reason. If you really do, the compile simply will take a long long time. The best fast compile will be FastVis (1/2), but that's as fast as you're gonna get it without majorly sacrificing VIS and LIGHT.


i think i am gonna need it cos its the floor.


What i am trying to do is just create a big flat outdoor space

i thought it would be quite an easy start:)


but i am clearly going the wrong way about it


could you suggest a better way of trying to do this???

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Does anyone know what is the name of the sky shader that is used in the multiplayer map, "Battleground Jedi 2.0"? It's the sky with the orange clouds and the desert in the distance...If you know what the specific name of the shader is please post a reply! I know it's there somewhere but I've tried every shader in GTK Rad and I still can't find it! Thanks!



P.S. On average how long should a "Full" BSP compling process take?

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for me around a minute or so.i have another question.how do you use custom music?i used pacscape to put the mp3 in the music directory in assets0 but whenever i save,it says"Error reanaming C: program files\Lucasarts\Star Wars Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast\pakD.tmp to C: program files\Lucasarts\Star Wars Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast\Gamedata\base"

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Darth Link, are you trying to put the .mp3 into assets0.pk3? It's easier just to use Pakscape and create a directory called "music" and put your .mp3 file in there. Then in JK2Radiant, load your map, hit the entity key and go to worldspawn. Set the key to "music" and the value to "music/whatevernameyouwant.mp3". Hope that answers your ???.


Can't say that I've ever seen the error message that you're getting.... sorry.



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achillesz7: on your P.S.:

there are WAY too many variable that afect compile time to determine an average. Size, brushes, structural/detail, shaders etc....


How do you geta map to automatically load with sv_pure at zero without the host setting it in console? MY custom textures.....

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its me again.i was wondering if it was possible to have a func train move to only two spots back and forth in stead of 4 like in your tutorial.i put 2 path_corners and connected them together.the train is also connected to the first path_corner that i want it to start from.however,ingame the train isnt even there.is it because it need to use func_plat or what?

It should work just the same. Target the two path_corners at each other and target the train at one of the corners. Make sure the train has an origin brush included in it, and it should work.


but i am clearly going the wrong way about it


could you suggest a better way of trying to do this???

That's really the best way in that regard... JK2 does not handle huge outdoor areas very well at all (the engine is simply very limited in that regard), so it's going to be a long compile and the map will run slowly. If you really want it tho, just remember that the map only needs to be as tall as you want the player to be able to go. Don't make a huge cube when a low ceiling will work just the same (since it's a sky, the player won't be able to tell the difference).


Does anyone know what is the name of the sky shader that is used in the multiplayer map, "Battleground Jedi 2.0"? It's the sky with the orange clouds and the desert in the distance...If you know what the specific name of the shader is please post a reply! I know it's there somewhere but I've tried every shader in GTK Rad and I still can't find it! Thanks!



P.S. On average how long should a "Full" BSP compling process take?

Don't ask the same question twice in one thread. You will need to find the sky shader yourself (I don't know where it is) and a FullVIS BSP compile can take from 1 minute to 2 weeks, depending on a few thousand different things.


for me around a minute or so.i have another question.how do you use custom music?i used pacscape to put the mp3 in the music directory in assets0 but whenever i save,it says"Error reanaming C: program files\Lucasarts\Star Wars Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast\pakD.tmp to C: program files\Lucasarts\Star Wars Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast\Gamedata\base"

Do not edit your assets0.pk3. It is bad. Very very bad. Bad bad bad. :)


If you use custom music for your own map, it should go in your map's PK3.


How do you geta map to automatically load with sv_pure at zero without the host setting it in console? MY custom textures.....

You don't want to do that. :) If your PK3 is written correctly, you will not need to type sv_pure 0 before your map loads to see custom textures.


Thus, you only need to type sv_pure 0 in the development process. When your map is complete, when the PK3 is done, you shouldn't need to type it anymore. If you do, that means there's something wrong with your PK3.

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