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The RichDiesel University Tutorial Questions Thread.


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Rich, I think that answer you just gave Wes may have answered my question about the glass displays...


If You use those display shaders that have black backgrounds, they'd be see-through if I understand correctly. So, ,texture ONE side with one of those displays, the other with the glass texture, and viola! I haven't tried this yet, but it SOUNDS like it should work. All you'd have to do then is make it a func_breakable, set the chunks to be glass, ,and BOOM! Instand breakable display!


If I misunderstood any of that, let me know... GOnna try in in one of projects.



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Well, at least it's good to see that I can put 2 and 2 together on occassion.


Now, onto a more serious issue. I've been trying to follow that BOT path routing tutorial you directed me too, , but there seems to be one overridign problem with it. THat tut says to use the commands "bot_wp_add", ,"bot_wp_rem", etc. Problem is, I went through EVERY last bot command, and those, according to my system anyway, DONT EXIST. Oh, bot_wp_edit is there, but nothing that allows me to add waypoints at all!


So... Is this outdated information, or did I luck out and get the ONE copy of this game that didn't include it?


:gben: From my point of view, this sucks, so it must be the truth, no?

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I need some help with sound, i made a func_train (and it moves n' all) but it wont play my sound


Key: noise


Value: sound/movers/objects/raven_hover_lp.wav


what am i doing wrong here?


also do you have a suggestion for how to make a slick hill other than using the slick shader, because it makes my cylinder more like a skate park than a pit


-thanks :c3po:

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I need some help with sound, i made a func_train (and it moves n' all) but it wont play my sound

func_train sounds don't work on MP for no real specific reason. Test it in SP and see if it works there.


In addition to that, you generally want to use a soundset and not just a noise. You can find the list of soundsets in sound/sound.txt


also do you have a suggestion for how to make a slick hill other than using the slick shader, because it makes my cylinder more like a skate park than a pit

Why can't you use slick on the sides and not on the bottom?


well i probably missed the obvious: texture both sides...

would that help?

Texture both sides of what? I don't know what you're talking about. :)


and what is a patch?

A curve... bevels, endcaps, meshes... all patches.

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I just have a little, a really tiny question... With Pacth Meshes everything gets ****T up..they wont some nice hills or bumbs or anything......they are just ****ing with me.....how the ... do I make nice patch meshes???????????!!!


I really appreciate help (=


Thx in Advance



Btw, RD your tut rocks!! best tut to anything I ever wanted to learn about (=

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Well, Micke, I haven't done much with the meshes themselves, but I HAVE messed around a lot with bevels and endcaps, so I IMAGINE they work much the same. Getting them to cooperate with you involves the manipulation of the vertices (hit the V key to enter vertex edidtion mode). You just have to mess around with them until it shapes the mesh the way you want it. Sorry I cant get any more specific than that... But really, that's all that CAN be really said about manipulating a mesh.


I hope that helps a little... and if It doesn't, ,I'm sure that the mighty Mapping God shall decend from his throne to take pitry upon you and assist further. (Just a little buttering up there, Eh, Rich?)


:vadar: You dont know the POWER of the JK2 Editor. Join me, and we can rule this thread!

:luke: But the thread belongs to Rich!

:vadar: Oh. Yeah. I forgot.

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A. You spelled it right.

B. Look in your thread, I answered for you.

C. Anyone know where the reelo and lady luck chair's are?

D. How do you make a func_plat or the other one do a turn?

Meaning, if you have a prefab(or model) that's going forward, and you want it to go around a caorner, while still moving straight(it looks a little weird to have, say an x-wing going forward, and then start strafing...)





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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Well, you could either use the free roate button, or there's another way I beleive.

In your, um, selection menu?

Well, somewhere...

There's a (yeah, it's selection menu at the top)folder called "rotate"

In there there's a selection called "z rotate" (or something like that...)

Just put in the number 45.

I'm hoping that's right, gtk isn't infront of me right now...





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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Great!! I found it!!! Thx alot man (= It worked out wit the torches to :D :D :D


For the time however I have another question (kinda routin now eh??)... How do I add sound to the fire..feels a bit stupid with fire that doesnt soun anything...... That all, over and out!





:rodian: For the Sake of Being Green!

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Yeah okey I got the sound and everything...but its kinda wrong sound..... so I though "Hey lets look in the assets.pk3 to find other sound..." And I didnt.....I cant find the other sounds!! And Im feeling quite stupid to :(


Oh well, I hope there is someone out there with a heart and experience enough to help me ;)


:rodian: For the Sake of Being Green

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Thx Rich, however someone else got there before u ;)


But, I found it easier to use packscape to find my sound, and that I wanted to use was in effects actually....


Thx anyways =)...


You'll sure hear from me again hehe :p


Until then, have a nice time!:D

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Here I am again.... just read the tut wit the glass thing (not tried it myself) ..but in the tut u obviously can see the glass from just one side, and I want it to be so you can se right through it...got my idea?? Good, then help me:P


:rodian: For the Sake of Being Green

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