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Uber Lucky JNII MP moments?


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Ever get real lucky whilst playing jedi night? Ever kill someone accidentally or use their own stupididty against them?


Well Yesterday I killed a guy who just had a fight with me and was running back for health, i took out a wookie bowcaster (or whatever it is called). They guy already ran behind a corner and out of my sight. I out of sheer anger show out a shot.. it bounced off the wall and I heard an "AAARGHH", and just realised that I had shot him in the back... accidentally.. lol (i was so proud)


Another one was, a guy gripped me along a ledge and was about to trow me, but he ran foward too fast, and myself just floating above him helpless I watched as he RAN DOWN THE CLIFF TO HIS DOOM, luckily he didn't manage to push me too far and i landed safely on the ledge.


Well I can't htink of better ones but I'm sure someone out there hs some funny crap..

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I only play NF duels, but your stories are quite funny :)

The funniest thing here is when you fall with low energy and die because of it....if that's funny at all? heh


...and I find it so irresistable when U say: jedi night? *LOL* ...that's sweet :)

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another one of 'funny kills' was when out of refles I just did an 'uppercut thing' with the light saber in the blue stance whilst a guy was trying to land me... it was funny because the guy died of what looked like him landing with his 'area' on my light saber... ouch!

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Originally posted by druid

I only play NF duels, but your stories are quite funny :)

The funniest thing here is when you fall with low energy and die because of it....if that's funny at all? heh


...and I find it so irresistable when U say: jedi night? *LOL* ...that's sweet :)


its one of those things I correct people about and am aware about yet I make that mistake again and again... :| lol

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Has anyone seen anything along these lines... a guy pushes anothey guy off a ledge, the guy dies, a second later since the push guy is low on force another guy pushes him.. hehe well deserved.


Once I was involved in a duel, and out of nowhere this idiot pops out and begins to attack me. He's full on flying slashing, but he ain't doing ****... coz i'm in a duel lol! so i'm standing there.. looking at him... 3 minutes later. (lol) I tell the guy to stop coz he's annoying and stupid, he doesn't stop... thank goodness another guy poped out from the shadows and got him in the back, the idiot was so preoccupied with killing me whilst i was in a duel with someone else he got killed himself.

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lol, your stories are very funny! :D


One of the things I like to do is if I'm on very low health, I type "I hate life" and run up to the highest point. I then type "bye cruel world" and jump commiting suicide. Everyone finds that extremely funny and appreciate the joke. ;)

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Repair droid: You're a fiesty little one aren't you! *LOL*

Han: Don't get all mushy on me princess...so long !


Check the "list your names" thread for some enlightenment...;)


I'm sure I'll have a nice weekend: just got my back repaired by an assfighter *LOL*

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I like watching two grippers grab each other and 'grip-walk' off a ledge...that's always funny.


My best flukes are always ones where I've been pushed or gripped or blown off a ramp or ledge and I fall for what seems forever but end up landing safely anyway...


I remember one guy calling me 'cheap' because he thought I'd suicided rather than give him the kill. I hunted him down and chucked him off the same ledge. When HE landed safely he said, "HaHa, I lived"....

And I said back, "That's what happened to me too, wanker"

....He apologized.


My favourite 'death blow' was in a CTF battle on the Bespin map. I'd worked my way to their platform and grabbed their flag, but I was out of Force and was gripped. I switched to the Repeater, but was dropped off the side. I started lobbing secondary fire up there as I was falling, got off three shots, and managed to kill the guy who dropped me. When their flag re-appeared 2 others on my team were there to grab it.


Another fun one was when I dropped a Sentry Gun and ran.

Three of the other team ran in to saber it (why didn't they gun it? I don't know) and when they all clustered around it, I shot it with secondary on the pistol. It blew up, and killed ALL THREE OF THEM.



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druid: Ah *DualBond*


We've had some great fights recently ;). Next time we meet I'll commit suicide for you! :D


btw - coulda just told me instead of making me go through that whole bloody list:rolleyes: :p

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Originally posted by lexx

druid: Ah *DualBond*


We've had some great fights recently ;). Next time we meet I'll commit suicide for you! :D


btw - coulda just told me instead of making me go through that whole bloody list:rolleyes: :p


Naaaah, we need some workout. Sitn still here strains the poor ole corpus *LOL*

Looking forward to tasting your saber, if you're really nice maybe I'll let you have a taste of mine also ...;)

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Originally posted by RatedAzn

Map: deathstar

Situation: guy on lower bridge, me on higher bridge


we both pull each other, i bounce off the guys head and land safely on the lower bridge while the other guy fell competely


LOL good stuff...sorry to get off topic :cool:

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The single most "makes you want to kick the family dog" thing about duels...

Fighting a total spastic player who bounces around like a hyper active 4 year old, and calmly standing your ground, putting them on their ass via a pull or kick.


Only to have them spazz out and mash their jump key to impale you as you go in for the final kill...

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Hmmm my favorite kill is lame but used to love going to where the flechette was in the garbage facility level and use launch mines from the high vantage point to kill two dueling players I had such a feeling of accomplishment the funnest things about multiplayer duels is the third man :p which I love being :D yes it is lame but still a little amusing

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I was in a FFA yesterday (bespin map) and started a duel, however the guy jumped and went over the edge of the platform (ending the duel :)). I waited a minute or so, the guy came to the platform and we started another duel and again he jumps over the edge. It took three duels for me to actually kill him :)

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Originally posted by tvuk

I was in a FFA yesterday (bespin map) and started a duel, however the guy jumped and went over the edge of the platform (ending the duel :)). I waited a minute or so, the guy came to the platform and we started another duel and again he jumps over the edge. It took three duels for me to actually kill him :)


might have been me! but I only fell down once! lol


Another thing I did was.. I was dominationg in a duel, but the smart ass got a back stab onto me so i was reduced to 33 health, another move like that and I was gonna die, so what I did was just throw the light saber at him and bang.. PRESTO dead lol... never thought it was so effective. He got pissed lol


What I noticed someone do and I do it now too is wait for a duel to end then I basically nuke the winner... (ok I'm cheap)

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I was playing CTF today, and playing on the red team. It occured to me how many people on the blue team would get our flag, run back to their base, and jump up on top of their team logo (CTF_YAVIN). So I took it upon myself to put an end to that. Hehe. I ran to the blue base, jumped up on the logo, and camped there. Evertime the blu flag carrier came into the base, I flipped on Mind Trick. Sure enough, the first guy ran up the ramp and jumped up to where I was waaiting on top of the logo. Backslash!!! "The red team has returned their flag". Score. The same guy got the flag next time...ran back and did the same thing!!! BACKSLASH AGAIN. Problem solved. Then somebody else got the flag, and executed the same plan. And then the next guy, and then the next guy. LOL!!! I returned the flag 10 times just by camping up there. People called me cheap, a f**, a piece of sh**!!! It's all good cause I was just laughing my head off! Red Team 8....Blu team 0. Just thought I'd share this cuz I thought it was damned funny :p

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