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Fixed model scaling mod


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Everybody he is changing the scaling mod so that everybody can re-scale the lighsaber size to a little one, He told me that he is going to relese it latter this night hehehe I cant wait for this.





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ok i finally found an internet connection and i m glad someone continue the job !

thx man.



how did you fix the pk3 bug ?


when i compiled the game vm the saber blocks were stranges....

will you post the source code plz?


you can use the parse functions to fix the digits limitations but it messed up with the bots loading files.

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hey tchouky's back! The problem with the qvm was a pointer error. You had tck.buffer as char *buffer and it should have been a char buffer[TCK_BUFFERSIZE] or something. Putting stuff into char *'s at the global scope that havent been initialized is bad. I'll have the source code up in a minute. I commented everything that I added with a //// instaed of //. I mean everything that I changed from raven's source, not your source. I also did some very weird things with defines and ifdefs in bg_pmove.c

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You can get the source at http://www.8op.com/dest123/JediMod.html


This is basically my mod combined with tchouky's mod to make one big happy mod.


Ok now about the weird defines. In the game source you will find a lot of #ifdef CLIENTSIDE stuff. This is so that if I have CLIENTSIDE defined then the game source will compile as a clientside and serverside mod. If I dont define it then it will only be a serverside mod. There aren't any #ifdef CLIENTSIDE's in cgame because its obvious that it will be clientside. I also use #ifdef CLIENTCOMPILE In order to make it so you could turn the ability to spin in backstabs on and off I had to have two different version of bg_pmove.c and since both game and cgame use the same bg_pmove.c I had to use defines to basically make it to different versions. The problem was because I needed to acces cvars like mod_nerfspin which were only set on the server so I basically did


vmcvar_t mod_nerfspin;



mod_nerfspin.integer = cgs.nerfspin



This means that in order to compile cgame you have to define CLIENTCOMPILE in bg_pmoves.c and in order to compile game you have to define CLIENTSIDE in gamedefs.h and undefine CLIENTCOMPILE in bg_pmoves.c


I just added the define to the projects/settings/c/c++/preprocessor definations

This works for when you use a dll but to compile into a qvm you must put the defines in the source files.


Some of the defines are very ugly but it is good to have it so I can make it a server side only mod(no model scaling rgb sabers etc).

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There are still some bugs that I haven't been able to fix. When another player changes their model it rescales correctly but it looks like whatever model that *you* are currently using and does not load the right model for them until you hit tab.

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Originally posted by Dest

When another player changes their model it rescales correctly but it looks like whatever model that *you* are currently using and does not load the right model for them until you hit tab.

does that have to do with defer player models?

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im not sure if i have the latest version (if not can someone point me to it)


however i have spotted a couple of bugs firstly:


No morgan at all not as bot not as player


secondly the robed/uncaped options for the tyrion model dont work


i'm thinking that these are connected as they both arnt default models (the morgan defualt is the sp ghost)

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I am apologise for being blunt but this mod SUCKZ!!!!

the saber detection is non existent WTF !!!


Tchoucky had to compile part of the code to a DLL to rectify the saber collision problem, but you have made it 10x worse.


Also "no second saber instance" keeps appearing in top left of the screen even though it`s supposed to be disabled


Dest: good idea, badly executed

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I can't even get the models to scale. Tchouky's worked for me, but this one won't scale my players, says that 2nd saber thing over and over, and the lightsaber won't work. I got the colors thing for the lightsaber to work though. Maybe you should do work and TEST it first. Keep trying though.

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ummmm wtf the 2nd saber thing code shouldn't be in there.... Sorry guys the 2nd saber thing is all that is messing it up :( It's meant for dual sabers. I will fix it and repost.


When I tested it I had mod_dualsaber set to 1 so I didnt get that error and thats why I didnt notice it.

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Ok I put up a new version its at http://www.8op.com/dest123/jedimod.htlm

This was just a quick fix and it *has* server side dualsaber code so make sure you *set* mod_dualsaber to 0 otherwise the server will give you an invisible 2nd saber! (it is still buggy and only one of your two sabers can hit at a time so the 2nd saber doesnt help you much currently)


You have to restart the match everytime you change mod_dualsaber.

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