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Bad news

Wraith 8

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There is no single player version of the game. It is online only. That's the whole point. The world is driven by the many players.


You will have to pay a monthly fee, but we don't know exactly what it will be. It will most likely be $10-$15 per month. There is a good article at http://www.swgalaxies.net on why the fee is required and what the money goes to if you want more information.

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Anarchy Online was $12.95 per month so I would expect SWG to be at least that much.


Also, while the SWG software allows you to play SWG on your PC, your characters and account information will be saved on seprate SWG servers that you pay Lucas Arts or whoever to opperate and maintain. Because of this, their is no single player mode.


;) May the force be with you, because it eludes me:D

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$15 american is way too much, the exchange rate is really hard on us canadians. An expensive rate will stop me from getting the game. It's hard to hold a job here and all i get pays a pittance.

Unless the rate is affordable i wont bother with the game.

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i've talked to a few people who have worked for lucas himself (mainly my cousin who's met him on many ocassions), and although he does do sum good ****, he's a greedy bastard....no one who works for him gets good pay, jus the ability to say "i work for star wars!!" or sum **** like that...so, with all due honesty, i wouldn't be surprised if he pulled sumthin like Norin Radd said...

I'm thinking they are going to give a special introductory price. Maybe the first two months free, then when you are a certified addict after two months, and you have developed your character and made alliances, they will hit you with the charges.

but the game looks badass, so i'm probly gonna play it anyway:p

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Since everything in the game is technically property of Verant/Lucasart, ingame commercials are a tough legal issue. Fact is, the entire legal issue of who has the right of what in MMORPG is very confused, and more than a little volative.


So ingame commercials is nothing you should try unless you want to face loads and loads of legal work, and perhaps a lawsuit or two. Yes, it's a strange and scary world we live in.

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<I hate games that you have to pay a monthly fee, I'm a very static player in games, I'll play it alot for a short bit of time, and then rarely play for a long period of time. I personally don't buy these type of games because they waste my money but galaxies looks so cool :(


oh well.

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