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Plane stuff

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1) Some Afghans were firing into the air with thier rifles as part of a wedding celebration. American bombers thought it was Taliban or Al-Queda attacking and bombed them, killing some 100 people.

2) 30 Russian children died recentely, as they were going on thier trip to Spain and collided with a transport craft.





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Well seeing as to how dicy the situation was in the area, it was probably a hard decision for the US soldiers to make. They probably wanted to show their seniors that they had what it takes in a pressure situation. But they screwed up :rolleyes:


God bless the poor family that had to go through it.


And also the children and people that died in the plane collision:ewok:

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OK just an update after watching the news.


The plane flying over afghanistan was participating in operation full throttle and was a C-130 gunship striking at 6 individual sites. It is estimated more han 40 civilians died. This was a Afghan/US operation.


The plane flying over Europe collided with another and several people died. The airlines are saying it was a ground crew error, because they did not radio the planes and tell them they were flying straight towards each other.


C-130 gunships look really cool. :D


p.s. It was a C-130 out of Arkansas. Go Arkansas!

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

People u are meant to be sad on this thread.:rolleyes: How would u feel if I posted in one of the WTC threads and said ha-ha American suckers?! :(


I never said anything negative towards the victims or their families. I deplore the incidents, and pray for those who have been dealt this catastrophic blow. But, this is how I deal with death:


I move on, I laugh, because life is depressing enough without dwelling on young children being killed tragically without having the oppurtunity to experience some of the greater and wonderous aspects of life, or men being married and celebrating only to be struck down in the prim of their lives.


You wanna talk death? In the last 7 months alone My wife miscarried our first pregnancy, I have lost both of my grandparents (1 in November and 1 in June), 1 great uncle, 1 great aunt and just 3 days ago, a friend of my family drowned at the tender age of 13, and his father could nothing to stop it. You know how I've dealt with it? I remember the good times, and I treat it as a reminder that life is short, and you never know when your time is up.


So don't go around sad for too long. Live life to it's fullest and celebrate life while we have it. Our time here is too short to place our head in the sand, to mourn for years at a time, to refuse to laugh or smile for the sake of remembering the dead. Just think of this next time, how would those who are dead and gone want you to live like and react to their deaths? They would want you to move on, to enjoy your life. Personally, when I go, I want everyone to party and celebrate. Don't waste valuable time mourning and in sorrow on my behalf. Go out and live your lives while you still can!


And that goes for the World Trade Center catastrophe... we must move on and enjoy the parts of life we can, before our time is up as well...

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