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It's sick, I tells ya!

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All the people who post on this forum are fans of Grim Fandango. (Duh.) What I wonder is for how many of us Grim Fandango presents more than light entertainment? The purpose of this thread is to discover just how obsessed we all are with this game.Personally, my obsession is mild.


I have a kitten which I named Salvadore after Salvadore Limones


I have 200+ Grim Fandango screenshots, backgrounds and wallpapers. (That includes my home PC and my work computer). I have also set up both computers with GF desktop backgrounds and sound events. Both computers have the GF installed on it, and each has a shortcut key for the game.


I have several colour printouts of GF screenshots put up around my workstation.


I have almost every GF site I can find bookmarked. (On both computers)


I post on the GF forums every day.


That's about it for me, though I'm sure there are a few things I forgot to mention. I look forward to finding out just how nuts the rest of you are. :D

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Sorry. My 'obsession' is boringly mild by comparison.


I say 'hijole' sometimes, usually to scare people. I used to post news on the Grim Fandango Network. Oh, and I watched some film called 'Breast Men', but only because Skyfox told me it had a bunch of the Grim voice actors in it. No, really. :p

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I think Eva is Hot!

Personally I'ld Love to

Jump Her Bones.

I am also presently building

a Grim Fandango fan site,


my face eaten off,

BUT I went to Demented org

and tried to set up an account,

they informed me

they are no longer or not currently

taking any new accounts.

The only choice so far I use

is Geocities,

BUT I do not want to get

the Moderators pissed,

so tell me what sites are good for

you and the Fandango network

and I will place my site there.

also eventually want to build

a Grim Fandango desktop theme.

I agree with Gendo,

I want my computer saying stuff

at me whenever I use it.


Does anyone else think Eva is Hot!

Or am I sick?


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GF Pez dispensors would be cool.

they did a set for star wars.

just think you could have

a Pez dispensor of Lupe

(and just like the Star Wars

action figures Lucas could design

microchip set it sits into

so that every time you

pop back the head

for a candy,

Lupe could say to you:

"hi, want to be my boyfriend!"

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well, i have a folder with over 40 screenshots i took from the game,

I burned a GF soundtrack to which i listen to quite often...it's inspiring. (MI soundtracks to)

when i see landscapes or constrictions in the city i always think "wow. reminds me of GF"


well i'm sure there's more, but in the lonrun, i can say that GF has inspired me a lot and will always remain stained on my puny brain

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Yup! And you can't make me believe any different!


P.S. I am Magical Girl Pretty Sailor Sammy Moon! (I am also the Grim Reaper, a Goddess's spawn, the creation of a genius, a 2000 year old demon-girl, a 3rd type robot, a Galaxy Police officer, a space pirate, and half-cat.) ^^

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umm... ok.


but the Lupe*argh!* thing, he/she/demon hell spawn made threads about farts, and you didn't see his site, "won't you be my girlfriend?" over and over!


and off the subject, why does everyone online think i'm canadian?

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'Lupe' was a total headcase. Probably hyperactive, or maybe hysterical (sometimes). Couldn't write in complete sentences. Totally useless and would freak out if offered help. Basically did everything possible to alienate and offend. 'Lupe' persisted across the four incarnations of the GFN forums (that I know of), resurfacing briefly as 'Admiral Casaba' when the present version came online. There have been no confirmed sightings for months. :sweating:


Suffice it to say, everyone who experienced even a part of the long nightmare is scarred for life.

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