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It's sick, I tells ya!

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Originally posted by GendoTheGreat

Did "Lupe" ever subtly try to gain your trust when starting up under a new alias? Or was he\she a genuine whacko?


Yes to the first question (if you take out the 'subtly' part). Yes to the second question, too. I don't think he started out that way. I thought he seemed more or less normal on the forum that came before the EZBoard one, but for some reason he lost it after the move.

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Hold up. I think Lupe really went out in a blaze of glory when Lucasforums rolled around. I mean, He was Admiral Casaba the 3rd, and hid out at the Escapemi.com forums for a month or before venturing into these forums. Then after we put up with him for awhile (he had us on about trying to behave himself and put the past behind him), I banned him.


But, having an ISP with dynamic IP, he returned multiple times under "Admiral Casaba", "GandalftheGrey", "Frodobaggins" "TheAdmiral", "Glottis256", and other mutations. Of course, while the name was different, he has a signature behavior which sticks out like a sore thumb slammed by several car doors and then jammed into a beehive.


He must have had some strange, sad idea about what the purpose of forums are, because he would always ACT the part, whatever his name was. Under "Lupe", he went on and on about his coat file system; as "Admiral Casaba", it was all about cannons and killing pirates (Admiral Casaba the 3rd was Escape from Monkey Island character, for those who didn't know). Oh, also he made sure to throw in a couple "kill all faggots lol" for good measure. All in all, bad news.


The last few times he showed up, he didn't even bother to post in the GFN or Escapemi boards, since we knew him oh-so-well. He posted on the JK2 and Galactic Battlegrounds forums, with threads ranging from how I was a "faggot" and a "traitor" (I said that I wasn't going to ban him if he improved his behavior...and he didn't, so I banned him...), to claims of my seedy relationship with the king of pop. Boba Rhett gets props for banning him the last couple times, and a lot of the other administrators know about this guy already. I basically had to block his ISP to keep him off of LucasForums in the end, because his IP was so dynamic.


Anyway, that's what I have to share about the latest chapter of the Lupe chronicles.


PS: Thrik had a picture that Lupe posted of himself lying around somewhere. I dunno if he still has it.

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Sanspoof: I think the funnel only lets in about three people at any given time, but after a while more start to trickle down, slowly but surely until the whole thing needs to be flipped over and started anew.

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Originally posted by Metallus

PS: Thrik had a picture that Lupe posted of himself lying around somewhere. I dunno if he still has it.


I can remember "Lupe" from the old Mixnmojo MI board. If I remember rightly, they were posting under the nick "guybrush3pwood" (or something similar). And if I'm not much mistaken they once posted a very blurry picture of themselves... which I made fun of. Ha.


I think that scared them away. Then again, there were so many people like that on the old Mojo boards that it's hard to remember who was who...

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