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Just when you thought it was safe to go back to Aresen

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IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'MMMMM BAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!! *waves like a 3 year old with ADHD on crack* :D Yes yes, it is I, the illustrious and ever lovable Lizard Queen. (or LQ if ya prefer). I know you were all sooo happy i disappeared. You can blame Redwing for my return. He would occasionaly bug (order) me to post. ^^ So, what has been happening here while i have been gone? Anyone die yet? *ties a grenade to Wraith and Redwing* See ya around! Maybe this time i will stick around for more then a month eh? :D

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Welcome back :)


I'm fairly new (to Aresen at least), but I remember your sig, if not you... (sorry :D)


There are several other new arrivals... I expect they'll pop by (and I can't name them all anyway, lol :D)


Hope you decide to stick around for a while this time :D


*hands red some more nails*

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Originally posted by Redwing

It's AN LQ!!!! *GLOMP* Welcome back! *Ter-kah eats the grenade* So there :D


:smash: *nails the LQ to the floor* :smash:


Now you hafta stick around for more a month...:D


¬.¬;;;;; *pitches Ter-kah into the Jusenkuyo spring of the drowned panda and superglues another grenade to Redwing* There! Take THAT!! :p:D

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Originally posted by Redwing

:smash: *nails the LQ to the floor* :smash:


*ahem*... didn't we talk about this earlier... only Wraith and I are allowed to do the nailing... didn't we?... DIDN'T WE?! Don't stand there crying... go to your room!


:D Hey LQ, welcome back to Aresen.

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Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we miss you!!!!!!! we miss all the lost people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Takes DSSquirel and start dancing in honor of LQ


I hope you will stay in the forum for more than a month please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Devil Doll

Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we miss you!!!!!!! we miss all the lost people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Takes DSSquirel and start dancing in honor of LQ


I hope you will stay in the forum for more than a month please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi DD!! *GLOMP!* ^_^ Missed ya! And hopefully i will stay longer then a month...or at least not disappear for...umm...five months? 6? 7? o.0 I been gone a long time lol


Originally posted by Lynk Former


:D Hey LQ, welcome back to Aresen.


:D Yo Lynk! Wussup? *ties a grenade to your favorite body part* Nice seein ya all again.

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Originally posted by Lizard_Queen

:D Yo Lynk! Wussup? *ties a grenade to your favorite body part* Nice seein ya all again.


Ah! Wait, stop that! *grabs the grenade and throws it out the window* phew... u know what u were about to blow away was something VERY valuable... I need it... and not me alone, someone else needs it too! :D Ooops, said too much... i'm going now *runs away*

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Wait a minute. You just cut two voodoo dolls in half, one for Wraith and one for Redwing. Um, isn't that dangerous.


I mean cutting them in half. That means in reality, they were torn in half, separartion of bones and legs and such. And not to mention an important organ.


I don't believe I know you LQ. So I'll introduce myself.


I'm SuicidalXWing, everybody calls me SXW. Nice to meet ya, I think, judging by those previous posts I'm not so sure.

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

ehehehe... dontcha just love those delayed reactions... alwayz gives that little kick of suspense :D

*snags all voodoo dolls and points to her sig* XÞ~~~ Those are ALL imposter dolls! Er...cept for the Wraith ones. :D I'll be coming out with Lynk, Redwing and Cracken dolls next.

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*SCREAM* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LQ'S BACK!!!!! ((Shhhhhhhhhhh, dont mention that I just came back too)) *Runs and hides, wondering why no one's nailed me to the floor*Not that I mind or anything....er*Climbs up a latter and hides in the rafters*

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