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56k work ok with jk2?


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Theres always things you can do to try and increase your dalup performance. Unless youre ISP really blows their tech support dept may be able to help you. Even with an optimized dialup acct your friend will only have a good time on a handful of servers.

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I gotta 56k and as long as you get Q-Tracker or The all Seeing eye to get decent servers, it's works fine. msot of my pings are around 250 and i don't lag or warp or anything, jsut the same as you would with a cable modem (palyed both) everything is the same except dfa issues (lags a bit and doesn't hit where itl ooks liek it is) otherwise works perfect with me :)

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If you have a 56k, don't even bother hosting... just play LAN games or join FAST dedicated servers if you can.


Your best bet is always to pick the lowest ping servers closest to you, with the best hardware and connections.

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He,he. You could play online with 56k, but why would you want to? You'd just be one of those players with crappy ping always timing out or phasing all over the place. One word: CABLE. Get it. Nuff said


its actually not just the modem that affects the ping, its your area aswell,

and your network traffic of your isp. do not be mis-lead into thinking that all dial players are laggers, sure a lot are, but your genralising.


i have 56K dial up, i never get any lag or connection interrupt or anything,

my usual ping is between 80 and 120, which is fine for what i need.

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Originally posted by XERXES

playing online with 56k isnt that great, i remember the best game that worked with 56k was starcraft, but that was a long time ago...cable rocks

Yes. Finally another ex-Starcraft Junkie lol. I played that online so many times it's not even funny lol.

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I play 56k, and I have AOL.


I find that the game is playable most of the time, just try to keep by these rules.


Don't go into games with a lot of players. Experiment and find out how many players you can handle. I can handle games with 12 players, but probably not much more.


A ping of 400 or less is usually playable. If you start being jerked around by the lag, phasing all over the place, your best bet is to log off and reconnect, preferably with a different phone number if possible.


If you are lagged to hell, the most polite thing to do is to remove yourself from the game. Don't worry, the JK2 world is big enough that you probably won't get a reputation.

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Well I'm in the UK.


It's sh*t so what's my options.


Cable modem only in certain area's and of course not in mine.


ASDL for $75 a month. OW! can't afford that.


56k with All seeing eye - ping of about 70 - 120 for a charge of £10 per month.........


....well ok then!


56K gaming is not that bad. I've played every FPS out there so far and never really had a problem. All you have to do is just filter the servers correctly and it's fine.


I've had many fantastic games of Tribes 2 which is as far as I know the most heavy online game so far!!!!!!


So all you cable and hi speed snobs should just lay off. Not everyone has Mommy and Daddy to pay for their hobby.

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Well I'm in the UK.


It's sh*t so what's my options.


Cable modem only in certain area's and of course not in mine.


ASDL for $75 a month. OW! can't afford that.


56k with All seeing eye - ping of about 70 - 120 for a charge of £10 per month.........


....well ok then!


56K gaming is not that bad. I've played every FPS out there so far and never really had a problem. All you have to do is just filter the servers correctly and it's fine.


I've had many fantastic games of Tribes 2 which is as far as I know the most heavy online game so far!!!!!!


So all you cable and hi speed snobs should just lay off. Not everyone has Mommy and Daddy to pay for their hobby.


Oh and do yourself a favour and get off AOL mate. Their servers are probably your biggest problem. They're way to busy with plebs web chatting to provide any kind of decent bandwith.



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56k does NOT give an advantage, unless the guy with a cable modem wears a blindfold. if someone is warping it means both people will jerk around, nowe and again the cable mdoem can see where the 56ker is so there's no advantages for 56kers at all, and a mazping of 120 is ridiculous, a 128ker might not be able to get in on a bad day.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

56k does NOT give an advantage, unless the guy with a cable modem wears a blindfold. if someone is warping it means both people will jerk around, nowe and again the cable mdoem can see where the 56ker is so there's no advantages for 56kers at all, and a mazping of 120 is ridiculous, a 128ker might not be able to get in on a bad day.


actually... 56kers can still kick cable/dsl players. Is not about the connection that determines your skills, but how well you play the game.. No LAME excuses

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Originally posted by Midgit Yoda

Yes. Finally another ex-Starcraft Junkie lol. I played that online so many times it's not even funny lol.


oh man i LOOOVED that game...i made at least 30 kick ass maps me and my friends all played LAN on.


So all you cable and hi speed snobs should just lay off. Not everyone has Mommy and Daddy to pay for their hobby.


i pay for my own cable...and the ISP, even though i still live with my parents. However i move out to college in the fall and get it there too. AND i do remember the 56k days and AOL. I played Counter-Strike for the logest time on 56k and usually with 200 to 300 pings i would be fine...i had certian local servers i would play on and it is awesome.

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