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what is the best file you have dled? besides patches


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My personal top 5 in order.


The Ladder, long series of singleplayer duels, nuf said.


The pk3 someone put together that has the Demo mission.


Katanamod 1.1 is realy cool, much more of a dif feeling then normal sabermods.


The Insta-gib style mod is fun. its called Disintagrate or maybe Insta-kill...


The bikini chick bot pack is a nice little semi-guilty pleasure.

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Originally posted by kstar__2

is the yoda model out? where can i get it?


i dun think is out yet.... cuz otherwise ppl would be all ready be talking about it. I think whoever post that he dled yoda skin/model was or is a either a n00b in the forums or a n00b in jk2

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Originally posted by Hanch Saode

Don't say models that are not even out yet for christ sake!!!


Is that some sort of trick trying to get attention???


nope.. however said the yoda skin is prob a n00b who thought that yoda skin is out. Or there is a yoda skin.

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hahaha me, a noob? I doubt it. I DLed an unreleased version buddy. If you guys kept up in Tchouky's Scaling mod Thread, you would know that he accidentally for a short period had the yoda model in that scaling mod pack. The rest of the Yoda makers caught him and told him to take it out, but a VERY few got it. It will be hosted on my site within a day or two. Gotta finish my new site first.

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