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Double sabers cracked! Pics inside!


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This is great progress, but it's only going to make gameplay sense if you could somehow require an extra level of Lightsaber Offence Force points to use two lightsabers or a double-blade saber.


Sorry, I just can't wait for the community to be able to make more extensive modifications. I'm used to the way things were done in Unreal Tournament....

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I tried this mod out on the server the other day. It's lots of fun, and the double sabers don't look as bad as I thought they would. I have the same balance concerncs that everyone else does, but I didn't see too much of a problem with balancing when I tried it. Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see this mod released. I do think it would be cool if in a future version, you'd add the ability to wield dual blasters, even though blasters have nothing to do with Jedi, it'd still be fun :).

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Originally posted by kstar__2

u can do that too:eek: damn i must get this mod when it comes out, its so great! dest how long will it take, and, where can i find your server?:rolleyes:



Umm, I think u understood us wrong. You can't use the blasters, it was just a thought. The server is @ But, you have to have 1.03 I won't be goin' there anymore for a while cuz I got 1.04 for the Jedi Academy.

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I spoke to Dest today on his server and he said that the server side mod may not have dual sabers.

He did not go into too much detail why ???

He also stated that he tried patch 1.03a which is basically 1.04 and he didn`t like it.


I think i will stick with tchoucky`s mod at least it works well offline

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I meant the serverside *only* mod wouldn't have dualsabers. The clientside+serverside mod will. I think I might release two version of my mod. A serverside only mod that is basically the mod without the model scaling code, and a clientside+serverside mod which is the mod as you know it, dualsabers and all.

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Originally posted by Dest

I meant the serverside *only* mod wouldn't have dualsabers. The clientside+serverside mod will. I think I might release two version of my mod. A serverside only mod that is basically the mod without the model scaling code, and a clientside+serverside mod which is the mod as you know it, dualsabers and all.


My apologies Dest I got the wrong end of the stick !!:o


I was really impressed when I was on your server, what you have accomplished .


any idea when we can expect to be able download the client/server side mod ?

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I updated the server to 1.04. I think its working fine. Didn't make any code changes or anything.


with dualsabers you basicaly get a defense level of 2 for the purposes of blocking lasers. (as if the saber defend were at level 2)


The dualsabers also block sabers at a little less than defense level 2.


There is also a variable to scale the blocking percentages of version 1.04 so you can make all sabers block less or block more. (most will want them blocking less I think)

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