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Trivial trivia

Darth Homer

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Well if a wooodchuck could chuck wood he wouldn't. Why? He's as lazy as you and me, that's why. Now take the beaver for example. It's a hard working animal. And it chucks wood, but beavers look like goobers, and who wants to look like a goober? The woodchuck knows this and that is why he is just lazy and won't chuck wood even if he could. :o


The real question here is how many boards would the mongols hoard if the mongols could hoard boards? ;)

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The woodchuck would chuck wood if the woodchuck could chuck wood then it would chuck the wood. However, the woodchuck cannot chuck any amount of wood, because a woodchuck can't chuck wood. So scientifically: The woodchuck can't chuck wood but would chuck wood

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