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Screenshot Humour!!!


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God, I remember that fight, with me being "hajantas" LOL....


Yeah, It'd be cool if you could make a whole "family album" of screenshots from funny situations while we're playing!


I have a shot of me and jah playing with extreme lag: On the screenshot you see jah striking the air and hitting an invisible saber with flashes showing up.... I just stood around 30 meters away and took screenshots of the shoddy hit-detection system... lmfao

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Originally posted by druid

haha lexx, ty;) (couldn't see it yesterday, but now it's coo)


Seems like me allright = haven't got a clue :D

But nice to see Jubatus at 9 HP :D


Do you take many of these dumps while we fool around?


*bumpidy bump bump*


I always forget to take screenshots but I'm gonna make an effort to take some when the gang gets together and post them here! :D

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