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the ideal 1.05...


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From what a gather, this would be the perfect 1.05


REAL corrections to the damage sounds


Highten saber damage




yellow 40-60


Blue 20- 40


Slow down blue stance so that combo's are feasable


Cap yellow loper at 125 (1 hit kill in NF)


Cap DFA at 225 (haveing all that extra sheild should save you from a 1-hit kill)


Either disallow useing other force powers while waiting for thrown saber to comeback


Allow blocking of thrown saber while countering pull/push(like how you can counter blue attacks while useinga force power)


Re-adjust force heal(25 hp for half a force bar is pretty crappy)


re-adjust force absorb (lasts too long)


highten grip damage (If you don't know how to counter it by now you should take more damage)


and adjust kick damage (0-10) and allow less knockdowns


This is my ideal 1.05 patch and i think many other people's too, do you have any sugestions on my ideal patch?

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Slow down blue stance so that combo's are feasable


why, so that we have two medium stances, only one does more damage than the other?


the first number in your #-# is pretty much what they are right now (or at least what 1.03 was, don't think 1.04 changed it)


Re-adjust force heal(25 hp for half a force bar is pretty crappy)


re-adjust force absorb (lasts too long)


force heal heals you instantly, that's why it takes so much...and nobody has to be near you, you don't leave yourself very open either


force absorb can be listened to and waited out


highten grip damage (If you don't know how to counter it by now you should take more damage)

if somebody can't counter it it only takes 2 full grips on level 3 to kill you....

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom


why, so that we have two medium stances, only one does more damage than the other?

I didnt mean a drastic slowdown,just enough so that you can actually predict with confedance if your attack is gonna hit your opponent

the first number in your #-# is pretty much what they are right now (or at least what 1.03 was, don't think 1.04 changed it)

Well according to Artifex's guide, blue is 20-30 and yellow is 30,blue and yellow have the same max,which isnt right


force heal heals you instantly, that's why it takes so much...and nobody has to be near you, you don't leave yourself very open either

I guess your right on this one

force absorb can be listened to and waited out

in a battle between a light jedi and dark, the light would have the advantage with absorb,being able to use all light and neutral force's while the dark is powerless with the force. I don't think absorb was meant to last a whole battle(exagerateing)


if somebody can't counter it it only takes 2 full grips on level 3 to kill you....


Sorry didnt clarify, i meant the first two waves of 2 dmg which is where most ppl counter

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I didnt mean a drastic slowdown,just enough so that you can actually predict with confedance if your attack is gonna hit your opponent


you can't predict it? i can, it's quite easy...the point of light stance is to take advantage of the situation, a.k.a. it needs to be fast


Well according to Artifex's guide, blue is 20-30 and yellow is 30,blue and yellow have the same max,which isnt right


i've tested it numerous times, artifex's guides aren't very acurate

Light: 25 damage on average

Medium: 40 damage on average

Heavy: 60 damage on average, but can be up to 125


and i can tell you the special moves too if you want me to


in a battle between a light jedi and dark, the light would have the advantage with absorb,being able to use all light and neutral force's while the dark is powerless with the force. I don't think absorb was meant to last a whole battle(exagerateing)

not really, light side force powers are for protection, you'll never win a fight with absorb....and they may be able to use all their force powers...but that will cut down on the amount of time each force power can be used

EX: if they are using absorb and protect they won't have either on for very long....if they try to pull you they'll only get in like 2 pulls


Sorry didnt clarify, i meant the first two waves of 2 dmg which is where most ppl counter

you'd be amazed at how many times in a FF duel people just wait it out, or don't have the needed force power...add spinning them around as fast as you can and putting them around a corner...also you can use grip to toss people to their doom fairly efficiently, even just walking....grip is fine the way it is

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom


you can't predict it? i can, it's quite easy...the point of light stance is to take advantage of the situation, a.k.a. it needs to be fast

I was thinking more along the lines of combo's,but the way you must mean as a quick way to get in a few hits


i've tested it numerous times, artifex's guides aren't very acurate

Light: 25 damage on average

Medium: 40 damage on average

Heavy: 60 damage on average, but can be up to 125


and i can tell you the special moves too if you want me to

never actually tested these,but i think that the higher damages would speed up duels and allow people to get kills before others run for health (I know if people are good this won't happin but still)


As for the specials, the yellow and red are pretty much 1 hit kills unless you are dodgeing the moment it begins to hit you,at least from my experence


not really, light side force powers are for protection, you'll never win a fight with absorb....and they may be able to use all their force powers...but that will cut down on the amount of time each force power can be used

EX: if they are using absorb and protect they won't have either on for very long....if they try to pull you they'll only get in like 2 pulls

in 1.03 this would have mattered more as i did mention neutral force powers (pull/push) but with the reduced pull knockdown chances this really isnt much of a problem (i was thinking of posting this topic for quite some time but my firewall was preventing me from posting for some reason

you'd be amazed at how many times in a FF duel people just wait it out, or don't have the needed force power...add spinning them around as fast as you can and putting them around a corner...also you can use grip to toss people to their doom fairly efficiently, even just walking....grip is fine the way it is


I was thinking more along the lines of this

1st wave 5

2nd wave 15

3rd wave 30

(assumeing that the total damage is 60)

This would be helpfull to get some damage in on those that arent quick to the draw with absorb (or push if the griper isnt really adept at it)


lol great discussion

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As for the specials, the yellow and red are pretty much 1 hit kills unless you are dodgeing the moment it begins to hit you,at least from my experence

in my experience they are fairly easy to dodge if you keep your eyes open, sure you will get hit by a few but thats what makes them useful


both of these moves are generally (not always though) a one hit kill, but if you notice they both have huge weak spots and a lot of counters


both of them have a recovery time



both are fairly obvious that you can roll out of the way in time

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Originally posted by zerowingzero

You misunderstand, i was refering to the damage that they do, not that they are imbalanced (I personally enjoy lungeing missed DFA's and yellow finishers)


Got the exact damages?




light stance lunge: 60 on average


Medium finisher: 125 on average, if it hits as the saber is coming up just after landing


DFA: 300 if you hit really well...but sometimes you can live from it with a couple health


that's what they were in 1.03 and i don't think they changed it


want the new backstab damage too?

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just played my first few "true 1.04" games and had a lot of fun.


I don't think you guys are giving enough credit for the game's sense of balance.. it's a lot better than you think.


See, quit trying to min/max everything. Stop seeing that kicks are unblockable and are easy to spam, and start to see that you can sidestep a good amount of the time.


Stop entering fights assuming that you are going to be the winner. Player skills being equal, the best average you can hope to reach is 50%. Only random chance will change those odds.


In other words once you start to expect the worst and play at your best, you'll start doing far far better.

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom


well.....at least somebody besides me realizes you can block kicks....


evade kicks, u mean :)


i wish i had cable, then i'd try playing online... 1.04's gonna take some getting used to, but i reckon it's a big step up!!!

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To me this will make the game much better (mainly for dueling)



1) Make Saber throw take up alot more force power...if I ever go into a FF duel room (usually by accident) all I see people do is saber throw and run away, they always end up getting killed...but it's no fun tryin to catch someone while they are constantly throwing a saber at u lookin for a cheap win. Or at least a pause, 1 saber throw every 20-30 secs.



2) In Saber locks, dont make it so the loser falls to the ground, I HATE IT and I think it's cheap as hell for someone to hit a guy who can't even defend himself. I think it would be much better if the loser stumbles back some and for a quick second leaves himself open for a hit, but only for a second, like to the point where u almost have to be in blue stance to get a hit off...I HATE seeing duels end from someone killing a guy when he's on the ground...it's bs!


3) Just get rid of knockdowns all together, it's no fun and shows no skill what so ever to run up to a guy, kick him to the ground (or pull for that matter), and while he's on the ground unable to defend himself you run up and backstab him. I dont get it...it's bad to hit a guy when his saber is down...yet it's ok to run up to a guy who's saber is down, and he's on the ground UNABLE TO MOVE and kill him?



These 3 things would make this game sooo much better...I mainly put these 3 cause I find the same typical cheap people to do these...I dont mind that much if someone kicks me once and kills me, no big deal, theres always next round...but it's the people that abuse this and use it as their only tactic to win, non stop kicking and tryin to backstab.


Oh yeah, 1 more thing...more skins! all server//player sided, no dl required, Yoda, Vader, Obi-Wan, Dooku, Maul, etc... it would be fun having to swing down at yoda :)

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ummmmmm...all you gotta do to block saber throw is stand still.......


who cares, if they want to die, let them die


if they are pulling you to the ground you deserve to be dead, turn on protect, or dark rage, or FORCE SPEED....or you could use absorb in the first place (gee, what a great idea, too bad nobody ever had a move in 1.03 to block pulls...)


saber locks are cool, i always lose em but they are cool......it's realistic that you'll get knocked down if you kicked or pushed from a saber lock...think about it...

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i pretty much completely agree with zero here.


i just thought i'd say though twins, there must have been something wrong with your tests though? medium did a constant 30 damage per hit. you must have either hit a moving target, allowing you to keep your saber in their body for longer, or simply continued touching them with the saber end after the move finished. im not sure about light, but i never got hit for anything but 24 from memory (but usually didnt have the mathematical ability to figure it out after the first hit in a duel took me to 1 shields). heavy stance differs depending on which kind of swing you do. the downward swing (standing, no DFA) can hit three times, for up to 120 or more damage.


from the basic tests i've done this patch, the saber damages are as follows.



Right+Attack = 47

Left+Attack = 36

Forward+Attack = 43 - 130 (can hit up to 3 times)

DFA = 300 when properly executed



All = 30

Finisher = 40-70 per hit (not sure max number of hits? 2 or 3)



All = 24

Lunge = 30-60 (one hit or two)


those are just basic figures, tested once. as you can see, heavy doesnt do a lot of damage unless you leave the saber in your opponent's body.


i think ideal damage would be


Heavy - 70-90

Medium - 45

Light - 30


i agree with the damage caps on special moves


i think disallowing force while throwing is the best idea, since they've already done it once somehow (can only push/pull once before saber returns to hand, why not no times!?)


im happy with heal and absorb, as well as grip. i think all the forces are fine the way they are.


kick damage reduction i completely agree with, 5 would be perfect i think, there's no way people would spam kick 20 times for a kill, but it would still be a very good tactic and part of combos.


i think some damage changes and the pull-while-throw things are all that really needs attention, and i think the game will still be fine even if they dont come!

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Ok...I guess I'll use more specific situations this time...

...I dont like saber throws because it's all people do in a FF duel room, instead of actually fighting (I dont get hit, yes it's easy to block, but it takes a long ass time to catc them and kill them while dodging saber throws, I want to duel, not waste my time tryin to catch someone!!!) I never said they hit me non stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And pull issue...Again, I use light side force powers, and absorb at all times...MOST of the time theys simply fill my force bar up, but every now and then absorb does wear off and I dont have enough force power to turn it on long enough from jumpin all over the place, doesnt happen much, but it does every now and then, no big deal. It's the general pull people and slash them while they are on the ground is what I'm against, I think it's cheap as hell and seems to be some peopels only tactic, it would make the game more fun to have people like that stop doin 1 move and actually fight you, removed the knockdown would make that happen. Again, it doesnt bother me much anymore, I simply quit doin FF FFA, but I think most people would agree they would like to see more people actually fight than pull//backstab.

Ever notice the people with 30 kills in 5 minutes constantly pull//backstab?


About saber lock, yes, it looks cool, and it's realistic, but you have to agree it's cheap as **** to hit someone while they are on the ground unarmed. It should at least be the loser falls to ground and the winner stumbles back some, givin the loser of the lock somewhat of a chance to get up without bein killed instantly. (I'm refering to GOOD people who will kill you in 1 hit, not the noobs that alwasy try to hit u and miss, so dont say "if your halfway good you wont get hit when u fall") I've been winning them alot lately, in some duels I win 2 locks, and both times I back off bein nice to let them get up and finish a good duel, alot of people say thanks and finish the duel, some will get me on the ground and wont hesitate a second to kill me. All I say is by givin the downed person an extra sec to get up would make saber locks alot more enjoyable!

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> but you have to agree it's cheap as **** to hit someone while

> they are on the ground unarmed


It's a fight with two people trying to kill each other. Manners were checked in at the door. No tactic is "cheap" if it helps someone in their primary goal.. to kill the other guy.


In other words stop crying. Either suck up the loss like a man, or learn how to counter the tactic.

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I posted this somewere else too, but its fits here perfectly:



After releasing two patches (1.03, 1.04) the mp is now screwed up.


In 1.03 they have reduced the damage of the saber-tip, because ppl where complaining, they got hurt by a saber tip. Doesn't that sound ridiculous? Effectively, the saber is now shortened. Eating only 1-5 hp with its tip is pointless. In 1.02 you need good timing to touch your opponent whithout risking to be touched. The saber tip damage gave a good fighter an advantage over the weak. Whats wrong with it? I dont mind beeing killed by a good fighter! In addition they deleted the feature that you could pivot during dfa. I havent played on public 1.02 servers, was dfa the only thing they did, really?


As a consequence ppl went for the bs-move. They used force pull & bs. Ppl where complaining about getting hurt again. Hey this pull and bs move is not primitive at all. In addition some ppl thought that floating is gay. Come on, leave me alone with your gay-problems! So Raven deleted floating and decreased the damage caused by bs.


Now the ppl are complaining about lighting and dfa. Well I understand what they mean. I have been on an FFA server yesterday. But it seems now that you dont have much choice. Well, Raven will delete this funtionality too in 1.05.


Then ppl will go for the yellow finisher, and in 1.06 they will delete this feature too.


The problem about whining is bigger then in other games. If you are killed in a very elegant manor, you cant say thats luck. So it makes ppl feel less smart. Thats the problem. But that (I mean elegant fighting) is the reason, that I guess most of us like the game. Yes, I still like it. I dont mean that dfa is elegant. No its not. Its more that conan style. However, its really fun to make an elegant move to kill the opponent. Or you jump into a croud of 4 ppl. and send them to the entry point with 4 fast and well coordinated swings. No longer possible, saber is too short/less damage.


Take a look at sp. You could kill a guy like desann with 2 clean blue stance lunges!! You dont beleve it? Try it out using the famous ladder map: download "The ladder" from jedioutcastmaps.com, call devmapall ladder in sp, say notarget, say npc_spawn desann, and you will see what I mean.


All those patching have seriously disabled features, hence the fighting style becomes more primitive.


Lucasarts and Ravensoft invented a new gaming genre. You cant call it 3D action shooter. I'd rather call it 3D SciFi Martial-Arts Simulator. I am very thankful for this. I would - I am allready starting to - miss it.


I hope that the program management will change the strategy of continuously removing functionality, PLEASE! Its allways better to do slight adjustments then just slashing the features.


I know that the guys from raven read the forum: so this is my wishlist:


1/ Put back the sp and 1.02 damage model of the saber tip.

2/ Enable the feature of doing pivots in bs and dfa

3/ keep the feature as it is now (introduced in 1.03) of doing combos with the red stance

4/ put back the feature that allows you to see if one uses absorb.

5/ put in a low damage mode for DUEL (isnt there allready one? sg_saberdamage 0.5 or so?)


In sp ls-sabering is still fun. You can be successful just waiting for your ls-opponents (reborn, shadowtroopers) to attack. Then move right & swing, You just touch them with your saber tip. You need at max 2 strikes to let them make their final dance. Good timing necessary! In mp (since 1.03) you have to deeply run into your opponent and you eat up 20hp's while loosing 10. You need to fight like conan. Thats not elegant.


The first point above is the most important. It leads to a good fighting style because you will try to keep away from your opponent, just touching him with the tip. Thats what saber fighting is all about, right?


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The game as is right now with 1.04 is more balanced than before but could use a little help. The saber tip damage should be higher. If you are grazed by a sharp sword blade you are just as likely to be severely hurt as you are getting a light stance hit. As for the force powers I think that they finally got everything right with the exception of one power, lightning.


I always fight as a dark Jedi but I still think the damage from lightning is too high. As for attacks I think that all of the stances have their place in combat and used correctly you can keep an opponent off balance. I use the heavy stance the most because of the damage factor. But in the middle of a fight or duel I will do a few quick light lunges or even a medium finisher to keep them on their toes.


This is a game of skill and cunning. No longer are the one hit kills the norm. Now you must take time to line up the more powerful moves. By now everyone who has played for a little while should know how to avoid all of these moves, if not you just need to practice more.


As for taking advantage of someone who has lost or thrown their saber...too fu**in bad crybabies. This is a game where the object is to KILL your opponent, not give them the chance to kill you. If you throw your saber I will make sure that you pay for it. If I kick you to the ground I will use the dfa to cut you in half. Stop thinking of new ways to make the game better for you and try to utilize the advantages and disadvantages that the game has provided you with.


I was called a lightning whore this weekend on a server where most people were on the light side. But when I said that if they stopped using protect I would turn off the lightning no one was a taker. Another server got mad at me for gripping people and dropping them to their doom.


So what! You can do or be whatever you like in this game. Just practice with BOTH side of the force so that you know the positives and the negatives of each side. Then you can develop ways and styles of fighting to make you a winner.


Another patch for moves in the end will just make us all mad because we will have to change the way we fight yet again so that those who play the game and lose all of the time can get a better chance at living. I don’t know about you guys but in the end I still find ways to kill regardless of whatever patch they throw at us. Pretty soon we will all look like Atari characters with very limited movements if the complaining does not stop. Maybe to even it up they could redo the entire combat system for the next patch and we could start over? LOL! Get a grip and deal with it!

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1/ Put back the sp and 1.02 damage model of the saber tip.

2/ Enable the feature of doing pivots in bs and dfa

3/ keep the feature (introduced in 1.03) of doining combos with the red stance

4/ put back the feature that allows you to see if one uses absorb.

5/ put in a low damage mode for DUEL (isnt there allready one? sg_saberdamage 0.5 or so?)


1. sounds good

2. why, so people do the blender again and do BS/DFA damage 20 billion times?

3. It still is there........

4. Correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure you can hear absorb and they glow blue if you hit them, if they're already glowing blue only the newbies will attack them, it's just stupid!

5. there's a command to change the damage to higher or lower, that i believe was introduced in 1.04

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Originally posted by Xzzy

> but you have to agree it's cheap as **** to hit someone while

> they are on the ground unarmed


It's a fight with two people trying to kill each other. Manners were checked in at the door. No tactic is "cheap" if it helps someone in their primary goal.. to kill the other guy.


In other words stop crying. Either suck up the loss like a man, or learn how to counter the tactic.



I still duel...if I die by getin hit when I get knocked down...I usually say gf and wait next time, no big deal. I'm simply sayin it would be MORE enjoyable to not have to worry about this. I dont mind it's there, I'm just simply sayin it would be somethin I would enjoy seeing in a later patch!!!


Everyone fights their own way, I prefer to kill a guy while he's on his feet trying to kill me, not a knockdown kill. And your right, manners were checked out at the door, however, I dont wait for a guy to get up to be "polite" I wait for the guy to get up to have a good tough fight. I dont get alot of joy from killin a guy when he's on the ground. Others might, and thats cool, slash away. I just dont feel like I really beat the guy by killing him when he's on the ground...I want that guy to know, I beat his ass 100%, I want him to say "damn that guy crushed me"..I dont want to have to hear "the only way you won was becaues you knocked me down"!!!!!!! Alot of you might not understand this, you probably see it as "a kill is a kill"..but I know some other people out there feel the same as I do, there usually the ones that dont attack when u fall.



Also...counter the tactic? the only tactic here is clicking the mouse as fast as u can...and people know about scripts, turbo buttons...etc...not much of a tactic. And saber locks ALWAYS come up sooner or later, not like dodging a DFA. So if you just can't click the mouse fast ur screwed...it's not like it's a skill that can be learned, u either click fast or you dont. (or have a turbo button or script)

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I just want the current damage ratings to be at about 1.5x or 2x times which includes tip damage.


Tip damage should not be the same as a full hit simply because even tho a saber can cut anything, even if barely touched, it would not do a deep enough cut to do much damage. Like those slashes that obiwan succumbed to in Ep2 from count dooku.


Increase Damage 1.5-2 times current levels, with the same tip damage increase percentage-great game.

I do not want 1.02 style, where ur lightsaber goes through people without damage.



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Here's my view of the "ideal" 1.05:


1) Backstab should do a lot of damage, but not FULL damage. Similar to a nice over the head hit in red stance. Heck, if you're swinging at someone like that w/ a sword, you have a much less chance of fatally wounding them than you would w/ a front attack. Blue backstab should take less than yellow, and yellow less than red, because of the timing differences.


2) add a forward "jab" move similar to a fencing attack. Saber straight forward, you know what i mean...


3) When a saber is thrown, either 1) disallow all other forces (pull and push most importantly), or 2) make the saber fall instead of returning like a boomerang, because well... that's rediculous.


3) Bring back the mid-air blue lunge. It really doesn't make any sense to completely remove it, just make the exploit floating not possible. HOWEVER, perhaps a new force should be introduced to aid landing, since whenever you see a Jedi fall a good distance, he/she is usually able to not hurt themselves (Mace Windu jumping down from the balcony in the Geonosis arena is a good example). Maybe protect already does this, but I am not sure (anyone know?)


4) Allow ground kicks/punches, after all, Jedi/Sith do know how to fight w/out a saber.


5) Make the secondary fire of the big weapons less effective against someone w/ a lightsaber. Those magnetic pulses should be able to be blocked by someone w/ a command of the Force, similar to the way Obi-Wan blocks Dooku's lightning w/ his saber.

Right now, using a saber in a guns server is basically suicide. I found running around w/ the stun baton safer... Basically, whoever has the Rocket launcher ammo, wins. Blah. Rocket launchers should have a backfire anyways....


6) Make Absorb truly Absorb force, so if you jump w/ absorb on, you cannot be stopped mid-air by a push/pull.


7) now this one is the kicker.... Allow users to ignore the chat of other users specifically, it gets SO annoying to see, "Padawan, you are the 136,003 player I have kicked to death." If only the score menu was interactive.....

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Rockets are pathetically slow in v1.04. There is no reason to fear them unless in close combat. Even then, you can pull the launcher from his hands.


Again, the way to fix a rocket launcher's "cheapness" is to add a recovery time which leaves someone who just fired one to be extremely vulnerable.


Like the DFA, moves or guns that are too powerful should not be nerfed, only add longer recovery times and prevent rotation for extra "touched only" hits.



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