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You know you're getting old when...........

Darth Groovy

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20. You hear the elevator muzak playing something from the '50s, and break out in nostalgic tears.

21. Your fondest memory is what you did "last mid-life crisis."

22. Your childhood memories don't include references to "TV," "computer," or "Vietnam."

23. You wake up at 9 am in a cold sweat, and hurriedly get ready for work. Then you remember that you're retired. :rolleyes:

24. You STILL can't program your VCR. Damn all these buttons! :p

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27. Suddenly you think those plastic sunglasses that go over your glasses were a good idea.


28. You become a compulsive bingo player.


29. You develope an addiction to prunes.


30. A casting director asks you if you would like to participate in another sequal to "Cocoon".

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33. You're always blamed for farting

34. A 5 course meal is 5 flavours of applesauce

35. You eat out of a straw

36. You think StarWars is still a government program to shoot down asteroids (they wanted to use lasers, 70's)

37. Your back goes out more than you do

38. You and your grandson swap undies. (hah)


All I can think of.....sure there'll be more

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44. You have to tie a piece of string around your finger to remind yourself to write yourself a note to remember to leave yourself a message on your voicemail, to tie another piece of string on your other finger.....


45. Wilford Brimley calls you an old fart.


47. You own a pair of parachute pants.

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