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My JK2:Outcast is haunted.


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Lol, I got that Episode 3 SP mod, and I didn't know I needed to dl the Padme skin seperately. So, when I go to playing, I was like, wtf? I look, and there's a pair of dentures with eyes above floating in the air, armed with an E-11 blaster. It was crazy.:D


Anyway, you must have over clocked your video card. I was clocking mine, tweaking it for MoH:AA, switching about 5 Mhz each, and I got to around 195/225 and I was playing in MP, and a German came around the corner, and his face was like sucked in with his eyes about 5 inches down from where they were supposed to be and the head was about 5 times normal size. It was pretty messed up.

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Went through every model I had (I downloaded no customs off the internet), and found the corrupt model. IT was "Dark Kyle". It seems that it was somehow auto-downloaded off of a server, and the patch somehow corrupted it. I"ll delete it...should be fine.

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regarding the 3rd pic.... wut on earth is kyle doing with boobs? btw, if u have any s/player mod tat modifies the game like using vader model to replace desann or something like tat, remove it and see if u solve it :) hope tat helps

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