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is 600 ping constantly OK?


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well i live in australia wich might make this worse, but i always have around 600 ping, so when i think i have slashed someone right though the neck or tummy, there actuly like 5 meters away from me, but when it goes down sometimes to 300-400, i usualy come in the top 3 of the table at the end, so if i could just play a 0-100 ping server just once, then i think i would be the greates of all time!:p

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game for most becomes unplayable over 250 pings.


I myself won't hang out on servers much over 100 msec.. I suck at leading shots and jk2 is already bad enough with wildly inaccurate weapons, a high ping jsut compounds the problems. :p


saber combat is irritating as hell, too, when someone is lagging badly.

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Originally posted by Xzzy

game for most becomes unplayable over 250 pings.


I myself won't hang out on servers much over 100 msec.. I suck at leading shots and jk2 is already bad enough with wildly inaccurate weapons, a high ping jsut compounds the problems. :p


saber combat is irritating as hell, too, when someone is lagging badly.


unfortunately on the JHQ servers i get around 200...but it always seems to be pretty lag free anyways (might help that leelink has a 1.1MB dedicated line and my internet is also 1.1MB)

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom

unfortunately on the JHQ servers i get around 200...but it always seems to be pretty lag free anyways (might help that leelink has a 1.1MB dedicated line and my internet is also 1.1MB)


Same reason I don't really go there often.. my pings are almost never below 150 and there's always better servers closer to me that I can get to.


In saber combat high pings don't really have much effect on the game until you're trying to get off the ground or landing a kick.

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Man, that would suck if I had 600 ping! Mine usually runs around 97-117 (average) But, even when I go to a server with high ping, I still have a low one? weird. I agree, if my ping is over 150, I'm not playing, just not good for me.


I like it when I can see the move I make actually happen when I make it :D If not, I'm gone...




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none of u realy get it, there aint any ausie servers, and if they were it would probably be in crapy Sydny or melborn, and look were i live, perth, its right over the other side, and as i said, when the ping is below 300-350, i usuly come in the top 3 but i never get that ping, so i have toresort to my signitur down the bottom, and still that doesnt work!:mad:

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I live in Florida in the good old USA and with my cable setup the highest ping in my list is usually around 250. I play on servers between a 25 and 150 ping most of the time and I do just fine. I am not sure if you’re on dial up or high speed but you can tweak your settings to make the game run better.


set cl_timenudge "25" = Set this to half the ping of the server you are on


set cl_maxpackets "30" = Change your settings until it smooths out. If this is too high you will drop data


set cl_packetdup "1" = Keeps the system running better by dropping “bad” packets for lack of a better term.


set rate "25000" = Rate of your connection 25000 to 62000 for high speed and lower for dial up – experiment until you get a setting that works.


set snaps "30" + set this to 30 and leave it


You can look into your jkmplayer.cfg file to see what the initial game setting have set you up at. Often the stability of your ping is more important than the actual ping itself. If you are at 300 but it is stable then you will be ok. It’s the drop in packet data that make it jump so much. You can even take these settings and make them part of a script that allows you to change them as needed to tweak yourself to your current server. Good luck!

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Do you just choose a random server to play on? What I usually do is check the server with the best ping and join. Though I would imagine that it would be quite difficult to join a descent game from australia :(



1) Find a server with the best ping

2) Tweak your JKII MP settings, as Sith Maximus recommended, and also check out a few other sites via a search engine

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I also have some problems with bad ping, which i dont understand. First, i have ADSL, and most of my friends are jealous because they have modems. I like in Sweden, and from what i have understood, there is many europeans and swedes that play JKO. There should be european servers.


My ping is either below 150 or between 600-800.... probably when i am on a european, or american server. But i dont know how to check where the server is on the join server screen.

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