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Imperial Officers Skin Pack


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Okay, okay so I've decided to put another skin pack together so sue me,....



Here's another shot of Admiral Ozzel,... close-up


He's looking better than before, but i still need to do a little more work,especially on the eyebrows.




And I've started to work on a new one,... test shot


I'm not sure I can really finish this one, he's based on the chiss model, and looks more than a little odd from the sides.

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These look great, HapSlash (but then again, all of your skins do).


I do hope that you will be able to finish the Tarkin. I was just thinking the other day that it would be nice to see one, but Peter Cushing's facial features are so defined, that it might be a difficult task without a new model.


BTW, how is your Hoth Rebel Soldier pack coming?

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Hapslash, i was just at your Stealth Kyle Thread and was wondering, when will you finish that great Model? I have been visiting your website just for that model, not saying you others aren't great at all. so ill stop rambling on and just say, pleeeaaase dont scrap the SP Kyle!! its the best ive seen!!

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Don't worry it will be released I'm just still working on touching up a lot of small things that you usually don't see unless you're looking up-close.


Considering that most people will want to use it as a single player model, those little things can become quite noticeable.


I've a tendancy to not release anything untill it meets my satifaction, hence, I usually get a bit backlogged on my projects.

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Nah, after I've released them, use them however you like. Unless you plan on editing the textures or redistributing the skins as a whole, then I'd expect some credit,...


Oh, and if it has to do with a naked Admiral Ozzel skin, then I don't want to hear about it, and by all means, keep my name out of it!



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I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, but yes.


As per my duties as skinner for the Jedi Fortress mod, it's my job to come up with the troops to be used in the game. Both good and evil, high and low ranking, I have skins planned for just about every type of military personel seen in the Star Wars movies.

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I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, but yes.


As per my duties as skinner for the Jedi Fortress mod, it's my job to come up with the troops to be used in the game. Both good and evil, high and low ranking, I have skins planned for just about every type of military personel seen in the Star Wars movies.

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I have a good concept idea for a female Imperial officer.


It's basically turning the bottom part of the tunic (under the belt) into a skirt.


I've made a skin of it for The Sims PC game, if you want to use it.


If not, I'll put up some pictures of it somewhere.


PM me about it.

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Seeing any female Imperials for Jedi Fortress doesn't sound very likely. The team sounds pretty set on only including those things that are actually seen in the movies, at least at first. They might make some exceptions for some things, but I don'k know, I'm only the skinner.

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Most of the female officers also popped up(or were featured more prominently) after the destruction of the second death star, when the empire was split up and had to use what and who it had to survive. Basically only the best and most capable female and alien officers were allowed to lead, Thrawn being the most prominent example.

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Well, that would depend.


The Emperor and his policies were sexist in nature, emphasizing his "High Human Culture" policy he created with the New Order.


In practice, however, female officers were quite common. One would not notice many of flag rank, as Daala was the only female admiral commissioned prior to Yavin. However, there were a few other female admirals--as well as thousands of mid-level female captains and lower ranked officers.


There were also millions of female crew workers.


The Galactic Empire had trillions of officers in its Starfleet, and only tens of millions were female. That is still a very high number, and some Core Worlds--like Corellia-- along with many Rim worlds could actually have quite a few female officers.


In fact, as mentioned above, I have come up with a conjectural female uniform--based on sourcebook info that female officers indeed had standardized uniforms. I'll post a link to it tomorrow.




As for things being only in the movies... Dark Jedi, Ysalamiri, and other such things in Jedi Outcast are pure EU in nature.


In any case, EU= canon. :p

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