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Four Years Ago (a long time, I know)


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So here's what I was up to four years ago: I started the first job I actually enjoyed (delivering pizzas for a company called Me n Ed's). At the time, I was all about music. Indie rock and this really cute girl were about the only things I cared about. Um... I'll try to remember more of what happened at the time, and post it here.


Anyway: what were you doing four years ago? And can you even begin to fathom running a web-site for four years?

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I see you decided to start a new thread after all. Like I said in the other thread, four years ago I was barely scraping by. A couple of years later I had myself a desk job, so I went and bought lot's of neato sh*t using this stuff I had read about in a book, called "money". Now I live in relative comfort. Wonderful stuff, this "money". I highly recommend it.


As far as a website goes; I wouldn't have the first clue as to how to get one started, let alone maintain it for any length of time.

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Yeesh! I feel so YOUNG! 4 years ago, I was doing volunteer work at the North Jeffco Animal Clinic... In fact, I still am. I was into KOOL 105.1 which is the oldies station. It wasn't too long after that I started listening to country music. I was a fan of the older heroes like Batman, Superman, and Spiderman. I hate to admit this with everything I have but... *Takes a deep breath to relax.* I hated Japanese animetion with a passion. Ugh! I can't believe it. Anyway, I started my lessons with the piano, Tai Kwon Do, voice, guitar, marimba (sp?), soccer, and choir. I had a lot on my plate. I was also very stuck up and thought I was the Center of the Universe... I wasn't into computer games or anything like that. I'm done looking at my dark years now...


Jeez... I realize now what a sad excuse for a human being I was... Well, I love me now! Tee hee hee... In fact, just the other day, I packed up at least 4/5 of my stuff in 17 boxes and gave it to Good Will. I feel much better about myself.

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Four years ago, I had just completed either my freshman or sophomore year of high school. I was probably reading about Grim Fandango for the first time, and thinking "What a dumb idea for a game...You're shooting yourself in the foot, LucasArts!". Oh yeah. I was also an AOL user back then, I think. I *might* have just dumped it by that point.


Needless to say, I was not very skilled in the ways of the web back then, and I shied away from chat and messageboards in those days. I was a regular mixnmojo reader by that point, however, but just the news and features. I didn't start venturing into IRC territory until 2000.

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4 years ago

I was a photolab technician

spending hours

sniffing film chemicals

in an enclosed space

(answers questions about my posts)

and was having a great time

seeing some of the stuff

people take pictures of.

Looking forward to seeing

Robin Williams

do the photolab stalker

thing in the upcoming movie

"1 hour photo"


also was hanging out with

musicians in their squalid

recording studio, and hanging out

with a guy who was so much like

the Samoan lawyer in

"Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"

that he should have sued them for

life copy right infringement.

and I can't remember much more

than that, because four years

ago I was traveling through

bat country.

I was not going to stop then,

and am not going back there now.

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More things I did four years ago:

Since it was my first summer after being out of high-school, naturally I went on my first epic quest. Dubbed 'Pre-Post-Apocalypse Journey #1', it started with a drive to Austin. It ended a few minutes later when my companions and I decided we didn't want to go to Austin. Rather, we wanted to do a bunch of boring crap. So 'Pre-Post-Apocalypse Journey #1' consisted of nothing more than going to 'parties' where people sat around in a house, watching tv and drinking. Of course, I was stumped at the time. But that stumping was nothing compared with the stumpage I'm experiencing right now. Here's what's stumping me: why am I about to click on 'submit reply'?

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those are airport calling numbers

for sure. I am sure you will go

somewhere. Always remeber this however

that no matter where you go

there you are,

unless you are having

an out of body experience

which in that case

that is a goat you are floating

next to, and those two gentlemen

over there are called Shepa's


yes now return to your body

and be at one with your self

and go see Austin Powers

which is kind of close maybe

to Austin.

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