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Lord F

Wraith 5

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You don't seem to be reading you PM's so...



You seem to be posting a lot of spam agian.


It would be a shame to see you become banned permitly!



I may not be a mod for off-topic proper, but i can tell you that (as a mod in swrpg) you are heading for that permit ban.



*This as been a public service anocment, brought to you by Wraith 5*



I am sorry to make this a public thread, but Lord F you are starting to get really bad again...

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ummmmm... just a personal message to you Lord Fergie. (Since you don't read pm's)


If you don't stop spamming, I will take it upon myself to personally beat the tar out of you in 2 weeks time. And I will have all authority to do so. So please, take a forum-using class from your brother and STOP SPAMMING!


This will be one of my few posts before the anniversary, seeing as how I'm going to reach a thousand during anniversary week. So you won't see more of me for a few days.


Now, back on-topic!

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Originally posted by Heavyarms

No, no one kicks tar out of someone unless it is me.


[Old man voice]Hmmmm I remember the last time you beat the tar out of someone...let's see...I think it was o yes it was the year 1814 you were in the war. Ah yes...memories.[/old man voicE]



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