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Ive looked at stuff like that in books for hours... Ive done every thing the bookes and everyone else says... I cant do that stuff... and like hell Im going to strain my eyes on this pc trying to see some picture thats hidden under static... :(

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HEy! I see a freaking X WIng!!! Its easy. just put ur face real close to the picture and dont focus ur eyes on a spot, just let ur eyes kinda like go out of focus. than slowly move away and dont move ur eyes too much. Maintain the out of focus eyes and u will see a freaking X WING!!

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

What he said.


I have the ability just to immediatly see it though...not sure why...or how. I can just....see them.


Same here. The trick is from any distance you just have to move your eyes independently of each other so your vision doubles & the pattern overlaps itself. The sixe of the dots & the small discrepancies will fake you into seeing a 3d image.

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If you have glasses or contacts will might not work since they are supposed to CORRECT your eyes. :)


Most people can see it because they can unfocuse their eyes and point of view. But most of them dont have glasses.


I know some people who CAN do with even if they have contacts or specs, but thats just because they are freaks and those who dont have glasses and contacts and cannot see it are also freaks :)


Just kidding. I have no idea why some people cant see them. I guess they have A.D.D ... oooh. a shiny quater!!

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Originally posted by TheJackal

If you have glasses or contacts will might not work since they are supposed to CORRECT your eyes. :)


Most people can see it because they can unfocuse their eyes and point of view. But most of them dont have glasses.


I know some people who CAN do with even if they have contacts or specs, but thats just because they are freaks and those who dont have glasses and contacts and cannot see it are also freaks :)


Just kidding. I have no idea why some people cant see them. I guess they have A.D.D ... oooh. a shiny quater!!



lol thats probably why I cant do it... :S

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Originally posted by Divine Spirit





sorry for getting excited there but i did just get 2 headaches u know! :D


Aww your like the guy who tormented poor willim...


Willim : hahaha you dumb bastar* it's not a schooner it's a sailboat,


Kid : A schooner is a sailboat stupid head


Willim : You know what!!! There is no easter bunny, That guy over there is a man in a suit!!!

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Hint for those that can just not get it: Try to refocus your eyes until both of the arrows overlap one another. This should have been a dead giveaway, but since no one has mentioned it yet.... I figured that I may as well.


I always liked these magic eye pictures... just can never find enough of them.


Instead of trying it on my monitor, I just printed it out before trying out the trick. Sorry, but I'm not in the mood for burning out my retina today. :D


(I've always thought these kinds of images would be great for secret messages during wartime. Maybe it's just me... :rolleyes: )

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For those you cannot do this, it actually projects a 3-D image out of the screen...like a hologram. You're not looking for patterns in the static.



HINT- Know when you get that "blank stare"?...where if you're close to something, you see double of it. You look like you're looking at something, but you're just "staring into space"? THAT'S what you do to these type of pictures.


What is weird, is, if you cross your eyes then un-cross them, you can see it, but inside-out....so instead of the X-Wing popping OUT of the screen, it sinks INTO the screen.

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Originally posted by Zindell


Aww your like the guy who tormented poor willim...


Willim : hahaha you dumb bastar* it's not a schooner it's a sailboat,


Kid : A schooner is a sailboat stupid head


Willim : You know what!!! There is no easter bunny, That guy over there is a man in a suit!!!


er.......:confused: whos wilim?

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Originally posted by TheJackal

If you have glasses or contacts will might not work since they are supposed to CORRECT your eyes. :)


Most people can see it because they can unfocuse their eyes and point of view. But most of them dont have glasses.


I know some people who CAN do with even if they have contacts or specs, but thats just because they are freaks and those who dont have glasses and contacts and cannot see it are also freaks :)


Just kidding. I have no idea why some people cant see them. I guess they have A.D.D ... oooh. a shiny quater!!


I have glasses & I can see them with or without. Hooray for stupid human tricks.

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I've tried and tried ever since I was a little kid, I can NOT see these dumb Magic Eye pictures. I swear it's all just some big joke to play on the gullible people who actually think they can see a picture in a random static pattern.

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