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Manual Blocking

Luc Solar

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I bet someone has already thought about this... but since I haven't found any such posts...here goes:



1.03 & 1.04 have been criticized a lot because of the excessive auto-blocking. I doubt many of us feel this "autoblocking" is such a great solution. So why not make in manual?



We all know the yellow special/original DFA /the Blender..or whatever. Why not have blocking use the same system? I doubt this would be too difficult to implement.



Manual blocking >>> Every blockable move is blocked when you're "aiming" at the opponent. If the reticle goes off target, tough luck. Also if you start swinging; you get hit.


This system would make the lame-ish Uber-defense history and compensate for the weak sabers.


Any thoughts?

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Originally posted by DarkJediNut

I like your idea. Help make saber fighting more real.:D


How can something fake be made more real? Keeping the crosshair right on a person is damn near impossible, and focussing only on blocking would let you get smacked in the back, or hit by another person.. when you're spinning around in a duel, you'd get demolished without autoblock. The game is already pretty intense on keys, as well.. unless you have a 7 button mouse, it would be difficult to add yet another key, especially one so important, and have it be successful.


Jedis aren't real, and removing the feature of automatically blocking would destroy the ability to block more than one person. I don't see how that could possibly work.

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Originally posted by Amante

How can something fake be made more real? Keeping the crosshair right on a person is damn near impossible, and focussing only on blocking would let you get smacked in the back, or hit by another person.. when you're spinning around in a duel, you'd get demolished without autoblock...

Jedis aren't real, and removing the feature of automatically blocking would destroy the ability to block more than one person.


How can something fake be made more real? Are you saying that screw all realism, cause "the Galaxy far far away" doesn't really exist? Good point


...not. :rolleyes:


Yes, focusing on blocking someone would indeed get you hit in the back. You think you should be able to block a Jedi who hits his saber in your bare, unprotected back while focusing on fighting the Jedi infront of you?


How about not putting yourself in a position where someone is standing behind you?


How are you supposed to block more than one simultaneous swings anyway? You only have that one saber.


And yes, spinning madly around in a duel would get you demolished.

How about moving *out of the way* of the opponents saber OR focusing on the block?


I really don't see why this would be impossible to pull off. Skill would be needed, yes, but that's kinda the whole point.

Play dumb, get killed. Play smart & use skill instead of thinking "I'll just go in swingin', the autodefence will save my butt".

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Manual blocking is a cool idea and all, but I doubt it make the game more "realistic". With manual blocking a saber battle would last under 10 secs as both saberers would attack until a hit landed. It takes away from the "force sense" ability to see and block unexpected blows. I'm not saying you should be able to block a direct DFA from the side or back but you should be able to block the occasional saber swing to the side or behind you, like the movies. Heck, the whole end duel in Episode I was one big behind the back blocking battle.


Razor Ace

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Originally posted by Canis_Aureus

It would be too hard to defend yourself and that would not lead to people defending like mad, but quite the opposite-... people would attack like mad. Rune has manual blocking and even with that games much slower attacks it sucks... almost no one uses the blocking.


The game handles blocking perfectly... it's the shields and health kits that makes the fights so long... remove these from a server instead.


Defending would require skill, but hey; remember what 1.02 was like.. You couldn't count much on blocking, instead you got out of the way. This manual system would be like a cross-breed between 1.02 and 1.03/4 defences, I think.


I doubt it would be too hard to block, since when someone gets up close, keeping your "aim" on them shouldn't be impossible. And you can always attack yourself too.


Don't know how things are in Rune (never played it), but the blocking technique is different, yes? No? The point here is that focusing (=targeting) on the attacker leads to blocking swings. It's not just about "tapping the block-button".


But the stuff you said about shields and powerups in general...I agree 100%! Can't take two steps without walking into one..and that really sucks.


Oh well, unless someone makes this "happen" I'll never find out whether the idea will work in practice.

You might be right Canis_Aureus.. but since no-one had proved it yet, let's just say that I'm right and you aren't, okay? Okay.:D

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That would be cool if you made it so you could reasonably dodge or block the blade before it hit you. Right now, the game goes to fast to be able to do it manually. I'm thinking a "dodge" guage could be used. You'd auto-dodge the blade until your dodge meter runs out, then you're screwed. :)


Razor Ace

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Manual blocking would suck. It would be too hard to defend yourself and that would not lead to people defending like mad, but quite the opposite-... people would attack like mad. Rune has manual blocking and even with that games much slower attacks it sucks... almost no one uses the blocking.


The game handles blocking perfectly... it's the shields and health kits that makes the fights so long... remove these from a server instead.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

What the hell?!


I quoted Canis_Aureus, and MY post ended up in the middle of the thread?!?!


Huh?! :eek: :eek: :D


Nobody has explained this weird phenomenon yet.


Oh, and I still think my idea R0xx0rxz all U N00berZ....or something. :)

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It would be cool in a perfect world..but in a game where people take on the persona of a being able to do great things.some of the smaller less important things like autoblock are needed...since you must bind many keys to use your real force powers..this would make the game way to hard..and blasters would tear Jedi up..Ever see a jedi miss a blaster block?...that would be just bad..besides blocing sabers the whole blaster block is there to make you feel like a jedi..imagine if you had to manualy block blasters.....that would just plain suck...maybe if to block sabers you had to hit a key, like a swing that might work..but trying to keep your crosshair on somebody would be real hard

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Keeping the crosshair right on a person is damn near impossible,




Clearly you havent been playing fps for very long. Most games require you to hold the crosshair on a person for some amount of time, if not extended. You wont win them by getting "occasional hits." UT comes to mind.


And JK2 is a relativley slow paced game, by modern fps standards.



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Originally posted by Luc Solar

I bet someone has already thought about this... but since I haven't found any such posts...here goes:



1.03 & 1.04 have been criticized a lot because of the excessive auto-blocking. I doubt many of us feel this "autoblocking" is such a great solution. So why not make in manual?



We all know the yellow special/original DFA /the Blender..or whatever. Why not have blocking use the same system? I doubt this would be too difficult to implement.



Manual blocking >>> Every blockable move is blocked when you're "aiming" at the opponent. If the reticle goes off target, tough luck. Also if you start swinging; you get hit.


This system would make the lame-ish Uber-defense history and compensate for the weak sabers.


Any thoughts?


Hey Luc Solar its your favorite person in the world Fatal!


I saw you idea and I like it, however I think you got too crazy with it.


Why not instead of this targeting system (which I must admit would be fun) just make the blocking arc 90 degrees and force player to face the hit. In other words don't make it as small as 1.02 which was a pain in the butt to use, but now where near as large as the 1.03-1.04 system.


This could work pretty well and not encourage players to "wiggle" when they hit you, which I'm pretty sure would happen if player had to target to block.


Let me know, what you think. By the way, good thinking!

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I like your idea. However I think that a block button would work better, block+direction = block that 90 degrees of your character. Then if only we could get some better crouching moves... that way youd actually have to crouch in the game.


Hey this leads off to another point why don't they make a mod to make the game real life as a sort of challenge 4 people who have done the game.

(e.g one un-blocked hit from a lightsabre would kill )


Ive been thinking of a system of sword fighting similar to this based on Dune. In Dune they talk about how when using a personal sheild slow strong attacks are more effective as they slice through the sheild better, it would make sense given the slow nature of red stance. Then after the sheilds are down its all one hit kills.

Of course youd have to make sheilds stronger...

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Originally posted by FatalStrike


Hey Luc Solar its your favorite person in the world Fatal!


Why not instead of this targeting system (which I must admit would be fun) just make the blocking arc 90 degrees and force player to face the hit. In other words don't make it as small as 1.02 which was a pain in the butt to use, but now where near as large as the 1.03-1.04 system.


OMG! It's *You* again... :D


Hmm...yes, I read the post about the 90 degree blocking arc, but don't these both systems do pretty much the same thing? Yes?


I mean, targeting someone means that you are facing them more or less. The "aim" could be right in the opponents belly, or on the end of his out-stretched hand. Wouldn't this mean, in reality, a blocking arc of about 90 degrees too?


Oh crap! :(


...now that I got some time to think about it...my system would suck. Wouldn't work that well if someone throws their saber at you, now would it! :rolleyes:



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