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I am finished. Goodbye, guys.


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Hi there. This is Sithlord-II, Michael Frost.

I am now discontinuing any model work i have done for jedi knight 2. This community has spiraled downward into what it now exists as, whining, complaining, bickering little children. To those who aren't doing this, and to the guys i chat with, i'm sorry, i just give up.


It is because of Tru Weed Smoka and Midgit Yoda that i am leaving. It has been fun, and i do hope you guys enjoyed Vader and Exar Kun, it was a learning experience, and i overall received good feedback and support from you guys.


However, it has come to my attention that Midgit Yoda is posting the leaked Beta Yoda model within his Signature on his posts, and what with Tru_Weed_Smoka's impending "Release" (you #######) i have decided to move elsewhere. I do suggest any serious modelers or texturers or ANYONE move onto a different forum from here. Bad apple spoils the bunch, right?


I am deleting any work i had been working on for JK2 now (nomi sunrider included) and i am abandoning any future projects for the game.


And by the way, to you whining ####S who simply wanted that Yoda model so badly, the leaked Beta, here is a direct link to bypass Midgit Yoda and Tru_Weed_Smoka's little agenda.




Again, i would like you guys to give Tru_Weed_Smoka and Midgit Yoda a great thank you at their email addresses, or in this forum.






PS. The final model was in the works for release tonite. Oh well.


Take care guys, like i said, it has been fun.


Michael Frost


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sorry to see u go sithlord...i didn't know u but i knew u were a cool guy and a good modeler


although i hope u do know thats what tru weed wants..if u do leave he'll be happy


im not leaving because i like Jk2...but i do think this forum has gone to the ####s...hard to believe a lone few #######s can ruin a game..its sad really and they should go get a life..because if they have time to ruin others lives or try to...that just shows they have no lives...and i pitty them

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*24 lightsaber salute*


I really hate to see you go. I really enjoyed the models that you had released. But, it's your decision. And it was a big one to make.


Some may say you were stupid for giving up, others may pitty you, but in reality, it doesn't matter.


Sure, I'd hate it if everyone else decided to get up and walk away in the middle of their models, but it would, of course, be there decision to make.


Oh, and a note to Tru Weed Smoka:


You're an ass.


And a note to Midget Yoda:


Your Dark Helmet model is... well... ####.


You are both disgraces to this community.

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How come these two #### heads havent been banned yet? What the hell are you waiting for kman? These morons are ruining the community. Sorry to hear that sithlord, i hope you reconsider. I mean.. man we need you. Dont let those ####heads get to you, arrghh kman, ban them. :mad:

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Originally posted by Tap[RR]

How come these two #### heads havent been banned yet? What the hell are you waiting for kman? These morons are ruining the community. Sorry to hear that sithlord, i hope you reconsider. I mean.. man we need you. Dont let those ####heads get to you, arrghh kman, ban them. :mad:


I'd say ban 'em.

C'mon, there's nothing anyone can do? This guy can probably encourage more people to leak other people work.

I can't believe this is happening already... -_-

Before we know it, tons of pos's will be lurking in the forum. -.-

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Kman the force is strong with you so ban the dic*s they deserve everything they get for pis$ing off the best modellers for jk2(all other modellers your work is also great keep it up). Ban them and maybe someday Sithlord-ii will come back but we dont want the forums to go down the endless spiral of doom just because of two BA$TARDS. Oh and I hope that nobody downloads that yoda beta model as it just isn't fair to Kinja, Arco and Kman as they have done alot of hard work for this model please show your respect. I REPEAT............ BAM THESE FUC*ING BA$TARDS(Tru Weed Smoka and Midgit Yoda) NOW KMAN!! PLEASE!!!!

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Why would you let two immature individuals affect you to the point that you would leave? Im sure you enjoy making models for JK2 which is why you do it. Why let these people affect you to the point that you abandon what you like to do?

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So has anyone mailed the modertors yet? I know little of what's going on (just dropped in here), so I can't give the full story, but someone who does should mail them. And the people at jediknightii, jk2files etc. Just posting here that they should be banned doesn't do jack.

Mail them directly with a good explanation...they don't want this kind of thing going on, either.


As a fellow modeler, this just pisses me off!

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Honestly, with all the #### that has happened around here, has ANYONE been banned? And as far as all these "dramatic departure" posts are concerned, they're not helping with the maturity level around here either. If you really want to delete your stuff now, then you probably didn't want to make it in the first place. When I start on a project, I do it because I want to see it in the game. I'm doing the work for free, so if its not something I want I don't even start. If you really are deleting all your work, then I guess you were doing it as a favor you felt you owed to everyone. Well hey, guess what, you don't owe anyone anything, and if anyone expects any more than that its their own fault if they now feel disappointed. If you really want to leave, then JUST LEAVE. Don't let it get to you! I live in the real world, and I'm sure you do too. This is just a hobby for me, something I enjoy doing. The moment I would ever feel as upset and emotional about this subject as you apparently do, it would be a wakeup call to me that maybe I'm not spending as much time in the real world as I should. If you let a mere 2 people frustrate you to the point where you'll quit doing something you supposedly enjoy so much, maybe you deserve more pity than we think.

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Originally posted by remark 666

something small like this happens and you run away with your tail between your legs ? pussy :confused:

Something small? 2 complete jerks come and try to rip of him and Kinja and the rest after their what, months of hard work? I'd take that pretty personally, and I'm sue you would if the same happened.


Sad to see you leave, Sith. :(

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Originally posted by defalc

Something small? 2 complete jerks come and try to rip of him and Kinja and the rest after their what, months of hard work? I'd take that pretty personally, and I'm sue you would if the same happened.


Sad to see you leave, Sith. :(


I second that. We are all gonna miss you Sith :cry7: Hopefully you will come back someday when these idiots have been banned/killed/roasted alive and continue your work.


All the best man,

Grey Fox.

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SithlordII, thanks for all the tips you have given to those of us n00b modelers. I understand your frustration, and if it was me, I would also be pissed off (this is why I do not plan on posting my WIPs until they're near completion w/ a few bugs). The two characters in question are a disgrace to humanity, and should be banned from the forum for breaking forum rules. Remember though, that we, the community, KNOW who made the model, and we KNOW who put the hard work in. Who are you trying to impress? I know I'm learning modeling for me, not for 12-year olds who can't wait a few weeks for a model. Heck, some of us TFC fans have been waiting years for TF2 to come out ( probably never will :( ).... If you're gonna let them get to you, it's truly a shame. It is after all a forum, online, in which most of us will never really meet or even talk live.


I wish I knew how to model and skin the way you guys do, but alas, I studied Computer Engineering instead of computer graphics, and I didn't know a thing about making models for JKII in 3D studio until I started reading this forum. I hope that you guys will pass on the knowledge you have to those of us Padawan learners (so to speak), so that we can continue making JKII better and better. It's a shame to see a few bad apples spoiling the whole bunch.


I hope you'll reconsider and just learn to treat the idiots as idiots, and ignore them (like some of us do).


May the Force be with you, always.

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I come back from my holiday to the most depressing news ever. Oh cr@p. I am going to sorely miss you, sithlord-ii


My friends ridicule me for liking Star Wars and they saw your name and have since been joking about you. I stood up for you, though.


This sucks. Those bastards suck.


:( I feel so sh*tty.


I am really really sad that you might never read this

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Originally posted by sithlord-II

Hi there. This is Sithlord-II, Michael Frost.

I am now discontinuing any model work i have done for jedi knight 2. This community has spiraled downward into what it now exists as, whining, complaining, bickering little children. To those who aren't doing this, and to the guys i chat with, i'm sorry, i just give up.


It is because of Tru Weed Smoka and Midgit Yoda that i am leaving. It has been fun, and i do hope you guys enjoyed Vader and Exar Kun, it was a learning experience, and i overall received good feedback and support from you guys.


However, it has come to my attention that Midgit Yoda is posting the leaked Beta Yoda model within his Signature on his posts, and what with Tru_Weed_Smoka's impending "Release" (you #######) i have decided to move elsewhere. I do suggest any serious modelers or texturers or ANYONE move onto a different forum from here. Bad apple spoils the bunch, right?


I am deleting any work i had been working on for JK2 now (nomi sunrider included) and i am abandoning any future projects for the game.


And by the way, to you whining ####S who simply wanted that Yoda model so badly, the leaked Beta, here is a direct link to bypass Midgit Yoda and Tru_Weed_Smoka's little agenda.






Again, i would like you guys to give Tru_Weed_Smoka and Midgit Yoda a great thank you at their email addresses, or in this forum.






PS. The final model was in the works for release tonite. Oh well.


Take care guys, like i said, it has been fun.


Michael Frost



Forgive me if I dont help you feel better about yourself for leaving.


I hate to break it to you pal, but this kind of stuff happens.

I've been at the counter-strike skins forums for a long ass time

and I have seen my fair share of ripping and model stealing.

Hell even a company took a guys model and sold it for money.


Yeh, think that one over.


Now, for you to delete all your models and move on because two

imps act like 4ssholes, thats just sad. I hate to see talent like

yours move on over something stupid. Sure they suck, and they

did alot of bad stuff, sure people whine about release dates

and all that stuff, but if you dont want to hear all the whining,

then you wont get to hear all the encouragement and thanks,

thats how things work, you got a W.I.P. and you post it, prepare

for good, bad , and horrible comments. If you don't like to hear

anything then just dont post the model until your done.


Now you seem like a respectable man, and for some reason

I don't think you deleted your jk2 models but I might be wrong.


Either way, I think you leaving is a sign of weakness, its like your

giving up.


but I'm just a name on a screen so what do I know.

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I gotta say; what Muhahahahahahahahahhhhhhhah and Darth Maul said pretty much sums up what I think. It's sad to see you go (especially as you've probably got a whole lot to tech), but you probably shouldn't. At least tell the real modelers where to reach you (or give us an addy to a forum where we can model in peace :) ).

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with all the dumb@sses complaining about this and that and all that other crap i knew it was only a matter of time until one of you decided to leave. its funny when you think about it, all people had to do was be cool and not act like lil d**ks and they wouldve gotten one of the best models ever made in any game by now. now not only them but people like me who didnt make their lives revolve around this game charachter have to miss out on it.


oh well. good luck with whatever you plan to do next, hope they dont as many jac**sses there. btw, what do midget and that guy who's personality comes from weed have to say?

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