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Can you bind kick?


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1.04 sucks....sabers by default do nearly no damage (Just to experiement, I did the blue lunge on an afk....took 5 of them...and that's the afk holding the pistol blaster). Most admins don't bother messing with commands...they should have had default high damage.


Okay, now...I'm not sure, but you'd think it would be something like bind x "jumpcommand;jumpcommand" or something.

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Dont try what the last poster said for binding kick, it will NOT work. There is a way to do it but its not very effective at all and doesnt always work. Its something like +moveup +wait +moveup +wait etc, DON'T try that one either, its just simular to the actual bind.


btw, the lightsaber damage is the EXACT same as before except for strong stance, its even MORE powerfull than in 1.0.3

You can now kill someone who has full health with one normal swing, that was not possible in 1.0.3 but it is now in 1.0.4

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Red stancers are the easiest to kill. Just throw a saber whiel they swing, or just hack em in the back after they swing....but of coarse, it normally does 10 damage.



I'm not talking about all blocks. When I was hit, I would get hurt for 1 or 2 damage.



I also said, it took 4 or 5 blue lunges on an AFK that was holding the blaster pistol...so he couldn't block. That's LUNGES, special move. Imagine how many normal swings it would have taken.

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To the person asking about binding:


You're probably better off just doing the kick from your side (LEFT/RIGHT + JUMP in to your opponent); that move only requires one press of the jump button, so it's a bit more reliable in that sense. I'm not sure if there's a damage potential difference, though.


But yeah, binding attacks is t3h gh3y.

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then again, it is possible not to use any commands except for the +moveup command


if you use a config, you should be able to write more than one line for console commands in it, then bind the config file to a key.


works in wolfenstien!

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If you dig actually doing damage with your lightsaber, come visit my server.


The damage is high, and the blocking is low. The way it should be.


I tried a 'normal' untweeked server a few nights ago and it was a joke. 1.03 without the backstab.

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You don't need to bind a move to kick to get em off real fast...


Just practice alot on bots and walls, bots run straight towards you so you can get a feel for the distance before first jump and timing towards the second.


Usually I jump at 1 game foot away from the character model, then jump again when i'm chest height with the model. It does 2 more damage than a side kick i believe.

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Originally posted by Lionen

Low blocking? The way it should be? Those two doesn connect. Saber duels should be more fencing and less run and swing. Blocking should be more OFTEN than its now.


Actually it IS the way it should be because thats the way the game was originally with 1.02. Raven only changed blocking and damage because of all the complaining noobs that couldn't handle the skillful game that 1.02 was.


High damage/low block settings make playing JK2 MUCH more tactical, you have to watch your every move and your opponents every move or you'll end up dead real quick. But most importantly it makes it feel like you're actually weilding a lightsaber instead of an oversized slurpee straw that bounces off everything. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Deetox187

But most importantly it makes it feel like you're actually weilding a lightsaber instead of an oversized slurpee straw that bounces off everything. :rolleyes:


That's odd. I don't see light sabers passing straight through each other in the movies...

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Yeah, I think high block, high damage would be better... more realistic. In the movies it is usually a one hit kill with lots of blocking and locking, and that's how it should be in the game. I prefer JediMod and various other mods because tey allows saber locks in normal play, not just duels.


Those would have been my 2 cents... but I'm English, so it's 2 pence!!!

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

1.04 sucks....sabers by default do nearly no damage (Just to experiement, I did the blue lunge on an afk....took 5 of them...and that's the afk holding the pistol blaster). Most admins don't bother messing with commands...they should have had default high damage.


Okay, now...I'm not sure, but you'd think it would be something like bind x "jumpcommand;jumpcommand" or something.


You're funny. He didn't ask if whether 1.04 sucks or not. He asked if you could bind a key to kick. Learn to read.

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