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Scripters are are cheap whores!


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I hardly win a saber lock nowadays bcus of all the scripts, people say "naa its just im quick at clicking" but heres me giving it absolute death on my keyboard and he knocks me over within 2 seconds, surely i woulda lasted a bit longer if he was not scripting.



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  • 4 months later...

Couldn't agree with you more.


Scripting for moves sucks. Scripting for various things such as mod changes, saber color, chatting, etc. are acceptable to me and are fun. However, when you script a move because you're too slow to hit the buttons at the right time to execute the move, then yes, you suck.


Try spending the time you spent on the script learning the moves.

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I must admit. I script. Yeah, i said it. I script for the fun of it and see how far i can push the game.


Its not the scripters who are the @$$holes in this conversation, its the people who use them. I am NOT one of those. I do not use the scripts i write and the only script i do use is to change the colors of my name when im playing.


I do agree that the persons who use the scripts to help do moves the cannot be bothered learning, are a bunch of tossers.


I am with you guys but i am going to keep scripting for the knowledgeable experience and also to hope that raven can help lock the commands 'vstr' and all the move commands from use in these type of scripts after getting moaned at for too long.


Just my two cents and please do not flame me unless you have read this whole post. You might understand the point im trying to make.

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Originally posted by NwO_2k_Mutt

I agree that scripting moves is lame, but arent you the same guy that on the Valley of the Jedi board asking how to bind kicking to a key ??????? And now you come on here flaming the same stuff ? hmmmmmmm


Yes thats me, I play a perticular person who does this, I am wondering how to do it so I Can use it against him, its not fair.

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Originally posted by NwO_2k_Mutt

hitting jump twice is just as easy as binding it

I agree. It wouldnt matter if someone is using a kick script bind. Successfull kicking is all timing when to kick and your ping time. Only way i can see it helping is if you're physically unable to press a key fast enough to do a jump :p

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